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Assembler Source Code a:link {text-decoration: none} a:visited {text-decoration: none} a:hover {text-decoration: none; color:#ff0000}     ; include.asm ; this sample shows the use of emu8086.inc ; this is library of predefined macros and procedures for easy input/output. name "inc" include "emu8086.inc" ; it is also possible to just copy and paste ready procedures from emu8086.inc ; and use them in your program, this way it is possible to step through original ; source code. ; note, that some declarations of "emu8086.inc" ; are macro procedure declarations, and you ; have to use "define_..." macro somewhere ; in your program if you want to use ; these functions: ; call scan_num ; call print_string ; call pthis ; call get_string ; call clear_screen ; call print_num ; call print_num_uns ; you can define all these procedures in your ; source code, but compilation time may slow down ; sufficiently because of that, only declare ; functions that you plan to use: ; define_scan_num ; define_print_string ; define_pthis ; define_get_string ; define_clear_screen ; define_print_num ; define_print_num_uns ; the above declarations should be made in ; your code once only! better somewhere ; in the end of your file, but before "end" ; directive. you can also declare them ; in the beginning of the file, but it should ; be after "org 100h" directive (for com files). org 100h jmp start ; skip over the declarations ;================================= ; here we define the functions ; from emu8086.inc ; scan_num reads a ; number from the user and stores ; it in cx register: define_scan_num ; print_string prints a null ; terminated string, the address ; of the string is in ds:si define_print_string ; print_num prints a signed ; number in ax. ; (print_num requires the declaration ; of print_num_uns). ; print_num_uns prints an unsigned ; number in ax: define_print_num define_print_num_uns ;================================= start: ; print out some chars, ; using macro: putc 'h' putc 'i' putc ' ' putc 't' putc 'h' putc 'e' putc 'r' putc 'e' putc '!' ; new line: putc 0Dh putc 0Ah ; print string using macro ; with carriage return in the end: printn "assembly language programming is fun!" ; print string using procedure: lea si, msg call print_string ; input a number into cx ; using procedure: call scan_num ; new line: putc 0Dh putc 0Ah print "your lucky number is: " mov ax, cx ; print out the number in ax ; using procedure: call print_num printn "" printn "" printn "press any key..." mov ah, 0 int 16h ret msg db "enter a number: ", 0

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