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Company structure.

To head – возглавлять

Share – акция

Shareholder – акционеры

Workers = stuff = workforce = employees = personnel – работники

Workforce – рабочая сила

Organisation chart – структура организации

Board of Directors – Совет Директоров

Chairperson – председатель

Managing Director = Chief Executive officer (CEO) – исполнительный директор

Responsible for = in charge for – быть ответственным за что-то

To employ = to take on = to hire = to gave smb a job … - нанимать

To fire = to make smb redundant = to dismiss = to discharge – увольнять

Salary – for white collar – зарплата

Wages – for blue collar – зарплата

Fee – гонорар

Payment – выплата

Accountant – бухгалтер

To appoint – назначать

Subsidiary = branch - филиал

Sales and service offices – офисы продаж и обслуживания

Immediate superior – непосредственный начальник

To report = to subordinate - подчиняться

To oversee – присматривать

Company policy – политика компании

To achieve goal = target = aim = purpose = достигнуть цели

To offer advice – дать совет, предложить

To look through – просматривать

Ultimately = eventually = finally = in the end – в конце концов

To seek = to look for = to search – искать

To require further training – требовать дальнейшего образования

First stage = step – первый шаг

Necessary procedures – необходимые процедуры

Essential = significant = indispensable = crucial = vital – жизненно важный

Recruitment committee – отдел кадров

To select = to choose = to opt for = to short list – выбирать

Reason for = cause of – причина, повод

Questions which seem to have no point – вопросы, которые, кажется, не имеют смысла

To be intended = to be aim – быть нацеленным

To reveal – раскрыть

Suitability – годность

Fortunate candidate = to be satisfied = to be content – счастливый претендент

Conditions of the job = benefits – условия работы

To accept – принимать, принять

To give notice – известить

To be thrown out of the job – быть уволенным

Private industry – частный сектор

State sector – государственный сектор

To assume – принимать

To move from…to – продвигаться от…к

Promotion – продвижение

Familiarity with the work – знание своего дела

Loyalty – преданность

To be loyal to – быть преданным чему-либо

To set against – противостоять

Challenging approach – нестандартные подходы

Avoidance of intrigues – избежание интриг

Resentment – негодование

To prove oneself – зарекомендовать себя

To bridge the gap between - сократить расстояние между

Interviewer – берущий интервью

Interviewee – проходящий собеседование

Mutual commitments – взаимные обязательства

Completion of education – окончание образования

Promotion prospects – перспективы продвижения по службе

To assume obligations – брать обязательства

Stability – стабильность

At the top of the company there is Board of Directors, headed by the President.

The shares are selling at a premium.

The company consists of the shareholders, managers, workers.

Many of its employees are women.

The country's workforce is growing rapidly.

At the top of the company there is a Board of Directors, which appoint the President or


CEO can be appointed by the Board of Directors or be elected from it.

Marketing department is responsible for the promotion of goods.

The government counted 27,600,000 employed persons in West Germany.

He was dismissed as incompetent.

The worker was dismissed for laziness.

The government has decided to increase salaries for all civil servants.

The wages of sin is death.

We couldn't afford to pay the lawyer's fees.

The fund will make payments of just over ₤1 billion next year.

Whether an organisation calls its accountant a management accountant, a financial

accountant or just an accountant doesn't matter.

He was appointed to the position.

Headquarters of this company are located in Moscow, but they have subsidiaries and

sales and service offices all over the world.

My immediate superior oversees the policy of the company and I implement his orders.

All other considerations had to be subordinated to the needs of the family.

The Home Secretary oversees the police service.

Our management goal is to improve the quality of technical publications at all levels.

He happened to be looking through the medical book `Gray's Anatomy' at the time.

Every kingdom ultimately depends on moral influence and not on physical force.

For over 100 years, men have sought for gold in these hills.

Many professional jobs require further training.

Most authorities agree that play is an essential part of a child's development.

After many tests, John was selected for the team.

She asked him to return, but didn't give a reason.

Nowadays many companies prefer interviews when questions which seem to have no

point are used.

This benefit is intended for people incapable of work.

She has refused to reveal the whereabouts of her daughter.

There's no doubt about her suitability for the job.

Unemployment benefit is money that some people receive from the state when they do

not have a job and are unable to find one.

Eventually Stella persuaded her to accept an offer of marriage.

He knew the dogs would give notice of the approach of anyone.

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