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Билет 7.

In short don't forget that the other person…

1. wants to understand you easily, so try to speak clearly.

2. can't see your reactions, so always confirm that you have (or have not) understood each point that's been made.

3. can't see you and doesn't know what a nice person you are, so make sure you sound polite and agreeable.

4. hasn't got all day, so make sure your call is brief.

5. is getting an impression of your firm while talking with you, so make sure that you sound efficient – your firm's image may be at stake, even if you're just taking a message.

Most business people, unless they feel very confident, prepare for an important phone call in a foreign language by making notes in advance. And during the call they make notes while they are talking to help them to remember what was said.

It's important to sound interested, helpful and alert when answering the phone. You may have to make or receive calls to or from regular customers and prospective customers, so a good telephone manner not only makes an impression in business, but it also helps to make money.

It is essential to make notes and often when an agreement is reached on the phone, one of the speakers will send a fax to confirm the main points that were made.

As it is so easy to be misunderstood when talking on the phone it is a good idea to repeat any important information (especially numbers and names) back to the other person to make sure you’ve got it right. Always make sure you know the name of the person you are talking to.

Билет 8.

When you have made your choice and found a position you would like to apply for, you will have to be faced with the time-consuming task of writing your letter of application and curriculum vitae.(resume)

But for many jobs, and especially more senior ones, you have to compose a letter, there are in fact two choices: a letter containing all the information; or a shorter covering letter together with a curriculum vitae containing information set out on a separate sheet.

The plan for the covering letter might be:

  1. reference to the advertisement and statement of application

  2. reference to the enclosed curriculum vitae

  3. amplification of details of curriculum vitae

  4. complimentary close

Your letter must sound like you, it must convey something of your own personality. However, if you are a very unassuming person, you will need to make the effort to sound a little more forceful than usual.

The covering letter should be handwritten.

Remember that the aim of this letter is to ensure that your name goes on to the shortlist and takes you to the next stage, the interview. To do this you need to study the advertisement very carefully indeed, decide what sort of person with what qualifications, is being sought, and then show that you are that person. If you want to be hired you need to show enthusiasm and interest in the company and the position

Билет 9.

Accountants - More Than Bean Counters. Wherever money is made or lost, accountants are needed to manage the books. Accountants are found in every industry--from the government to manufacturing to corporations. They are not bean counters or bookkeepers, but manage money, finances, and taxes and give valuable business advice. Accountants perform audits and prepare, analyze, and verify financial reports and taxes for many clients. They also give advice to corporate executives and help them make business decisions. All accountants should be analytical, creative self-starters with strong communication and computer skills.

Administrative Assistant - A Respected Career Administrative assistants do more than answer telephones, type, and get coffee-the field is becoming a highly specialized and quickly growing career opportunity for people of all backgrounds. With corporate downsizing, administrative assistants are taking on more responsibilities and contributing more to the success of a company. They are not just doing "grunt" work; in fact some are relied upon for their computer and financial skills, and are responsible for hiring and managing people.

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