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1. Переведите предложения. Укажите номера тех из них, в которых for-phrase можно переводить, не используя союз «чтобы», а только изменив порядок слов при переводе.

A 1) Не asked for the document to be sent to him by post. 2) Suddenly he appeared at the door of the studio and made signs for the visitors to come In. 3) Your new book must be very interesting. - This is for the reader to judge. 4) I have brought the books for you to examine. 5) He was anxious for you and his sister to become acquainted. 6) For production to be increased we must have efficient labour organisation. 7) For the insurance to be an attractive purchase, the premiums must be substantially less than the amount of the policy. 8) It is difficult for a bank branch to make dramatic savings. 9) The new organisation structure was very necessary for us to be able to broaden the scope of our activities. 10) This means that it becomes easier for people to persuade bankers to lend money for new projects. 11) Businessmen waited for interest rates to come down. 12) It would have been very difficult for us to develop on our own (самостоятельно, без посторонней помощи) - and extremely expensive.

B 1) If an agent holds stocks, it is easier for him to develop new markets. 2) It took another 29 years for six more countries at different times to join the original six members of the Common Market. 3) The investors and the government will do their best (всё от них зависящее) for the agreement to be signed. 4) What does Russia have to do for this to happen? 5) It would be useless to hope for foreigners to buy the Russian government's federal loan bonds. 6) For the machine to work well, all parts must separately be working well.7) But the exceptions here are too numerous for any rule to be stated. 8) They said there were no reasons for the business cycles to exist in a planned economy. 9) It was possible for Britain to secure control over the markets of her own Empire. 10) It is difficult for both professional critics and laymen to understand how Mr. Cleaves can manage to produce so many books. 11) Such a system makes it easier for enterprises to cooperate with each other. 12) This lack of money has made it extremely difficult for enterprises to pay their taxes.

2. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на различные значения слова «for».

1) The box was too heavy for her to lift. 2) It is necessary for the struggle for higher living standards and democracy to be waged in the interests of international cooperation. 3) The result is years of unemployment for millions and the painful need for large amounts of investment to be written off. 4) When it was time for the credit to be repaid the bank sent its clients notification. 5) In general, it is economically better for a business to incorporate when its profit before taxes reaches about $50,000 a year. 6) Stockists (agents) must work on a higher profit margin, for they have to pay for stocks for which they will not receive payment for some time. 7) Here are some useful things for you to remember.

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