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Irritably [`IrItqblI], lose [lHz], hear [hIq], heard [hWd], seriousness [`sIqrIqsnqs]

"You're harder'n hell to get information from," Jim burst out irritably. "Tell us about it. You ain't goin' to lose money just a-tellin' a guy."

"I guess I choked him some," came the answer. Then, by way of explanation, "He woke up on me."

"You did it neat. I never heard a sound."

"Jim," the other said with seriousness, "it's a hangin' matter. I fixed 'm. I had to. He woke up on me. You an' me's got to do some layin' low for a spell."

Jim gave a low whistle of comprehension.

"Did you hear me whistle (ты слышал, как я свистел)?" he asked suddenly (спросил он внезапно).

"Sure (конечно). I was all done (я уже покончил с делом: «был весь сделан»; to do — делать). I was just comin' out (я как раз выходил)."

"It was a bull (это был легавый: «бык»). But he wasn't on a little bit (но он ничего не заметил: «не был включен ни на малую долю»; to be on — быть включенным). Went right by (прошел прямо мимо) an' kept a-paddin' the hoof (и все топал копытами; to keep doing — все время что-то делать; to pad — шагать) out a sight (прочь: «вне поля зрения»). Then I come back (тогда я пришел обратно; жарг. вместо прош. вр. came от to come — прийти) an' gave you the whistle (и подал тебе свист = знак свистом). What made you (что заставило тебя; to make — делать, заставлять) take so long (так сильно медлить: «брать так долго») after that (после этого)?"

sure [SVq], bull [bVl]

"Did you hear me whistle?" he asked suddenly.

"Sure. I was all done. I was just comin' out."

"It was a bull. But he wasn't on a little bit. Went right by an' kept a-paddin' the hoof out a sight. Then I come back an' gave you the whistle. What made you take so long after that?"

"I was waitin' to make sure (я ждал, чтобы удостовериться: «сделать уверенным»)," Matt explained (объяснил Мэтт). "I was mighty glad (я был очень: «мощно» доволен) when I heard you whistle again (когда услышал, как ты свистишь снова; to hear — слышать). It's hard work waitin' (это тяжелый труд — ждать). I just sat there (я просто сидел там; to sit — сидеть) an' thought an' thought (и думал, и думал; an’ = and) ... oh, all kinds of things (ох, обо всяком: «все виды вещей»). It's remarkable what a fellow'll think about (это удивительно — о чем человек будет думать = о чем только ни думает). And then there was a darn cat (а еще там был чертов кот) that kept movin' around the house (который все время шнырял по дому; to keep doing — все время что-то делать; to move — двигаться) an' botherin' me with its noises (и доставал меня своими шумами)."

"An' it's fat (и он = куш жирный)!" Jim exclaimed irrelevantly (воскликнул Джим неуместно) and with joy (и с радостью).

"I'm sure tellin' you, Jim (я точно тебе говорю, Джим), it's fat (он жирный). I'm plum' anxious for another look at 'em (я ужасно беспокоюсь об еще одном взгляде на него = ужасно хочу еще раз на него посмотреть)."

mighty [`maItI], thought [TLt], remarkable [rI`mRkqbl], anxious [`xNkSqs]

"I was waitin' to make sure," Matt explained. "I was mighty glad when I heard you whistle again. It's hard work waitin'. I just sat there an' thought an' thought ... oh, all kinds of things. It's remarkable what a fellow'll think about. And then there was a darn cat that kept movin' around the house an' botherin' me with its noises."

"An' it's fat!" Jim exclaimed irrelevantly and with joy.

"I'm sure tellin' you, Jim, it's fat. I'm plum' anxious for another look at 'em."

Unconsciously the two men quickened their pace (бессознательно эти двое: «два человека» ускорили свой шаг). Yet they did not relax from their caution (но они не расслабились от своей осторожности = не ослабили осторожность). Twice they changed their course (дважды они меняли свой курс) in order to avoid policemen (с тем чтобы избегать полисменов), and they made very sure (и они очень удостоверились = сделали все возможное) that they were not obvious (что они не были заметны; obvious — очевидный) when they dived into the dark hallway (когда они нырнули в темный подъезд) of a cheap rooming house down town (дешевых меблированных комнат в центре города).

Not until they had gained their own room on the top floor (только когда они достигли своей комнаты на верхнем этаже: «не до того как») did they scratch a match (они чиркнули спичкой). While Jim lighted a lamp (пока Джим зажигал лампу), Matt locked the door (Мэтт запер дверь) and threw the bolts into place (и задвинул засовы: «кинул их в место»). As he turned (когда он повернулся), he noticed that his partner was waiting expectantly (он заметил, что его товарищ ждал в предвкушении). Matt smiled to himself (Мэтт улыбнулся себе) at the other's eagerness (пылу другого; eager — страстно желающий, жаждущий).

quicken [`kwIk(q)n], caution [`kLS(q)n]

Unconsciously the two men quickened their pace. Yet they did not relax from their caution. Twice they changed their course in order to avoid policemen, and they made very sure that they were not obvious when they dived into the dark hallway of a cheap rooming house down town.

Not until they had gained their own room on the top floor did they scratch a match. While Jim lighted a lamp, Matt locked the door and threw the bolts into place. As he turned, he noticed that his partner was waiting expectantly. Matt smiled to himself at the other's eagerness.

