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Vocabulary List. The English Patient.doc
401.41 Кб
  1. What is the role of the following symbols in the film?

  • the drawing at the beginning of the film

  • the earth, the desert and sand – the air and the wind – the sun and fire - water

  • maps

  • fingers-thimbles

  • human body

  • light – darkness

  1. How would you comment on the following ideas from the film?

  1. “I must be a curse. Anybody who loves me, anybody who gets close to me. . .[dies]”

  2. “If you could explore from the air, life would be very simple”.

  3. “There's also a plant - I've never seen it but I'm told you can cut a piece the size of a heart from this plant and the next day it will be filled with a delicious liquid.”

  4. “Thousands of people did die. Just different people.”

  5. “That's all I've wanted — to walk …on earth without maps. “

  1. If you were to draw a picture based on the film, what would you draw?