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Pattern: depress – depression -depressing

verb noun adjective


prevent – -

























Exercise 9. Mark the word stress on these nouns. What is the adjective formed from each of the nouns? Is the word stress in the same place in the adjective? Use a dictionary if necessary:

noun adjective

  1. theory

  2. capability

  3. condition

  4. strategy

  5. divergence

  6. method

  7. application

  8. defense

  9. procedure

  10. consultation

  11. character

  12. disintegration

  13. government

  14. problem

  15. ambivalence

Exercise 10. Prepare some detailed reports on the topics keeping close to the text. Use some introductory sentences below:

I should like to emphasize/point out – Мне хотелось отметить (подчеркнуть), что

I think, suppose, presume that… – Я думаю, что…

I must say that… – Надо сказать, что…

I have every good reason to believe… – У меня есть (все) основания считать, что…

In my opinion, as to me, as for me, to my mind… – По-моему…

I hold (am of) the same opinion… – Я придерживаюсь, того же мнения

I could comment on the question… – Я мог бы прокомментировать этот вопрос

I’m particularly interested in this problem – Меня особенно интересует этот вопрос

Will you allow me to take the floor, please – Разрешите мне выступить(взять слово)

I would like to clarify my point of view on… – Я хотел бы разъяснить мою точку зрения по…

  1. Development of EU Foreign Policy Making.

  2. Critical observations.

  3. Russia’s strategy.

  4. Development of EU Foreign Policy Making.

  5. Common strategies.

  6. The need to develop a common policy.

Т ема VII.


(Volker Undorf, Chairman of the Board, European Business Club in the Russian Federation)

“The European Business Club (EBC) is welcoming the Accession Countries to the European Union. The EU is Russia’s biggest trading partner and foreign direct investor. After the accession, over 50 percent of the foreign direct investment to Russia will come from the EU, and 55 percent of Russia’ s trade will be with the EU. This shows that Europe is indeed the primary strategic partner for Russia.

In terms of energy provision, Russia is the most important partner for Europe – so you may say we are more or less dependent on each other. That is certainly true from the business perspective, and I believe it will also apply to a certain extent from the political perspective. Therefore, after Russia joins the WTO, which will further strengthen economic ties with Europe, it is possible that this country could also become an associate member of the EU at some point.

While many companies from the Accession Countries are already EBC members, after May, they will gain voting rights in The EBC and have a greater say in our overall management and strategy. The EBC has drawn up a new Charter to reflect these and other progressive changes. Following the Charter’ s approval, we will invite representatives from the Accession Countries to join existing EU company members and to stand for positions on the new Council of National Representatives and Executive Board.

After the accession, the EBC will officially represent 25 countries and significant number of companies hailing from those countries and this will only serve to strengthen the voice of the EBC in lobbying for improvements in the trade and business environment in Russia in the interests of our member companies.

I think that the world "club" in the name of our organization is no longer correct because we have more than 400 hundred members. So the first thing in our plan is a change of name. My proposal is to call it "the European Business Association in Russia (EBAR)," but this proposal must be approved first by the Board and after that by our member companies. This brings about two other important issues that were neglected in the first part, transparency and corporate governance. First of all, this means that any important decision in our organization must be improved by the Board and by our members. The second important point: we must recognize that the backbone of our club or association, whatever its name would be, is the work of Committees. But this has not been fully reflected in organizational frameworks.

My intention is to propose that besides the two legal organs of the EBC, the General Assembly and the Board, an Advisory Council representing member-countries, with one voting member foe each country, should be formed. This means that after the enlargement of the EU in 2004, we will have 25 members on the Advisory Council. I also propose to have delegates from the Committees in the Executive Board. To make my proposal clear, I suggest that the driving force of our association, the Committees, must be represented in the Executive Board by their heads: representatives of member-countries will become members of the Advisory Council: to approve all major decisions we will have the General Assembly. I do believe that this organizational change will make our association stronger in following its aims.

What are these aims?