"Them search-lights is all right," he said (фонарь хороший: «в порядке», — сказал он), drawing forth a small pocket electric lamp (вытащив наружу маленький карманный электрический фонарик) and examining it (и осматривая его). "But we got to get a new battery (но мы должны раздобыть новую батарейку). It's runnin' pretty weak (эта работает очень слабо; to run — бежать; работать). I thought once or twice (я думал однажды или дважды; to think — думать) it'd leave me in the dark (/что/ она оставит меня в темноте; d = would — бы). Funny arrangements in that house (забавная обстановка в том доме). I near got lost (я почти потерялся; to get lost — потеряться: «стать потерянным; to lose — терять). His room was on the left (его комната была слева), an' that fooled me some (и это озадачило меня немного; to fool — дурачить, вводить в заблуждение)."

"I told you it was on the left," Jim interrupted (я говорил тебе, /что/ она слева, — прервал Джим; to tell — сказать, рассказать).

"You told me it was on the right," Matt went on (ты сказал, /что/ она справа, — продолжил Мэтт; to go on — продолжать). "I guess I know what you told me (думаю, я знаю, что ты сказал мне), an' there's the map you drew (а вот план, /который/ ты нарисовал; to draw — рисовать; map — карта)."

search [sWC], examine [Ig`zxmIn]

"Them search-lights is all right," he said, drawing forth a small pocket electric lamp and examining it. "But we got to get a new battery. It's runnin' pretty weak. I thought once or twice it'd leave me in the dark. Funny arrangements in that house. I near got lost. His room was on the left, an' that fooled me some."

"I told you it was on the left," Jim interrupted.

"You told me it was on the right," Matt went on. "I guess I know what you told me, an' there's the map you drew."

Fumbling in his vest pocket (порывшись в кармане своей куртки; vest — куртка), he drew out a folded slip of paper (он вытащил наружу сложенный клочок бумажки; to draw — тащить). As he unfolded it (пока он разворачивал его), Jim bent over and looked (Джим склонился над /ним/ и посмотрел; to bend — гнуть/ся/).

"I did make a mistake," he confessed (я действительно сделал ошибку, — признался он).

"You sure did (ты точно сделал = ошибся). It got me guessin' some for a while (это заставило меня гадать некоторое время)."

"But it don't matter now," Jim cried (но это не имеет значения сейчас, — воскликнул Джим; to matter — иметь значение). "Let's see what you got (давай посмотрим, что у тебя: «что ты имеешь»)."

"It does matter," Matt retorted (это имеет значение, — отрезал Мэтт: «делает значить»). "It matters a lot ... to me (это значит много… для меня). I've got to run all the risk (я должен брать на себя весь риск). I put my head in the trap (я засунул голову в капкан; to put — положить) while you stay on the street (пока ты оставался на улице: «остаешься»). You got to get on to yourself (ты должен собраться: «добраться до себя»; to get on to — добраться до) an' be more careful (и быть более осторожным). All right, I'll show you (ладно, я покажу тебе; ’ll = will — буду)."

confess [kqn`fes], guess [ges]

Fumbling in his vest pocket, he drew out a folded slip of paper. As he unfolded it, Jim bent over and looked.

"I did make a mistake," he confessed.

"You sure did. It got me guessin' some for a while."

"But it don't matter now," Jim cried. "Let's see what you got."

"It does matter," Matt retorted. "It matters a lot ... to me. I've got to run all the risk. I put my head in the trap while you stay on the street. You got to get on to yourself an' be more careful. All right, I'll show you."

He dipped loosely into his trousers pocket (он сунул /руку/ свободно в карман брюк) and brought out a handful of small diamonds (и вытащил наружу пригоршню маленьких бриллиантов; to bring out — вытащить). He spilled them out in a blazing stream (он высыпал их сверкающей струей) on the greasy table (на грязный стол). Jim let out a great oath (Джим испустил проклятие: «великую клятву»; to let out — выпустить).

"That's nothing," Matt said with triumphant complacence (это ничто, — сказал Мэтт с победительным самодовольством). "I ain't begun yet (я /даже/ не начал ещё; ain’t = haven’t; to begin — начинать).''

From one pocket after another (из одного кармана за другим) he continued bringing forth the spoil (он продолжал доставать добычу). There were many diamonds wrapped in chamois skin (было много бриллиантов, завернутых в замшевую кожу) that were larger than those in the first handful (которые были больше, чем те, в первой пригоршне). From one pocket he brought out a handful of very small cut gems (из одного кармана он достал пригоршню очень маленьких граненых драгоценных камней; to bring out — достать).

"Sun dust," he remarked (солнечная пыль, — заметил он), as he spilled them on the table in a space by themselves (когда он высыпал их на стол отдельно: «в место для них самих»).

loosely [`lHslI], trousers [`traVzqz], brought [brLt], diamond [`daIqmqnd], oath [qVT], triumphant [traI`Amfqnt], chamois [`SxmI], gem [Gem]

He dipped loosely into his trousers pocket and brought out a handful of small diamonds. He spilled them out in a blazing stream on the greasy table. Jim let out a great oath.

"That's nothing," Matt said with triumphant complacence. "I ain't begun yet.''

From one pocket after another he continued bringing forth the spoil. There were many diamonds wrapped in chamois skin that were larger than those in the first handful. From one pocket he brought out a handful of very small cut gems.

"Sun dust," he remarked, as he spilled them on the table in a space by themselves.

Jim examined them (Джим изучил их).

