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Lecture 7.doc
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Classification of the sentences according to the structure

According to their structure, sentences may be classified into simple and composite.

Sentences with only one predicative group are called simple; sentences with two or more predicative groups are composite. Composite sentences consist of clauses which are coordinated or subordinated. Composite sentences with coordinate clauses are called compound; composite sentences with subordinate clauses are called complex.

Simple sentences are divided into one-member and two-member sentences. The latter type prevails in English. Two-member sentences contain the so-called predicative benom (or full predicative group), i.e. subject and predicate. Two-member sentences with some part eliminated (omitted) are called elliptical. One-member (or one-word) sentences of the type “Night. Silence.” are often called nominative sentences, but they are also regarded as elliptical by some scholars ( It’s night). We’ll consider them as sentences of specific model (pattern).

Elliptical sentences are proper for speech, especially for dialogues. They are well described in syntax (Чахоян Синтаксис диалогической речи современного английского языка. – М.: Высш. школа, 1979. – 168 с.).

Elliptical sentences, as many scholars think nowadays, are quite complete from the notional point of view, as for their structure, it can be easily restored from the context or from the so-called deep structure (Бархударов, Солнцев, Адмони), c.f.:

A: Where two?

B: Class.

A: Math?

No, French.

Here are the most frequently used patterns of English sentences:

Main patterns:

  1. S + P (N + V): Time flies.

  2. S + P + O: Girls like sweets.

  3. Structural Subject + P: It is easy to do it.

Minor patterns:

What a day!

Of course. Definitely. (one-word sentences – слова-предложения)




a ready-made unit of vocabulary


a unit of communication




predication (modality + tense)



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