Primarily, we have to focus on fulfilling the needs of our members, so our major aim is to support our member-companies in any respect of their business in Russia. Thus I see my first duty as chairman of the board in asking our members if they are satisfied with what we are doing, what their needs are and what we should do better. This focus on our members' needs will go hand in hand with the strategic goal of the EBAR which is to improve the trade and business environment in Russia for its members through lobbying and information network activities. It will promote the liberalization of trade and industry in Russia in conformity with internationally accepted norms. The association will contribute to the implementation of the EU-Russia Partnership and Cooperation Agreement, to the achievement of the accession of Russia to the World Trade Organization and to the creation of Common European Economic Space between Russia and the European Union.

A real challenge for the association will be the question of the accession of new countries. We shall have to convince hundreds of companies from these countries that joining us well add value to their Russian business. Consequently, new entrants will add value to our association as regards its capacity and influence in Russia. In the past, the EBC established good working relations with high-ranking Russian government officials from the Presidential Administration, key ministries and state agencies, with both federal legislative bodies and the Central Bank, as well as with regional administrations and national associations. We are going to maintain and enhance these contacts to better understand the position of the Russian government and of the Russian business community in various issues relating to barriers in trade and investment and to convey these to members. We shall continue to present to the respective Russian policy makers problems encountered by our members, recommend and, where possible, negotiate changes in law and regulations to adapt them to European norms.

It goes without saying that we shall also continue to work closely with the Delegation of the European Commission in Russia and EU officials in Brussels to specify major problems facing European companies in Russia, which may be used by the European Commission as input for the official meetings with the Russian Government. It was a great encouragement for me to receive an implicit support from the head of the Delegation of the European Commission in Russia and embassies of the number of EU countries after the election of the new management of the EBC. It was underlined that they are very much interested in enhancing and intensifying cooperation with our business association in the future. It was no less encouraging that when I recently met with heads of EBC Committees and shared with them my ideas on our future work, especially on its transparency and corporate governance, they told me that this is the first thing what they need.”

New developments in the EBC (reorganization)

In October 2004, the European Business Club in the Russian Federation became the Association of European Businesses (AEB) upon registration of its new charter. Voted in by members in the summer, the Charter reflects the AEB’ s growing weight as the representative of European business in Russia after the enlargement of the European Union, as well as its updated strategy and broadened organizational structure.

The new strategy defines the Association’s code of conduct, stipulating its adherence to internationally accepted business norms and corporate governance principles. The strategy also details the AEB’ s principal areas of activity: lobbying European business interests, providing information flows to and between members, networking, contributing to EU-Russia integration.

The new-two board management structure of the AEB includes executive and advisory bodies. The Executive Board is a seven-member team of business leaders chaired by Michel Perhirin, Chairman of the Board at ZAO Raiffeisenbank Austria. AEB members approved Andreas Romanos as their new Chief Executive Officer to manage everyday activities of the Association. The AEB’ s collective advisory board is the Council of National Representatives (CNR), which comprises country-representatives from each EU member state and non-voting representatives of the EFTA and the European commission. Geoffrey Cox OBE, was elected Chairman of the CNR.


the European Business Club (EBC) – Европейский деловой клуб (ЕДК)

the General Assembly of members – Общее собрание членов

the Advisory Council – Консультативный совет

the European Business Association in Russia (EBAR) – Европейская деловая ассоциация в России (ЕДАР)

the Board – Правление

member-countries – страны-члены

the Council of National Representatives and Executive Board of the EBC- Совет национальных представителей и Исполнительная дирекция ЕДК

the Association of European Businesses (AEB) – Ассоциация европейского бизнеса (АЕБ)

the Council of National Representatives (CNR) – Совет национальных представителей (СНБ)

the AEB’ s Chief Executive Officer – Генеральный Директор АЕБ

the Executive Board – Правление (исполнительный орган)

Active Vocabulary:

the adherence to corporate governance principles – приверженность принципам корпоративного поведения

to become an associate member of the EU – стать ассоциированным членом ЕС

the code of conduct – кодекс поведения

to welcome the Accession Countries to the European Union – приветствовать присоединение к Европейскому Союзу

trading partner – торговый партнер

to be the primary strategic partner – являться главным стратегическим партнером

to lobby for a proposal – проталкивать законопроект, лоббировать

to lobby a bill through – лоббировать, провести законопроект с помощью закулисных махинаций

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