"Just the same (одинаково), they retail for a couple of dollars each," he said (они продаются по паре долларов каждый, — сказал он; to retail — продавать/ся/ в розницу). "Is that all (это все)?"

"Ain't it enough (разве этого недостаточно; ain’t = isn’t — не есть)?" the other demanded in an aggrieved tone (спросил другой = Мэтт обиженным тоном; to grieve — огорчать, глубоко опечаливать).

"Sure it is," Jim answered with unqualified approval (конечно достаточно, — ответил Джим с безусловным одобрением; unqualified — абсолютный, безоговорочный, безусловный; to approve — одобрять). "Better'n I expected (лучше, чем я ожидал; ’n = than — чем). I wouldn't take a cent less (я не взял бы ни центом меньше) than ten thousan' for the bunch (чем десять тысяч за все это: «гроздь, пачку»; thousand — 1000)."

"Ten thousan'," Matt sneered (десять тысяч, — ухмыльнулся Мэтт). "They're worth twic't that (они стоят вдвое /больше/, чем это = 10000), an' I don't know anything about joolery, either (а я тоже не знаю ничего о драгоценностях; искаж. вместо jewellery — драгоценности; jewel — драгоценный камень; ювелирное изделие). Look at that big boy (посмотри на этого большого мальчика = на этот большой камушек)!"

He picked it out from the sparkling heap (он взял его из сверкающей кучки) and held it near to the lamp with the air of an expert (и подержал его рядом с лампой с видом эксперта; to hold — держать), weighing and judging (взвешивая и оценивая).

"Worth a thousan' all by its lonely (стоит: «достоин» тысячу сам по себе)," was Jim's quicker judgment (было более быстрое суждение Джима; quick — быстрый).

"A thousan' your grandmother," was Matt's scornful rejoinder (тысячу твою бабушку, — был насмешливый ответ Мэтта). "You couldn't buy it for three (ты не смог бы купить его и за три)."

enough [I`nAf], aggrieved [q`grJvd], unqualified [An`kwOlIfaId], approval [q`prHv(q)l], thousand [`TaVz(q)nd], weigh [weI], judge [GAG]

Jim examined them.

"Just the same, they retail for a couple of dollars each," he said. "Is that all?"

"Ain't it enough?" the other demanded in an aggrieved tone.

"Sure it is," Jim answered with unqualified approval. "Better'n I expected. I wouldn't take a cent less than ten thousan' for the bunch."

"Ten thousan'," Matt sneered. "They're worth twic't that, an' I don't know anything about joolery, either. Look at that big boy!"

He picked it out from the sparkling heap and held it near to the lamp with the air of an expert, weighing and judging.

"Worth a thousan' all by its lonely," was Jim's quicker judgment.

"A thousan' your grandmother," was Matt's scornful rejoinder. "You couldn't buy it for three."

"Wake me up (разбуди меня)! I'm dreamin' (мне это снится: «я вижу сны»)!" The sparkle of the gems was in Jim's eyes (блеск драгоценных камней был в глазах у Джима), and he began sorting out the larger diamonds and examining them (и он начал выбирать бриллианты побольше и осматривать их; to begin — начать). "We're rich men, Matt (мы богатые люди, Мэтт) — we'll be regular swells (мы будем настоящими важными господами; swell возвышение, выпуклость; светский человек, важная персона, "шишка"; to swellнадуваться, разбухать)."

"It'll take years to get rid of 'em (это займет: «возьмет» годы — избавиться от них; to get rid of — избавиться от чего-то; ’em = them — их)," was Matt's more practical thought (была более практическая мысль Мэтта).

"But think how we'll live (но подумай, как мы заживем)! Nothin' to do but spend the money (нечего делать, кроме как тратить деньги) an' go on gettin' rid of 'em (и продолжать отделываться от них; to go on — продолжать)."

Matt's eyes were beginning to sparkle (глаза Мэтта начинали сверкать), though sombrely, as his phlegmatic nature woke up (хотя сумрачно, так как его флегматичная натура пробудилась; to wake up — проснуться).

"I told you I didn't cast think how fat it was," he murmured in a low voice (я говорил тебе, я не подсчитал, насколько он = куш жирный, — пробормотал он тихим голосом; to tell — сказать).

"What a killin' (какой улов: «убийство»)! What a killin' (какой улов)!" was the other's more ecstatic utterance (были более восторженные слова другого = Джима).

"I almost forgot," Matt said (я чуть не забыл, — сказал Мэтт; almost — почти; to forget — забыть), thrusting his hand into his inside coat pocket (засовывая руку в свой внутренний карман пальто).

A string of large pearls (нитка крупного жемчуга) emerged from wrappings of tissue paper and chamois skin (появилась из обертки из папиросной бумаги и замшевой кожи). Jim scarcely glanced at them (Джим едва взглянул на них = на жемчужины).

"They're worth money," he said (они стоят денег, — сказал он), and returned to the diamonds (и вернулся к бриллиантам).

year [jIq], though [DqV], sombrely [`sOmbqlI], murmur [`mWmq], emerge [I`mWG], tissue [`tISH], scarcely [`skeqslI]

"Wake me up! I'm dreamin'!" The sparkle of the gems was in Jim's eyes, and he began sorting out the larger diamonds and examining them. "We're rich men, Matt — we'll be regular swells."

"It'll take years to get rid of 'em," was Matt's more practical thought.

"But think how we'll live! Nothin' to do but spend the money an' go on gettin' rid of 'em."

