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It was impossible not to succumb a little to the contentment of these

pretty children, to the smile on Stella's lips, to Halliday's "Ripping,

old chap! I can lend you things for the night!" But again a spasm of

longing and remorse throbbed through Ashurst, and he said moodily:

"I must send a wire!"

The attractions of the pool palling, they went back to the hotel.

Ashurst sent his wire, addressing it to Mrs. Narracombe: "Sorry,

detained for the night, back to-morrow." Surely Megan would understand

that he had too much to do; and his heart grew lighter. It was a lovely

afternoon, warm, the sea calm and blue, and swimming his great passion;

the favour of these pretty children flattered him, the pleasure of

looking at them, at Stella, at Halliday's sunny face; the slight

unreality, yet extreme naturalness of it all--as of a last peep at

normality before he took this plunge with Megan! He got his borrowed

bathing dress, and they all set forth. Halliday and he undressed behind

one rock, the three girls behind another. He was first into the sea,

and at once swam out with the bravado of justifying his self-given

reputation. When he turned he could see Halliday swimming along shore,

and the girls flopping and dipping, and riding the little waves, in the

way he was accustomed to despise, but now thought pretty and sensible,

since it gave him the distinction of the only deep-water fish. But

drawing near, he wondered if they would like him, a stranger, to come

Into their splashing group; he felt shy, approaching that slim nymph.

Then Sabina summoned him to teach her to float, and between them the

little girls kept him so busy that he had no time even to notice whether

Stella was accustomed to his presence, till suddenly he heard a startled

sound from her: She was standing submerged to the waist, leaning a

little forward, her slim white arms stretched out and pointing, her wet

face puckered by the sun and an expression of fear.

"Look at Phil! Is he all right? Oh, look!"

Ashurst saw at once that Phil was not all right. He was splashing and

struggling out of his depth, perhaps a hundred yards away; suddenly

he gave a cry, threw up his arms, and went down. Ashurst saw the girl

launch herself towards him, and crying out: "Go back, Stella! Go back!"

he dashed out. He had never swum so fast, and reached Halliday just as

he was coming up a second time. It was a case of cramp, but to get him

In was not difficult, for he did not struggle. The girl, who had stopped

where Ashurst told her to, helped as soon as he was in his depth, and

once on the beach they sat down one on each side of him to rub his

limbs, while the little ones stood by with scared faces. Halliday was

soon smiling. It was--he said--rotten of him, absolutely rotten! If

Frank would give him an arm, he could get to his clothes all right now.

Ashurst gave him the arm, and as he did so caught sight of Stella's

face, wet and flushed and tearful, all broken up out of its calm; and he

thought: 'I called her Stella! Wonder if she minded?'

While they were dressing, Halliday said quietly, "You saved my life, old



Clothed, but not quite in their right minds, they went up all together

to the hotel and sat down to tea, except Halliday, who was lying down in

his room. After some slices of bread and jam, Sabina said:

"I say, you know, you are a brick!" And Freda chimed in:


Ashurst saw Stella looking down; he got up in confusion, and went to

the window. From there he heard Sabina mutter: "I say, let's swear blood

bond. Where's your knife, Freda?" and out of the corner of his eye could

see each of them solemnly prick herself, squeeze out a drop of blood and

dabble on a bit of paper. He turned and made for the door.

"Don't be a stoat! Come back!" His arms were seized; imprisoned between

the little girls he was brought back to the table. On it lay a piece

of paper with an effigy drawn in blood, and the three names Stella

Halliday, Sabina Halliday, Freda Halliday--also in blood, running

towards it like the rays of a star. Sabina said:

"That's you. We shall have to kiss you, you know."

And Freda echoed:

"Oh! Blow--Yes!"

Before Ashurst could escape, some wettish hair dangled against his

face, something like a bite descended on his nose, he felt his left

arm pinched, and other teeth softly searching his cheek. Then he was

released, and Freda said:

"Now, Stella."

Ashurst, red and rigid, looked across the table at a red and rigid

Stella. Sabina giggled; Freda cried:

"Buck up--it spoils everything!"

A queer, ashamed eagerness shot through Ashurst: then he said quietly:

"Shut up, you little demons!"

Again Sabina giggled.

"Well, then, she can kiss her hand, and you can put it against your

nose. It is on one side!"

To his amazement the girl did kiss her hand and stretch it out. Solemnly

he took that cool, slim hand and laid it to his cheek. The two little

girls broke into clapping, and Freda said:

"Now, then, we shall have to save your life at any time; that's settled.

Can I have another cup, Stella, not so beastly weak?" Tea was resumed,

and Ashurst, folding up the paper, put it in his pocket. The talk turned

on the advantages of measles, tangerine oranges, honey in a spoon, no

lessons, and so forth. Ashurst listened, silent, exchanging friendly

looks with Stella, whose face was again of its normal sun-touched pink

and white. It was soothing to be so taken to the heart of this jolly

family, fascinating to watch their faces. And after tea, while the two

little girls pressed seaweed, he talked to Stella in the window seat

and looked at her water-colour sketches. The whole thing was like a

pleasurable dream; time and incident hung up, importance and reality

suspended. Tomorrow he would go back to Megan, with nothing of all this

left save the paper with the blood of these children, in his pocket.

Children! Stella was not quite that--as old as Megan! Her talk--quick,

rather hard and shy, yet friendly--seemed to flourish on his silences,

and about her there was something cool and virginal--a maiden in

a bower. At dinner, to which Halliday, who had swallowed too much

sea-water, did not come, Sabina said:

"I'm going to call you Frank."

Freda echoed:

"Frank, Frank, Franky."

Ashurst grinned and bowed.

"Every time Stella calls you Mr. Ashurst, she's got to pay a forfeit.

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