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Emblems and Heraldry.docx
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The khazâd

O ur knowledge of Dwarvish heraldic or emblematic customs is extremely limited. What we know of it comes from one sole example: the carvings on the Doors of Durin, the west gate of Moria. On the gate was seen, among other things, the emblems of Durin the Deathless. They consisted of a hammer and an anvil, surmounted by a crown which was surrounded by seven stars. The stars represented the constellation of the Valacirca, or the Plough, which Durin saw above his head when he looked into the Kheled-zâram. The Dwarves were always associated with smithying, a tribute to their maker Aule the Smith of the Valar, which should explain the hammer and anvil. [4]


We know virtually nothing about Hobbit customs regarding emblems. We do know that they used logotypes, however: when Merry and Pippin investigated the wreck of Isengard, they found two barrels of pipeweed. Both were marked with "the Hornblower brandmarks" -- but we are not told what they looked like [14].


A common denominator of the heraldry for the two Dark Lords and their followers is the preference of black.

W hen Morgoth slew Fingolfin, his shield was "sable unblazoned" and his armour was black. The lack of any charge is not only fitting for the personification of the Darkness, but also hints at Morgoth's nihilistic disposition. [15]

S auron's device echoes Morgoth's sable background. The Red Eye was the common symbol for Sauron in the Third Age, even when talking about him as a person [1316]. It symbolizes his watching from the Dark Tower all over Middle-earth, especially after the One Ring. The eye drawn here is based on the dustjacket designs for The Lord of the Rings made by Professor Tolkien.

W hen Sauron overran Minas Ithil, the city aquired a new emblem. The emblem of Minas Morgul showed a moon "disfigured by a ghastly face of death" [16]. The exact arrangement of the skull and the moon is of course difficult to tell. The moon was probably a remnant from before the takeover by Sauron: Minas Ithil means "Tower of the Moon".

T he Mordor Special Mission Flying Corps Emblem is described out of context, but (being preserved) the complex design of this emblem makes it unique in all the known Arda. It apparently was a badge that applied to Sauron's air-borne troops, probably including the later incarnations of the Nazgûl and, perhaps, any remaining dragons under Sauron's command. The "wings" at the side of the emblem are given a feather-like texture, which might indicate that they were originally real wings. A mystifying scribble, saying "Seen from below", actually hints that the emblem portrays one of Sauron's flying creatures, and the small "horns" indicated between the wings and the body of the creature could then be the feet of someone riding the beast. But it is clear that if so, the portrait must be extremely stylized. On the wings can be seen the image of Sauron's eye, multiplied like the eyes on peacock's wings. [1]

I n the Battle of the Pelennor Fields one of the chieftains of the Haradrim under Saurons command had a "black serpent upon scarlet" on his standards. It seems that that very battle was also the end of this device, because the chieftain and his followers fell victims for the wrath of the Rohirrim, "and the black serpent foundered." [17]

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