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Assembler Source Code a:link {text-decoration: none} a:visited {text-decoration: none} a:hover {text-decoration: none; color:#ff0000}     ; Custom_Interrupt.asm ; interrupt vector (memory from 00000h to 00400h) ; keeps addresses of all interrupts (from 00h to 0ffh). ; you can add new interrupt or modify existing interrupts. ; address of interrupt M is stored in vector at offset M * 4, ; for example: interrupt 10h is stored at offset 10h * 4. ; first goes the offset, then segment (total of 2 bytes). ; for more information refer to "global memory table" in c:\emu8086\documentation. ; note: this is simplified example, it is not recommended to make changes to it ; and run it on the real computer, especially it is not recommended to replace disk ; processing interrupts because this may cause data loss and other instability problems. name "custint" org 100h start: ; set video mode to 3 - 16 color 80x25 mov ah, 0 mov al, 3 int 10h ; set es to "0000": mov ax, 0 mov es, ax ; calculate vector address for interrupt 90h: mov al, 90h ; multiply 90h by 4, store result in ax: mov bl, 4h mul bl mov bx, ax ; copy offset into interrupt vector: mov si, offset [test1] mov es:[bx], si add bx, 2 ; copy segment into interrupt vector: mov ax, cs mov es:[bx], ax int 90h ; test newly created interrupt. ; wait for any key press: mov ah, 0 int 16h int 20h ; halt execution. ; interrupt 90h starts here: test1: pusha ; store all registers. ; make sure data segment is code segment: push cs pop ds ; set segment register to video memory: mov ax, 0b800h mov es, ax ; print message, each character is written as ; a word, high byte is color and low byte is ; ascii code: lea si, msg ; load offset of msg to si. mov di, 0 ; point to start of the screen. print: cmp [si], 0 ; if "0" then stop. je stop mov bl, [si] ; read ascii code from msg. mov bh, 0f1h ; set colors: white background, blue text. mov es:[di], bx ; write to vidio memory. add di, 2 ; go to next position on screen. inc si ; next char. jmp print stop: popa ; re-store all registers. iret ; return from interrupt. msg db "test of custom interrupt!", 0

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