69.12 Кб

Листинг программы

#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

#include <conio.h>

#include <dos.h>

#include <string.h>

#include <iostream.h>

#include <graphics.h>

#include <math.h>

#include <TIME.H>

#include <SYS\TYPES.H>

// Struct

const int STR_SIZE =20;

struct record

{ char imia[STR_SIZE];

char telefon[STR_SIZE];

int god_ystanovki;

int colich_abonentov;

int plata_telefon;};

//function prototypes

int ZastBeg();

void ProsmotrBD();

void CreateBD();

void AddRecord();

void AddRecord(const record & r);

void LoadBD();

void SaveBD();

int ChooseRecord();

void EditRecord();

void DeleteRecord();

void FindRecord();

void SortBD();

int Exit();

void ZastEnd();

int Get(int min, long max);


static record * records = 0;

static long int nrecords = 0;

const int menupuncts = 10;

static char menu[menupuncts][30] = {"Prosmotr bazi dannix",

"Dobavlenie zapisi",

"Create baze dannix",

"Load baza dannix",

"Save baze dannix",

"Edit record",

"Ydalenie zapisi",

"Sortirovka baze",

"Poisk zapisi",

"Exit" };

const int sortmenupuncts = 6;

static char sortmenu[sortmenupuncts][30] = {"Sortirovka po imeni",

"Sortirovka po telefon",

"Sortirovka po god_ystanovki",

"Sortirovka po colich_abonentov",

"Sortirovka po plata_telefon",

"Return to main menu" };


int YesNoDialog()

{ printf("\n<Enter> - yes, <Esc> - no");

int c;


{c = getch();

}while(c != 13 && c != 27);

return c;}

int Menu()

{ int choice = 0;

int loop = 1;

while(loop == 1)

{ clrscr();

for(int i=0;i<menupuncts;++i)

{ if(i == choice)

printf("\n >%s< ", menu[i]);


printf("\n %s", menu[i]);}

printf("\n\nNazhmite vverx/vniz dlia peredvizhenia kursora, nazhmite <Enter> dlia vibora deistvia");

int c = getch();


{ case 72: --choice;break;

case 80: ++choice;break;

case 13: loop = 0;break;

default:break; }

if(choice < 0) choice = menupuncts - 1;

if(choice >= menupuncts) choice = 0;}

return choice;}

int ZastBeg()//ZAST_BEG

{ int gdriver = DETECT, gmode, errorcode;

int maxx, x1, x2, x3, y1, y2, y3, i, k, s;

/* initialize graphics and local variables */

initgraph(&gdriver, &gmode, "c:\\bor\\turbo5\\bgi");

errorcode = graphresult();

if (errorcode != grOk)

{printf("Graphics error: %s\n", grapherrormsg(errorcode));

printf("Press any key to halt:");


exit(1); }

maxx = getmaxx();

setbkcolor (2);

setlinestyle(DOTTED_LINE, 0, 3);

line(0,420, maxx, 420);


setlinestyle(0, 0, 2);

line(440,380, 560, 380);

line(440,100, 560, 100);

line(440,240, 560, 240);

line(570,110, 570, 370);

line(570,120, 570, 360);

line(430,110, 430, 370);

bar(439, 109, 561, 241);

line(470,105, 530, 105);

arc(440, 110, 90, 180, 10);

arc(560, 110, 0, 90, 10);

arc(440, 370, 180, 270, 10);

arc(560, 370, 270, 0, 10);

circle(460, 270, 12);

circle(460, 310, 12); //knopki :

circle(460, 350, 12);

circle(500, 270, 12);

circle(500, 270, 12);

circle(540, 270, 12);

circle(500, 310, 12);

circle(500, 350, 12);

circle(540, 310, 12);

circle(540, 350, 12);


outtextxy(maxx/2-50, 30, "KURSOVAYA RABOTA");



outtextxy(140,110,"Theme: PLATA ZA TELEPHON");


outtextxy(300,450,"Autor: Shikunov V.V., group:PC-118");

for(i=0; i<8; i++)

{ s=s+i;

for(k=0; k<50; k++){


arc(560, 110, 0, 90, 15+k);

arc(560, 110, 0, 90, 25+k);

arc(560, 110, 0, 90, 35+k);



arc(560, 110, 0, 90, 15+k);

arc(560, 110, 0, 90, 25+k);

arc(560, 110, 0, 90, 35+k);}


bar(440, 110, 560, 240);


floodfill(500, 350, 15);

floodf ill(460, 350, 15);

floodfill(460, 270, 15);

floodfill(500, 270, 15);

floodfill(540, 350, 15);

floodfill(540, 270, 15);

floodfill(500, 310, 15);

floodfill(460, 310, 15);

floodfill(540, 310, 15);}


int c = getch();

return c;}

void ZastEnd()//ZastEnd

{ clrscr();



int Exit()//Vixod

{ clrscr();

printf("\n Vi yvereni chto xotite exit?");

return YesNoDialog();}

int main()

{ if(ZastBeg() != 27)

{ int loop = 1;

while(loop == 1)

{ int p = Menu();


{ case 0: ProsmotrBD(); break;

case 1: AddRecord(); break;

case 2: CreateBD(); break;

case 3: LoadBD(); break;

case 4: SaveBD(); break;

case 5: EditRecord(); break;

case 6: DeleteRecord(); break;

case 7: SortBD(); break;

case 8: FindRecord(); break;

case 9: if(Exit() != 27) loop = 0; break; }}}

else ZastEnd();

return 0;}

static char filename[32]; //FileDialog

char * FileDialog()

