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§13 Независимый причастный оборот

Absolute Participial Construction


Зависимый причастный оборот

Being tired he decided to go to bed.

Будучи усталым (так как он устал), он решил лечь

Независимый причастный оборот

He being tired, I decided not to disturb him.

Так как он устал, я решил не тревожить его.

Как видим, в обычном (зависимом) причастном обороте субъект дейст­вия, выраженного причастием (he), совпадает с подлежащим предложения, тогда как независимый причастный оборот имеет собственный субъект действия (he), который не совпадает с подлежащим предложения (I).

Независимый причастный оборот всегда отделяется от главного предложения запятой. Он может выполнять в предложении различные функции и переводится на русский язык придаточным предложением, вводимым соответствующими союзами. При этом причастие всегда переводится глаголом, время которого соответствует времени сказуемого данного предложения.



обстоятельство времени

когда; после того, как

обстоятельство причины

так как

обстоятельство сопутствующих условий

причём; а; и; тогда как

(обычно после главного предложения, иногда начинается с with)

The professor's assistant being ill our teacher checked all home assignments of our post-graduates.

Так как доцент был болен, наш преподаватель проверил все домашние задания аспирантов.

Their work completed, the secretaries left.

Когда их работа была закончена, секретарши ушли.

Economic indicators for that year were good, with production reaching its peak.

Экономические показатели за тот год были хорошими, причём показатели роста производства достигли наивысшей отметки.

Переведите предложения. Укажите номера тех из них, в которых нет независимого причастного оборота.

А 1) The conference being over, the participants went on an excursion.2) This educational establishment trains mainly specialists in the field of accounting, particular attention being paid to studies of accounting and banking technique. 3) The payment being affected, the goods were shipped. 4) The line being out of order, we couldn't get him on the phone. 5) He spoke about the attempts now being made in the West to work out new principles of international trade. 6) During their course of studies at the economic college students are provided with practical training at industrial and commercial enterprises, the most experienced officials being responsible for students' practice throughout its duration. 7) The most gifted of the graduates from the institutes are selected for the post-graduate courses, preference being given to candidates who have already worked for some period of time in their specialties. 8) The situation being urgent, a clerk of the accounts department was sent to the Central Bank to discuss the matter. 9) The goods were safely delivered, all of them being in good state and of excellent quality. 10) Sterling being one of the riskiest currencies on earth, deposits in British banks normally provided a high rate of return, by international standards.

В 1) About half of all manufacturing production is concentrated in only 900 enterprises, each employing over a thousand workers. 2) The industrial North of England was one of the areas most severely affected by the depression of the 1930s, unemployment being high and income low. 3) The country is taking part in a whole number of international projects being developed in accordance with all-European programs. 4) We began production of the equipment for the atomic power plants now being built in this country. 5) And within the US, energy is poorly distributed, with a small minority getting the use of the bulk of the energy supply. 6) Sugar and rice are the mainstays of the country's agriculture, both having good prospects this year and for the future. 7) With more and more countries coming to recognize tourism as one of the principle national resources, African nations' development plans reflect increasing allocations of resources to this industry. 8) Almost all other economic indicators were similarly bright, with production in many areas rising to record peaks.

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