Matt's eyes were beginning to sparkle, though sombrely, as his phlegmatic nature woke up.

"I told you I didn't cast think how fat it was," he murmured in a low voice.

"What a killin'! What a killin'!" was the other's more ecstatic utterance.

"I almost forgot," Matt said, thrusting his hand into his inside coat pocket.

A string of large pearls emerged from wrappings of tissue paper and chamois skin. Jim scarcely glanced at them.

"They're worth money," he said, and returned to the diamonds.

A silence fell on the two men (молчание охватило двоих людей: «упало на»; to fall — падать). Jim played with the gems (Джим играл с драгоценными камнями), running them through his fingers (пропуская их сквозь пальцы), sorting them into piles (раскладывая их по кучкам), and spreading them out flat and wide (и рассыпая их плоско и широко; to spread — развертывать). He was a slender, wizened man (он был худым и сухим человеком; to wizen — сохнуть, высыхать; сморщиваться; вянуть), nervous, irritable, high-strung, and anaemic (нервным, раздражительным, чувствительным и худосочным) — a typical child of the gutter (типичное дитя трущоб), with unbeautiful twisted features (с некрасивыми, несимметричными чертами: «искривленными»), small-eyed (с маленькими глазами: «малоглазый»), with face and mouth perpetually and feverishly hungry (с лицом и ртом вечно и лихорадочно голодными), brutish in a catlike way (жестокий по-кошачьи), stamped to the core with degeneracy (насквозь пропитанный: «проштампованный» испорченностью).

spread [spred], nervous [`nWvqs], anaemic [q`nJmIk], typical [`tIpIk(q)l], perpetually [pq`peCVqlI], feverishly [`fJv(q)rISlI], brutish [`brHtIS], degeneracy [dI`Gen(q)rqsI]

A silence fell on the two men. Jim played with the gems, running them through his fingers, sorting them into piles, and spreading them out flat and wide. He was a slender, wizened man, nervous, irritable, high-strung, and anaemic — a typical child of the gutter, with unbeautiful twisted features, small-eyed, with face and mouth perpetually and feverishly hungry, brutish in a catlike way, stamped to the core with degeneracy.

Matt did not finger the diamonds (Мэтт не теребил свои бриллианты). He sat with chin on hands and elbows on table (он сидел с подбородком на руках и с локтями на столе: «положив…поставив…»; to sit — сидеть), blinking heavily at the blazing array (тяжело мигая на пылающий набор = добычу; array — строй, боевой порядок; масса, множество, совокупность; набор, комплект). He was in every way a contrast to the other (он был во всех отношениях: «в каждом» противоположностью другому). No city had bred him (никакой город не воспитал его; to breed — породить). He was heavy-muscled and hairy (он был с тяжелыми мышцами и волосатый), gorilla-like in strength and aspect (похожий на гориллу силой и внешним видом). For him there was no unseen world (для него не существовало невидимого мира). His eyes were full and wide apart (его глаза были глубокими: «полными» и широко посаженными; apart — порознь), and there seemed in them a certain bold brotherliness (и в них чудилось некое смелое братство; brotherly — братский, по-братски). They inspired confidence (они внушали доверие). But a closer inspection would have shown (но более близкое рассмотрение показало бы; to show — показывать) that his eyes were just a trifle too full (что его глаза были совсем чуточку слишком глубокими), just a shade too wide apart (лишь на йоту: «тень» слишком широко посаженные). He exceeded (он был чрезмерен: «превышал»), spilled over the limits of normality (переливался через границы нормы), and his features told lies about the man beneath (и его черты лгали: «рассказывали лживые истории» о человеке под ними; to tell — рассказывать).

heavily [`hevIlI], array [q`reI], feature [`fJCq]

Matt did not finger the diamonds. He sat with chin on hands and elbows on table, blinking heavily at the blazing array. He was in every way a contrast to the other. No city had bred him. He was heavy-muscled and hairy, gorilla-like in strength and aspect. For him there was no unseen world. His eyes were full and wide apart, and there seemed in them a certain bold brotherliness. They inspired confidence. But a closer inspection would have shown that his eyes were just a trifle too full, just a shade too wide apart. He exceeded, spilled over the limits of normality, and his features told lies about the man beneath.

"The bunch is worth fifty thousan'," Jim remarked suddenly (эта куча стоит пятьдесят тысяч, — заметил Джим вдруг).

"A hundred thousan'," Matt said (сто тысяч, — сказал Мэтт).

The silence returned and endured a long time (молчание вернулось и осталось на долгое время: «выдержало»), to be broken again by him (чтобы быть нарушенным снова им; to break — ломать).

"What in hell was he doin' with 'em all at the house (что, черт возьми, он делал со всем этим дома; hell — ад; to do — делать; ’em = them — /с/ ними)? — that's what I want to know (вот что я хочу знать). I'd a-thought (я бы подумал) he'd kept 'em in the safe down at the store (/что лучше/ бы он держал их в сейфе внизу, в магазине)."

Matt had just been considering the vision of the throttled man (Мэтт как раз обдумывал/рассматривал = вспоминал вид задушенного человека) as he had last looked upon him in the dim light of the electric lantern (как он в последний раз смотрел на него в тусклом свете электрического фонарика); but he did not start at the mention of him (но он не вздрогнул при упоминании о нем).

