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Lexical and fact exercises

Exercise 1. Insert necessary prepositions.

1) A lot __ people __ different countries fought __ the war because they want to live __ peace.

2) __ 1943 my grandfather was __ front. He took part __ many terrible battles.

3) People were fighting __ the freedom and independence __ the country, defending it __ the German fascists.

4) __ the 25th __ August people __ our country celebrate the Day __ the end __ Kursk battle.

5) When our town was liberated __ the enemy, my grandmother, who was 18 __ that time, joined __ the Soviet army.

6) German General signed the agreement __ surrender __ April.

7) 10 000 people were driven __ Germany.

8) The names __ these places remind us __ the heroic traditions __ this land.

Exercise 2. Read the sentences aloud translating Russian parts into English.

1) In June 1941 the Soviet Union (был атакован) by (фашистской Германией) and the (вторжение) of (фашистских войск) began.

2) People (отдавали свои жизни) for the (свободу нашей Родины).

3) Citizens and soldiers didn’t allow (врагам) to enter the city or showed (чудеса героизма) during the (обороны) and (освобождения) of the city.

4) We must mention some (города-герои) on the territory of the (бывшего Советского Союза).

5) But (именно благодаря известной дороге по льду) of Lake Ladoga that the (жители) of the (осажденного города) kept on working and fighting.

6) Very often drivers (бросались) into the icy water (чтобы спасти грузы)

7) In December of 1941 the (рацион хлеба был увеличен).

8) In 1938 fascists (сожгли дотла) the synagogue in Kaliningrad.

9) In July the (Советская авиация) made its first (бомбардировку) of this city.

10) (Фашисты оккупировали) Kaluga region in 1941.

11) People of Russia and Ukraine will never forget the (героическую оборону) of Sebastopol, Kerch and Odessa.

12) Many villages in Russia, Byelorussia and Ukraine had (одинаковую судьбу) during the occupation and (были сожжены дотла вместе со всеми жителями).

Exercise 3. Choose the correct answer;

There are four variants of the list of Cities-Heroes. Choose the correct variant.

A. Moscow, Leningrad, Kiev, Odessa, Sebastopol, Volgograd, Tula, Kursk, Novorossiysk, Minsk, Brest;

B. Moscow, Leningrad, Saratov, Kiev, Odessa, Sebastopol, Volgograd, Tula, Kursk, Rostov;

C. Sebastopol, Volgograd, Tula, Kursk, Novorossiysk, Moscow, Bryansk, Brest;

D. Moscow, Leningrad, Sebastopol, Yaroslavl, Volgograd, Tula, Kursk, Novorossiysk;

Exercise 4. Choose the correct answer;

1.. The battle at … lasted 50 days during the summer of 1943.

2. During the fascist occupation … repeated the heroic deed of Ivan Susanin.

3. The village of Chernushki is the place of the heroic dead of.

4. Near the city on the Black Sea coast there is famous … , a small strip of land which was strategically important for the defense.

A. Matvei Kuzmin; B. AlexanderMatrosov; C. Kurskaya Duga; D. Malaya Zemlya;

Speech exercise

Make up a story about the Cities-Hero.

Written task

Write a composition: Nowadays some Russian and foreign historians try to decrease the role of the former Soviet Union (and particularly Russia) in the defeat of fascist Germany. What do you think?

Follow the plan: 1. Make the general statement of the problem

2. Give your opinion and reasons for it.

3. Give other people’s opinion and say why they are not right.

4. Make a conclusion