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1. Переведите предложения, содержащие оборот Complex Subject.

А 1) The creation of complex modern machinery is considered to require a high technical level. 2) This discovery proved to be of special value for this branch of industry. 3) He proved to be a capable engineer. 4) She seems to be always in time. 5) He appears to have read a large number of books. 6) Statistics is considered to be a powerful instrument of state administration. Statistical agencies are known to provide management bodies with all the data they need. 7) In modern economy wages are believed to be the price of labour. 8) Production planning may be said to start with the production plans of the board of directors.

В 1) This approach seems to ignore the objective conditions. 2) For the foreigner this monetary system seems to be rather a complicated one. 3) The first reference to cotton is known to have been made 2500 years ago. The Nile valley is said to be its native land. 4) This is unlikely to happen over the next two months. 5) Commercial bank is not supposed to distribute state subsidies. 6) Stock exchanges are required to maintain a fair and orderly market in the securities assigned to them. 7) All the main slogans of the miners' strike are rumoured to have been okayed beforehand. 8) Patterns are supposed to point toward several possibilities.

С 1) The contract between the two countries was supposed to give a boost to Russian telecommunications in the regions. 2) The decree can be said to be a victory for the miners. 3) The joint-stock company seems to be satisfied with the preliminary document signed. 4) The decree in question (о котором идёт речь) was expected to be issued last autumn. 5) All developed countries seemed to take economic and social progress for granted. 6) The introduction of regulation instruments was supposed to be long time ago. 7) The biggest increase in consumer prices was reported in the Central economic district. 8) Manager is supposed to delegate authority and responsibility to others. 9) A crisis is expected to be followed by a depression.

2. Преобразуйте следующие предложения, используя оборот Complex Subject, не изменяя при этом их смысл.

1) Our machine tools are expected to serve longer. 2) This project is expected to be built ahead of schedule. 3) A theory is known to be tested by practice. 4) This machine is said to have been perfected by our workers. 5) This country is known to have substantially reduced its armed forces. 6) The State budget may be said to be the financial plan insuring the development of all branches of economy. 7) They seem to have analysed all the details of the matter. 8) The bulk of all budget revenues is known to come from taxation. 9) Large sums were reported to have been invested in agriculture. 10) The period of uncertainty about exchange rates seems to have some discouraging effect on trade. 11) It seems that all the necessary instruments are there. 12) Accounting is often said to be the language of finance.

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