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13. Examine the institution of the am Presidency, its power and major functions. Comment on the President’s role in forming home and foreign policy.

The President of the US is head of the executive power or the Chief Executive and his office is one of the most powerful in the world. Under the Constitution he must “take care, that the laws be faithfully executed”. In addition he has important legislative and judicial powers. The official residence and office of the President is in the White House.

Constitutional qualifications for the Presidency are – at least 35 years old, a resident of the country for at least 14 years and national born citizen.

The President, together with the Vice president, is elected to a 4 years term. The 22nd Amendment to the Constitution, in 1951, limited the Presidency to no more than 2 terms.

The president is succeeded by the Vice President (47th Joe Biden, 2009). The Constitution doesn’t delegate any specific executive powers to the Vice President.

As head of the government (the executive branch), the President must carry out the government programs. He has an important legislative role. He recommends laws to Congress and requests money for federal government operations. He can veto any bill passed by Congress. He is the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of the US. He has the authority to appoint the heads of all executive departments and agencies. Each appointment must be approved by the Senate. Under the Constitution the President is responsible for foreign relations with other nations.

Foreign policy (the latter half of 20-21st century)

1) US acting as a global.-policeman

2) By the time of the collapse of the USSR, the US had military and economic interests in every region of the globe (interventions in Panama, Iraq)

3) In 2007 US decided to deploy antiballistic systems in the Czech Republic and Poland. In 2008 Obama was elected as President of the USA. His main aims in foreign policy are: he'd draw down forces in Iraq; open talks with adversaries such as Iran, Syria and Cuba; end torture and close Guantánamo; renounce unilateralism and preventive wars; rebuild ties with allies; and re-engage with the Kyoto climate change initiative. He's also pledged to halt the development of and to seek a "world without nuclear weapons." Obama would start to put the threat of terrorism in its proper perspective, elevating the importance of other threats to security, from poverty to pandemic disease to global warming. Obama promises to increase Pentagon spending, boost the size of the Army and Marines, bolster the Special Forces, expand intelligence agencies and maintain the hundreds of US military bases that dot the globe

14. Describe the process of presidential elections, their indirect character. What is meant be an “electoral college”? Comment on the results of the presidential elections of the year 2008.

The method of electing a president is peculiar to the US. The people from each state do not vote directly for the President. They elect as many electors as this state has Senators and Representatives in the Congress. These electors are selected exclusively by the corresponding party machines. The candidate with the highest number of votes in each state wins all the electoral votes of the state.

The electors of all 50 states and the District of Columbia (3 electors) – a total of 538 persons – compose the Electoral College. The electors gather in the state capitals shortly after the election and cast their votes for the candidate with the largest number of popular votes in their respective states. To be elected President, a candidate must receive 270 votes.

The Constitution provides that if no candidate has a majority, the decision should be made by the H of R, with all members from a state voting as a unit. In this case, each state and the District of Columbia would be given one vote only.

Candidates for the Presidency are chosen by political parties several months before the presidential election, which is held every 4 years (leap year) on the 1st Tuesday after the 1st Monday in November.

The Presidential term of 4 years begins on January 20. He starts his official duties with an inauguration ceremony, traditionally held on the steps of the Capitol, where Congress works.

In 2008 Obama was elected as President of the USA. His main aims in foreign policy are: he'd draw down forces in Iraq; open talks with adversaries such as Iran, Syria and Cuba; end torture and close Guantánamo; renounce unilateralism and preventive wars; rebuild ties with allies; and re-engage with the Kyoto climate change initiative. He's also pledged to halt the development of and to seek a "world without nuclear weapons." Obama would start to put the threat of terrorism in its proper perspective, elevating the importance of other threats to security, from poverty to pandemic disease to global warming. Obama promises to increase Pentagon spending, boost the size of the Army and Marines, bolster the Special Forces, expand intelligence agencies and maintain the hundreds of US military bases that dot the globe.

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