"There's no tellin'," he answered (трудно сказать: «нет говорения», — ответил он). "He might a-ben gettin' ready to chuck his pardner (он мог готовиться кинуть своего партнера; partner; to chuck — выкинуть, выбросить). He might a-pulled out in the mornin' for parts unknown (он мог бы отправиться утром неизвестно куда: «в части неизвестные»), if we hadn't happened along (если бы не мы: «если бы мы не случились мимо»). I guess there's just as many thieves among honest men (я думаю, есть ровно столько же воров среди честных людей) as there is among thieves (как среди воров). You read about such things in the papers, Jim (ты читаешь о таких вещах в газетах, Джим = такое встречается в газетах). Pardners is always knifin' each other (партнеры все время режут друг друга = предают; is вместо are; partner)."

endure [In`djVq], consider [kqn`sIdq], vision [`vIZ(q)n], thief [TJf], thieves [TJvz], knife [naIf]

"The bunch is worth fifty thousan'," Jim remarked suddenly.

"A hundred thousan'," Matt said.

The silence returned and endured a long time, to be broken again by him.

"What in hell was he doin' with 'em all at the house? — that's what I want to know. I'd a-thought he'd kept 'em in the safe down at the store."

Matt had just been considering the vision of the throttled man as he had last looked upon him in the dim light of the electric lantern; but he did not start at the mention of him.

"There's no tellin'," he answered. "He might a-ben gettin' ready to chuck his pardner. He might a-pulled out in the mornin' for parts unknown, if we hadn't happened along. I guess there's just as many thieves among honest men as there is among thieves. You read about such things in the papers, Jim. Pardners is always knifin' each other."

A queer, nervous look came in the other's eyes (странное, нервное выражение появилось в глазах другого = Джима). Matt did not betray that he noted it (Мэтт не выдал, что заметил это), though he said (хотя он сказал):

"What was you thinkin' about, Jim (о чем ты подумал, Джим)?"

Jim was a trifle awkward for the moment (Джим был чуть-чуть неловок = замялся на секунду).

"Nothin'," he answered (ни о чем, — ответил он). "Only I was thinkin' just how funny it was (я только думал, как это забавно) — all them jools at his house (все эти камешки в его доме; jool — искаж. jewel — драгоценность). What made you ask (что заставило тебя спросить; to make — делать, заставлять)?"

"Nothin' (ничего). I was just wonderin', that was all (я просто поинтересовался, это все)."

queer [kwIq], betray [bI`treI], awkward [`Lkwqd]

A queer, nervous look came in the other's eyes. Matt did not betray that he noted it, though he said:

"What was you thinkin' about, Jim?"

Jim was a trifle awkward for the moment.

"Nothin'," he answered. "Only I was thinkin' just how funny it was — all them jools at his house. What made you ask?"

"Nothin'. I was just wonderin', that was all."

The silence settled down (тишина установилась), broken by an occasional low and nervous giggle (нарушаемая редким тихим и нервным смешком) on the part of Jim (со стороны Джима). He was overcome by the spread of gems (он был поражен обилием драгоценностей; to overcome — побороть, победить; превозмочь; преодолеть; подавить; охватить, обуять; овладевать, переполнять /о чувстве и т. п./). It was not that he felt their beauty (не то что бы он чувствовал их красоту; to feel — чувствовать). He was unaware that they were beautiful in themselves (он не сознавал, что они красивы сами по себе; unaware — неосознающий). But in them his swift imagination visioned the joys of life (но в них его живое воображение видело радости жизни) they would buy (/которые/ они купят), and all the desires and appetites of his diseased mind and sickly flesh (и все желания и аппетиты его нездорового ума и болезненной плоти) were tickled by the promise they extended (были раздразнены обещанием, /которое/ они давали). He builded wondrous, orgy-haunted castles (он строил чудные, разгульные замки; orgy — оргия, разгул; to haunt — посещать дом /о привидениях/) out of their brilliant fires (из их блистательных огней), and was appalled at what he builded (и был потрясен тем, что он строил). Then it was that he giggled (именно тогда он хихикал: «тогда это было, что…»). It was all too impossible to be real (это было слишком невозможно, чтобы быть настоящим). And yet there they blazed on the table before him (и все же вот они сияли на столе перед ним), fanning the flame of the lust of him (раздувая пламя желаний в нем), and he giggled again (и он хихикал снова).

occasional [q`keIZ(q)n(q)l], giggle [gIgl], beauty [`bjHtI], imagination [ImxGI`neIS(q)n], desire [dI`zaIq], appetite [`xpItaIt], diseased [dI`zJzd], wondrous [`wAndrqs], appal [q`pLl]

The silence settled down, broken by an occasional low and nervous giggle on the part of Jim. He was overcome by the spread of gems. It was not that he felt their beauty. He was unaware that they were beautiful in themselves. But in them his swift imagination visioned the joys of life they would buy, and all the desires and appetites of his diseased mind and sickly flesh were tickled by the promise they extended. He builded wondrous, orgy-haunted castles out of their brilliant fires, and was appalled at what he builded. Then it was that he giggled. It was all too impossible to be real. And yet there they blazed on the table before him, fanning the flame of the lust of him, and he giggled again.

"I guess we might as well count 'em," Matt said suddenly (думаю, мы могли бы сосчитать их, — вдруг сказал Мэтт; em = them — их), tearing himself away from his own visions (отрываясь прочь от своих собственных видений). "You watch me an' see that it's square (ты смотри за мной и пригляди, чтобы было поровну), because you an' me has got to be on the square, Jim (потому что ты и я должны быть = получить поровну). Understand (понимаешь)?"

