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Unit I. Section 1 The Application of International Law

Brush up your knowledge

  • Law, laws, international law

What is your understanding of these words? Give examples.

Task 1. a) Peer work. Provide English or Russian equivalents for the following expressions:

  • to govern relations between states

  • to deem, to be deemed

  • субъекты международного права

  • the conduct of states

  • физическое или юридическое лицо

  • relations inter se

  • ООН

  • Министерство иностранных дел (США, РФ, Великобритания)

  • to enjoy capacity to do something

  • to be binding (upon)

  • judicial proceeding

  • нарушать нормы международного права

  • международные суды

  • to operate hand in glove with diplomacy

  • сфера применения данной нормы

B) Read the text about the application of international law. Think of the heading for each section of the text.

Interna­tional law used to be defined as the law that governs relations between states. Under the tradi­tional definition, only states were subjects of inter­national law, that is, only states were deemed to have rights and obligations that international law recognized.

Contemporary international law, although still considered to be principally the law governing relations between states, is no longer deemed to be exclusively limit­ed to those relations. It has a wide reach and is more properly defined as law that deals "with the conduct of states and of international organizations and with their relations inter se, as well as with some of their relations with persons, whether natu­ral or juridical."

Today intergovern­mental international organizations and even individuals, albeit to a much more limited extent, are and can be the subjects of rights and obligations under international law. The United Nations, for example, enjoys the legal ca­pacity to enter into treaty relations, governed by and binding under international law, with states and other international organizations. The direct responsibility of individuals for war crimes and the development of the international law on human rights indicate furthermore that in certain circumstances individuals may have rights and obligations under international law.

Inter­national law is routinely applied by international tribunals as well as by domestic courts. But inter­national law is not relevant solely in judicial pro­ceedings. It operates hand in glove with international politics and diplomacy. Its most potent field of operations is, in fact, in the Foreign Offices and legal departments of the world’s governments and in international organizations.

States rely on international law in their diplomatic relations and negotiations. States defend their actions and policies by reference to international law. Although there may be considerable disagreement in a particular case about the nature or scope of a given rule of international law, states rarely admit to violating international law. International law is needed in order to ensure a stable and orderly international society.

Task 2. Focus on Words. Use the following words to complete the sentences. One word can be used more than once.

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