{ clrscr();

printf("Input imia file:");

fscanf(stdin, "%s", filename);

return filename;}

void InputRecord(record & rec) //Vvod zapisi

{ clrscr();

int c;

if(kbhit())getch ();

rec.imia[0] = 0;

rec.telefon[0] = 0;

do{ printf("\nInput imia (15 simvolov):");

while(rec.imia[0] == 0)gets(rec.imia);

printf("\nInput telefon (6 cifr):");

while(rec.telefon[0] == 0)gets(rec.telefon);

printf("\nInput god_ystanovki (1..2010):");

rec.god_ystanovki = Get(1, 2010);

printf("\nInput colich_abonentov (1..999):");

rec.colich_abonentov = Get(1, 999);

printf("\nInput plata_telefon (1..9999r):");

rec.plata_telefon = Get(1, 9999);

printf("\nVi yvereni?");

c = YesNoDialog();

}while(c != 13);}

void AddRecord(const record & r) //DobavlenieRecord

{ ++nrecords;

record * newrecords = new record[nrecords];

if(records) {

memcpy(newrecords, records, (nrecords - 1) * sizeof(record));}

delete[] records;

records = newrecords;

records[nrecords - 1] = r;}

Void AddRecord()

{ record r;



int IsInString(const char *string, const char *search_for) //poisk zapisi

{ int maxpos=0;


int len=0;


for (int i=0; i<len; i++)

{ int add=0;

while(string[i+add] == search_for[add])

{ if(add==maxpos-1)return 1;


return 0;}

int RecordsSimilar(const record & a,const record & b)

{ int result = 1;

if(b.imia[0] != '-' && b.imia[1] != 0)if(IsInString(a.imia, b.imia) == 0)result = 0;

if(b.telefon[0] != '-' && b.telefon[1] != 0)if(IsInString(a.telefon, b.telefon) == 0)result = 0;

if(b.god_ystanovki != -1)if(a.god_ystanovki != b.god_ystanovki)result = 0;

if(b.colich_abonentov != -1)if(a.colich_abonentov != b.colich_abonentov)result = 0;

if(b.plata_telefon != -1)if(a.plata_telefon != b.plata_telefon)result = 0;

return result;}

Void FindRecord()

{ if(!records)

{ clrscr();

printf("\nNet zapisi, nazhmite lubyu klavishy.");

getch(); }

else{ clrscr();

record rec;

if(kbhit())getch ();

rec.imia[0] = 0;

rec.telefon[0] = 0;

printf("Input nazvanie zagolovka zapisi,dlia poiska po\n");

printf("\nInput imia (15 simvolov),\nprint \"-\" if you don't want to search by this field:");

while(rec.imia[0] == 0)gets(rec.imia);

printf("\nInput telefon (6 cifr),\nprint \"-\" if you don't want to search by this field:");

while(rec.telefon[0] == 0)gets(rec.telefon);

printf("\nInput god_ystanovki (1..2010),\nprint -1 if you don't want to search by this field:");

rec.god_ystanovki = Get(-1, 2010);

printf("\nInput colich_abonentov (1..900),\nprint -1 if you don't want to search by this field:");

rec.colich_abonentov = Get(-1, 900);

printf("\nInput plata_telefon (1r..90000r),\nprint -1 if you don't want to search by this field:");

rec.plata_telefon = Get(-1, 90000);

record * oldrecords = records;

int oldnrecords = nrecords;

records = 0;

nrecords = 0;

int n = 0;

for(int i=0;i<oldnrecords;++i)

{if(RecordsSimilar(oldrecords[i], rec) == 1)

{ AddRecord(oldrecords[i]);


} if(n>0)

{ printf("\n%d Zapis naidena! Nazhmite ludyu klavishy dlia prosmotra.", n);



} else

{ printf("Nichego ne naideno.");

getch(); }

if(records)delete[] records;

records = oldrecords;

nrecords = oldnrecords;}}

void OutputRecord(record & rec) //Vivod zapisi

{ printf("%-17s%-17s%-12d%-12d%-10d", rec.imia, rec.telefon, rec.god_ystanovki, rec.colich_abonentov, rec.plata_telefon);}

void OutputTable(int start, int n) //Vivod tablici

{ if(!records)

{ clrscr();

printf("\nNet zapisi, nazhmite lubyu klavishy.");


} else

{ if(start<0)start = 0;

if(start + n > nrecords) n = nrecords - start;


{ printf("N: |imia |telefon |god_ystanovki|colich_abnentov|plata_telefon\n");

for(int i=start;i<start+n;++i)

{ printf("\n%-3d", (i % nrecords)+1);

OutputRecord(records[(i % nrecords)]);}}}}

int SortMenu()//SortirovkaMenu

{ int choice = 0;

int loop = 1;

while(loop == 1)

{ clrscr();

for(int i=0;i<sortmenupuncts;++i)

{ if(i == choice)

printf("\n >%s< ", sortmenu[i]);


printf("\n %s", sortmenu[i]); }

printf("\n\nNazhmite vverx/vniz dlia peredvizhenia kursora, nazhmite <Enter> dlia vibora deistvia.");

int c = getch();


{ case 72: --choice;break;

case 80: ++choice;break;

case 13: loop = 0;break;

default:break; }

if(choice < 0) choice = sortmenupuncts - 1;

if(choice >= sortmenupuncts) choice = 0; }

return choice;}

static record c;

void swap(record & a, record & b) //Sortirovka BD

{ c = a;

a = b;

b = c;}

Соседние файлы в папке Курсовая работа - Создание и работа с базой данных "Плата за телефон"