Jim did not like this (Джиму это не понравилось; to like — любить), and betrayed it in his eyes (и выдал это в своих глазах = глазами), while Matt did not like what he saw in his partner's eyes (в то время как Мэтту не понравилось то, что он увидел в глазах своего товарища).

"Understand?" Matt repeated, almost menacingly (понимаешь? — повторил Мэтт, почти угрожающе).

"Ain't we always been square?" the other replied (разве мы не всегда были = делили поровну? — ответил тот), on the defensive (защищаясь: «в защитном»), what of the treachery already whispering in him (некое предательство уже шептало в нем).

"It don't cost nothin', bein' square in hard times," Matt retorted (это ничего не стоит — делить поровну в трудные времена, — парировал Мэтт). "It's bein' square in prosperity that counts (это делить поровну в богатстве чего-то стоит: «считается»). When we ain't got nothing (когда у нас ничего нет; aint = havent — не имеем) we can't help bein' square (мы можем делить только поровну: «мы не можем помочь быть поровну»). We're prosperous now (мы удачливы сейчас; prosperous процветающий, преуспевающий; удачливый; to prosper — благоденствовать, преуспевать, процветать), an' we've got to be business men (и мы должны быть деловыми людьми) — honest business men (честными деловыми людьми). Understand (понимаешь)?"

"That's the talk for me," Jim approved (это разговор по мне, — одобрил Джим), but deep down in the meagre soul of him (но глубоко в его скудной душе), — and in spite of him (и вопреки ему), — wanton and lawless thoughts were stirring like chained beasts (буйные и беззаконные мысли шевелились, как прикованные/посаженные на цепь звери; chain — цепь).

tear [teq], square [skweq], defensive [dI`fensIv], treachery [`treC(q)rI], prosperity [prOs`perqtI], business [`bIznIs], meagre [`mJgq], wanton [`wOntqn]

"I guess we might as well count 'em," Matt said suddenly, tearing himself away from his own visions. "You watch me an' see that it's square, because you an' me has got to be on the square, Jim. Understand?"

Jim did not like this, and betrayed it in his eyes, while Matt did not like what he saw in his partner's eyes.

"Understand?" Matt repeated, almost menacingly.

"Ain't we always been square?" the other replied, on the defensive, what of the treachery already whispering in him.

"It don't cost nothin', bein' square in hard times," Matt retorted. "It's bein' square in prosperity that counts. When we ain't got nothing we can't help bein' square. We're prosperous now, an' we've got to be business men — honest business men. Understand?"

"That's the talk for me," Jim approved, but deep down in the meagre soul of him, — and in spite of him, — wanton and lawless thoughts were stirring like chained beasts.

Matt stepped to the food shelf (Мэтт шагнул к полке с едой) behind the two-burner kerosene cooking stove (за двухконфорочной керосиновой плитой). He emptied the tea from a paper bag (он высыпал чай из бумажного пакетика), and from a second bag emptied some red peppers (и из второго пакетика высыпал немного красного перца). Returning to the table with the bags (вернувшись к столу с пакетиками), he put into them the two sizes of small diamonds (он положил в них два размера маленьких бриллиантов). Then he counted the large gems (затем он сосчитал большие камни) and wrapped them in their tissue paper and chamois skin (и завернул их в оберточную бумагу и замшевую кожу).

"Hundred an' forty-seven good-sized ones," was his inventory (сто и сорок семь хорошего размера, — был его перечень) "twenty real big ones (двадцать по-настоящему больших); two big boys and one whopper (два больших мальчика и один булыжник: «громадина»); an' a couple of fistfuls of teeny ones an' dust (и пара горстей мелких и /всякой/ пыли)."

He looked at Jim (он посмотрел на Джима).

"Correct," was the response (правильно, — был ответ).

behind [bI`haInd], empty [`em(p)tI], wrap [rxp]

Matt stepped to the food shelf behind the two-burner kerosene cooking stove. He emptied the tea from a paper bag, and from a second bag emptied some red peppers. Returning to the table with the bags, he put into them the two sizes of small diamonds. Then he counted the large gems and wrapped them in their tissue paper and chamois skin.

"Hundred an' forty-seven good-sized ones," was his inventory "twenty real big ones; two big boys and one whopper; an' a couple of fistfuls of teeny ones an' dust."

He looked at Jim.

"Correct," was the response.

He wrote the count out on a slip of memorandum paper (он выписал итог на клочке бумаги для запоминания; to write — писать), and made a copy of it (и сделал копию его), giving one slip to his partner and retaining the other (отдав один клочок своему товарищу и оставив у себя другой).

"Just for reference," he said (просто для справки, — сказал он).

Again he had recourse to the food shelf (снова он вернулся к полке с едой), where he emptied the sugar from a large paper bag (где он высыпал сахар из большого бумажного пакета). Into this he thrust the diamonds, large, small (в него он сунул бриллианты, большие, маленькие; to thrust — сунуть), wrapped it up in a bandana handkerchief (завернул его в платок-бандану), and stowed it away under his pillow (и спрятал его под свою подушку; to stow — укладывать, складывать). Then he sat down on the edge of the bed (затем он присел на край кровати; to sit down — сесть) and took off his shoes (и снял ботинки; to take off — снять).

write [raIt], wrote [rqVt], recourse [rI`kLs], sugar [`SHgq], handkerchief [`hxNkqCJf], shoe(s) [SH(z)]

He wrote the count out on a slip of memorandum paper, and made a copy of it, giving one slip to his partner and retaining the other.

