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Assembler Source Code a:link {text-decoration: none} a:visited {text-decoration: none} a:hover {text-decoration: none; color:#ff0000}     ; far_call-2.asm name "far2" ; the correct use of far call for defined procedures. org 100h jmp start off_print_me dw ? seg_print_me dw ? start: mov off_print_me, printme mov seg_print_me, seg printme call far off_print_me db 'hello', 0 mov ah, 0 int 16h ret ;******************************* printme proc far mov cs:origSI, si ; protect SI register. mov cs:origDS, ds ; protect DS register. pop si ; get return address (IP). pop ds ; get return segment. push ax ; store ax register. next_char: mov al, ds:[si] inc si ; next byte. cmp al, 0 jz printed mov ah, 0eh ; teletype function. int 10h jmp next_char ; loop. printed: pop ax ; re-store ax register. push ds ; ds:si should point to next command after the call instruction and string definition. mov ds, cs:origDS ; re-store ds register. push si ; save new return address into the stack. mov si, cs:origSI ; re-store si register. retf ; variables to store the original value of SI and DS registers: origSI dw ? origDS dw ? endp ;*******************************

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