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Модуль 4 promotion and entertainment Technology Цели:

Вы должны знать:

1. Лексика:

активный словарь по теме.


– способы рекламирования туризма;

– технологии развлечений

Вы должны уметь:

1. Читать и переводить тексты по теме, используя активный словарь.

2. Вести диалог и рассказывать о рекламе в туризме и технологии развлечений.

3. Высказывать полноценное суждение о рекламе в туризме и технологии развлечений с использованием активной лексики.

Entry Test

Choose an appropriate variant.

1. Promotion plays an … role in the sphere of tourism and hospitality.

a) unimportant

b) insignificant

c) important

2. Tourists … by the diversity of sights in Egypt.

a) are attracting

b) are attracted

c) attract

3. Disney … to be a wonderland for children.

a) is considered

b) consider

c) is considering

4. … Switzerland is famous for its ski resorts in … Alps.

a) –, –

b) The, –

c) –, the

5. Mr. Jones is responsible for … in our company.

a) advertising

b) advertisement

c) advertise

6. The best way to remember your holiday is to … as many as possible.

a) chute the chutes

b) take pictures

c) have drinks in bars

7. Rooms where celebrities used to stay … as extra attractions for tourists.

a) serve

b) are served

c) serves

8. Tourists prefer to … rather than to … themselves.

a) entertain, be entertained

b) be entertained, entertain

c) be entertained, be entertained

9. “A passport to success” lies in … entertainment expenses.

a) think-out

b) throughout

c) thought-out


10. Entertainment includes activities that … people, such as going to theatres, night clubs, art exhibitions and so on.

a) amuse

b) amusing

c) are amused

Учебный элемент 9 (уэ-9) promotion

I. Improve your wordpower.

1. Study your active vocabulary:

retain (v)

сохранять, поддерживать

fringe benefits

льготы, предоставляемые по месту работы помимо заработной платы: напр., оплаченные отпуска; служебный автомобиль и т. п.

cause (v)

быть причиной; вызывать

overcome (v)



зд. seasonal bias

уклон; пристрастие; предвзятость

сезонные тенденции; сезонность

extend (v)

простираться; тянуться; распространять (влияние)

spread (v)

распространять; способствовать развитию

retail (adj)

розничный; розничная продажа

advertise (v)

рекламировать; помещать объявление

advertising (n)

реклама (как вид деятельности)

advertisement (n)

реклама (как продукт рекламы); рекламное объявление

a feature (n)

большая газетная статья; сенсационный материал (в статье, сообщении по радио или телевидению)

facilities (n, pl)

оборудование, сооружения; средства, возможности, благоприятные условия для осуществления какой-л. деятельности

amenities (n, pl)

все, что способствует хорошему настроению, отдыху

familiarization (n)

осваивание, ознакомление

generate (v)

порождать; вызывать; производить; генерировать

income (n)


brochure (n)


word of mouth

«из уст в уста»; передача информации при личном общении

influence (v)

влиять; оказывать воздействие

mail (n)


convey (v)


evidence (n)

доказательство, свидетельство; очевидность

2. Mind the pronunciation:

[ə:] – advertisement, purpose, determine, first, serve

[i:] – seasonal, media, deal, mean, previous, believe

[ʌ] – company, public, under, color

[e] – spread, heading, professional, hotel, evidence

[θ] – three, through

3. Read and translate the words and their derivatives.

to retain – retainer

season – seasonal – seasonable

to publicize – public – publicity – publication – publicist

to spread – spread – spreading

to familiarize – familiarity – familiarization – familiar

to convey – conveyance – conveyer

evidence – evident – evidential

mail – mailing

to believe – belief

4. Match the synonyms.

to retain, to believe, intimate, to reduce, publicity, to carry, to extend, aim, to overcome, to keep, to win, goal, to spread, advertising, to think, to convey, to cut, familiar

5. Read and translate into Russian the following words and their definitions:

1. Promotion is paid advertising and public relations efforts that in case of tourism encourage recreational travel either generally or on specific carriers and to specific places.

2. Fringe benefits are other benefits than pay raises. The most important fringe benefit in relation to tourism is the paid vacation.

3. In current usage, the term “media” refers to the means of spreading information through the print media, like newspapers and magazines, and the broadcast media, like radio and television.

4. Brochure is a pamphlet usually put out for promotional purposes.

5. In advertising, “a throwaway” usually means a one-page advertisement that can be widely distributed by mail or by hand.

6. Direct mailing is a form of promotion that involves mailing brochures or throwaways to a selected list of people.

7. The mailing list often includes card holders, previous customers, members of clubs or organizations, and so on.

8. Destination advertising stresses a resort area or some other tourist destination.

9. Institutional advertising is intended to keep the name of a corporation – such as an airline – in the public eye rather than to give much information about specific services.

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