"Just for reference," he said.

Again he had recourse to the food shelf, where he emptied the sugar from a large paper bag. Into this he thrust the diamonds, large, small, wrapped it up in a bandana handkerchief, and stowed it away under his pillow. Then he sat down on the edge of the bed and took off his shoes.

"An' you think they're worth a hundred thousan'?" Jim asked (и ты думаешь, они стоят сто тысяч? — спросил Джим), pausing and looking up from the unlacing of his shoe (приостановившись и глядя вверх от развязывания своего ботинка).

"Sure," was the answer (конечно, — был ответ). "I seen a dance-house girl down in Arizona once (я видел танцовщицу: «девушку из варьете» в Аризоне однажды), with some big sparklers on her (с большими стекляшками = бриллиантами на ней; to sparkle — искриться). They wasn't real (они не были настоящими). She said if they was (она сказала, если бы они были /настоящими/) she wouldn't be dancin' (она бы не танцевала). Said they'd be worth all of fifty thousan' (сказала, они бы стоили все пятьдесят тысяч), an' she didn't have a dozen of 'em all told (а у нее не было и дюжины их, в общей сложности)."

"Who'd work for a livin'?" Jim triumphantly demanded (кто бы /стал/ зарабатывать на жизнь? — триумфально спросил Джим). "Pick an' shovel work!" he sneered (возьмись-ка за земляные работы: «подхвати лопату и работай»! — усмехнулся он). "Work like a dog all my life (работать, как собака, всю свою жизнь), an' save all my wages (и сохранять все свое жалованье = копить), an' I wouldn't have half as much as we got to-night (— и я не имел бы вполовину столько, сколько мы получили сегодня ночью; as much as — столько, сколько: «так много, как»; to get — получить)."

"Dish washin's about your measure (мойка посуды /скорее/ по твоей мерке; dish — тарелка; washing — мытье), an' you couldn't get more'n twenty a month an' board (и ты не мог бы получать больше, чем двадцатку в месяц плюс харчи; moren = more than — больше, чем). Your figgers is 'way off (твои цифры далеко: «путь прочь» = ты ошибся в подсчетах; figger — искаж. figure — цифра, число), but your point is well taken (но твоя мысль хорошо схвачена = я понял; to take — брать). Let them that likes it, work (пусть те, кто любит это, работают; to let — позволять, давать; let — пусть). I rode range for thirty a month (я объезжал пастбище = был ковбоем за тридцатку в месяц; to ride — ездить) when I was young an' foolish (когда я был молодой и глупый). Well, I'm older (что ж, я старше), an' I ain't ridin' range (и я не объезжаю пастбища)."

worth [wWT], demand [dI`mRnd], sneer [snIq], measure [`meZq], young [jAN]

"An' you think they're worth a hundred thousan'?" Jim asked, pausing and looking up from the unlacing of his shoe.

"Sure," was the answer. "I seen a dance-house girl down in Arizona once, with some big sparklers on her. They wasn't real. She said if they was she wouldn't be dancin'. Said they'd be worth all of fifty thousan', an' she didn't have a dozen of 'em all told."

"Who'd work for a livin'?" Jim triumphantly demanded. "Pick an' shovel work!" he sneered. "Work like a dog all my life, an' save all my wages, an' I wouldn't have half as much as we got to-night."

"Dish washin's about your measure, an' you couldn't get more'n twenty a month an' board. Your figgers is 'way off, but your point is well taken. Let them that likes it, work. I rode range for thirty a month when I was young an' foolish. Well, I'm older, an' I ain't ridin' range."

He got into bed on one side (он забрался в постель с одной стороны; to get — попасть, забраться). Jim put out the light (Джим выключил свет; to put out — выключить) and followed him in the other side (и последовал за ним с другой стороны = последовал его примеру).

"How's your arm feel (как твоя рука чувствуется)?" Jim queried amiably (осведомился Джим дружелюбно).

Such concern was unusual (такое участие было необычным), and Matt noted it, and replied (и Мэтт заметил это и ответил):

"I guess there's no danger of hydrophoby (думаю, нет угрозы бешенства). What made you ask (что заставило тебя спросить)?"

Jim felt in himself a guilty stir (Джим почувствовал в себе виноватое шевеление = в нем зашевелилась вина), and under his breath (и шепотом: «под своим дыханием») he cursed the other's way of asking disagreeable questions (он проклял способ другого задавать неприятные вопросы = то, как Мэтт задавал…); but aloud he answered (но вслух он ответил):

"Nothin', only you seemed scared of it at first (ничего, только ты показался испуганным этим сперва). What are you goin' to do with your share, Matt (что ты собираешься делать со своей долей, Мэтт)?"

"Buy a cattle ranch in Arizona (купить скотное ранчо в Аризоне) an' set down (и осесть = остепениться) an' pay other men to ride range for me (и платить другим людям, чтобы /они/ объезжали пастбище = работали на меня). There's some several (есть некоторые несколько = такие люди) I'd like to see askin' for a job from me (/которых/ я хотел бы видеть просящими работы у меня), damn them (черт их побери; to damn — проклинать)! An' now you shut your face, Jim (а теперь заткни пасть, Джим: «заткни свое лицо»). It'll be some time (будет = пройдет некоторое время) before I buy that ranch (прежде чем я куплю это ранчо). Just now I'm goin' to sleep (прямо сейчас я собираюсь спать)."

query [`kwIqrI], amiably [`eImIqblI], concern [kqn`sWn], reply [rI`plaI], guilty [`gIltI], stir [stW], share [Seq]

He got into bed on one side. Jim put out the light and followed him in the other side.

