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  1. Remember words and expressions:

the right to education право на образование

compulsory обязательный

inclusive [in’klu:siv] включительно

to finish a secondary school заканчивать среднюю школу

a vocational school училище

a technical school техникум

a day-time department дневное отделение

evening or part-time,

extramural or correspondence вечернее или заочное

an applicant [‘æplikənt] абитуриент

an undergraduate = a student


a term семестр

an academic year (a study year) учебный год

a graduate course аспирантура

a theses [Ɵi:sis] диссертация

a candidate [‘kændidit] degree степень кандидата наук

a doctoral degree степень доктора наук

an objective [ɔb’ʤektiv] цель

to decentralize уничтожить централизацию

to be funded by the state финансироваться государством

to get a scholarship [‘skɔləʃip] получать стипендию

to take notes вести конспект

credit tests зачеты

in advance [əd’va:ns] заранее

a course [kɔ:s] paper курсовая работа

a graduation project дипломный проект

to submit [səb’mit] (to present [pri’zent]) представлять

  1. Find in the text English equivalents of the following words and word-combinations:

продолжать образование в вузе, общеобразовательные предметы, одновре-менно работая, поступать в университет, находиться в переходном периоде, высшие военные училища, иметь возможность, сдавать конкурсные экза-


мены, создать новый финансовый механизм, платные курсы, производст-венная практика, посещать лекции, обучение специалистов, учебный год делится на два семестра, успешно сдать экзамены, учиться регулярно и усердно работать, сдавать зачеты заранее, сдавать выпусные государствен-ные экзамены.

  1. Fill in gaps by words or word-combinations in brackets.

  1. My friend is a second-year student. Last year he … successfully and … the University. He studies … . He is a … student.

  2. Mike studies at the day-time department. During the academic year he works hard and … lectures reqularly. Sometimes he takes exams and credit tests …. Mike gets ….

  3. Did you write … and receive a candidates degree?

  4. In Russia the academic year … into two terms. At the end of each term the student … a course paper.

  5. How many … are there at the universities in Russia? … at a university usually takes 5 years.

(a thesis, the complete course of studies, is divided, took competitive exams, departments, a scholarship, entered, part-time, attends, submits, without leaving his job, in advance)

  1. Replace underlined words by antonyms and translate sentences into Russian.

  1. My friend’s brother is a full-time student.

  2. Higher education is our country is free of charge.

  3. An applicant failed at the entry exams.

  4. John passed final state exams successfully.

  5. The students often missed lectures and studied inconstantly.

  1. Answer the questions. Follow the model:

Model: Do you study literature at the University?

No, I don’t. I study mathematics.

  1. Are you a second-year student?

  2. Do you study at an extra-mural department?

  3. Is higher education in Russia compulsory?

  4. Does your friend get a scholarship?

  5. Will you present a thesis after graduating from the University?

  6. Do you always take exams and credit tests in advance?

  1. Ask the questions to the anderlined words:

  1. There are three departments at the Universities of Russia.


  1. Part-time students have an apportunity to study without leaving their jobs.

  2. The complete course of studies at a University usually takes 5 years.

  3. All institutes and universities until recently have been funded by the state.

  4. They regullarly attend his lectures.

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