"How's your arm feel ?" Jim queried amiably.

Such concern was unusual, and Matt noted it, and replied:

"I guess there's no danger of hydrophoby. What made you ask?"

Jim felt in himself a guilty stir, and under his breath he cursed the other's way of asking disagreeable questions; but aloud he answered:

"Nothin', only you seemed scared of it at first. What are you goin' to do with your share, Matt?"

"Buy a cattle ranch in Arizona an' set down an' pay other men to ride range for me. There's some several I'd like to see askin' for a job from me, damn them! An' now you shut your face, Jim. It'll be some time before I buy that ranch. Just now I'm goin' to sleep."

But Jim lay long awake (но Джим лежал долго, бодрствуя), nervous and twitching (нервный и дергающийся), rolling about restlessly (ворочаясь беспокойно) and rolling himself wide awake every time he dozed (и пробуждая себя каждый раз, когда он задремывал; to roll — крутиться; wide — широко = сильно; awake — проснувшийся). The diamonds still blazed under his eyelids (бриллианты все еще сверкали под его веками), and the fire of them hurt (и огонь их жег; to hurt — вредить, ранить). Matt, in spite of his heavy nature, slept lightly (Мэтт, несмотря на свою тяжелую натуру, спал легко = чутко), like a wild animal alert in its sleep (как дикий зверь, настороже во сне); and Jim noticed, every time he moved (и Джим замечал каждый раз, /когда/ он шевелился), that his partner's body moved sufficiently to show (что тело его товарища двигалось достаточно, чтобы показать) that it had received the impression (что оно получило смутное ощущение = что-то почувствовало) and that it was trembling on the verge of awakening (и что оно дрожало на краю пробуждения). For that matter (собственно говоря: «для этого дела»), Jim did not know whether or not, frequently, the other was awake (Джим часто не знал, проснулся тот или нет; whether — ли; frequently — часто). Once, quietly, betokening complete consciousness, Matt said to him (один раз тихо, выказывая полное сознание = что не спит, Мэтт сказал ему): "Aw, go to sleep, Jim (ну, иди спать, Джим = засни). Don't worry about them jools (не беспокойся о камушках; them вместо the; jools — искаж. jewels — драгоценности). They'll keep (они сохранятся)." And Jim had thought (а Джим-то думал; to think — думать) that at that particular moment Matt had been surely asleep (что именно в этот момент Мэтт точно спал; asleep — спящий; surely — конечно, непременно; несомненно).

awake [q`weIk], nature [`neICq], sufficiently [sq`fIS(q)ntlI], receive [rI`sJv], frequently [`frJkwqntlI], quietly [`kwaIqtlI], particular [pq`tIkjqlq]

But Jim lay long awake, nervous and twitching, rolling about restlessly and rolling himself wide awake every time he dozed. The diamonds still blazed under his eyelids, and the fire of them hurt. Matt, in spite of his heavy nature, slept lightly, like a wild animal alert in its sleep; and Jim noticed, every time he moved, that his partner's body moved sufficiently to show that it had received the impression and that it was trembling on the verge of awakening. For that matter, Jim did not know whether or not, frequently, the other was awake. Once, quietly, betokening complete consciousness, Matt said to him: "Aw, go to sleep, Jim. Don't worry about them jools. They'll keep." And Jim had thought that at that particular moment Matt had been surely asleep.

In the late morning Matt was awake with Jim's first movement (поздним утром Мэтт проснулся от первого движения Джима; awake — бодрствующий, проснувшийся), and thereafter he awoke and dozed with him until midday (а затем он просыпался и дремал вместе с ним до полудня; to awake — просыпаться), when they got up together (когда они встали вместе; to get up — встать) and began dressing (и начали одеваться; to begin — начать).

"I'm goin' out to get a paper an' some bread," Matt said (я пойду купить газету и немного хлеба, — сказал Мэтт; to go out — выйти; to get — раздобыть). "You boil the coffee (ты свари кофе)."

As Jim listened (пока Джим слушал), unconsciously his gaze left Matt's face and roved to the pillow (бессознательно его взгляд оставил лицо Мэтта и добрел до подушки; to leave — оставить, покинуть; to rove — блуждать), beneath which was the bundle wrapped in the bandana handkerchief (под которой был сверток, завернутый в платок-бандану). On the instant Matt's face became like a wild beast's (немедленно лицо Мэтта стало как /у/ дикого зверя; to become — стать).

"Look here, Jim," he snarled (послушай-ка: «смотри сюда», Джим, — прорычал он). "You've got to play square (ты должен играть честно). If you do me dirt (если ты сделаешь мне гадость; dirt — грязь), I'll fix you (я пришью тебя; to fix — устанавливать; закреплять; фиксировать; приводить в порядок; налаживать; разг. разделаться, расправиться, прикончить, убить). Understand (понял)? I'd eat you, Jim (я бы съел тебя, Джим, /с потрохами/). You know that (ты знаешь это). I'd bite right into your throat an' eat you (я бы вгрызся прямо в твое горло и съел тебя) like that much beefsteak (как какой-нибудь бифштекс)."

listen [`lIs(q)n], throat [TrqVt], beefsteak [`bJfsteIk]

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