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Washington - the capital of the usa and other vast cities

Washington - the capital of the usa is situated on Potovac river in the district of Columbia. The district is a piece of land ten miles square and it is outside the jurisdiction of any state and subjects only to the control of the federal congress. The district is named in honour of Columbus, the discoverer of America.

The capital was named after the first president of the usa - G. Washington and it owes much to this man. He chose the place for the district and laid the corner-stone of the Capitol (the place where congress sits) in 1790.

Washington is not the largest city of the usa, it's population is only about a million people.

Washington is one of the least industrialised metropolices in the world. the only industry it produces is government. It doesn't produce anything but very much scrap paper every day 25 railway cars leave washington loaded with scrap paper.

However in many ways it's a typical american city, with poluted air and the water in Potomac. There are traffic jams in resh hours in its streets. But in spite of all, washington's architecture has nothing characteristically american in it, its conception is purely france, thats why washington is also called "american paris". There are long wide avenues, gardens, parks and no skyscrapers at all, because no building can be taller than the Capitol.

The white house is the president's resident and all their presidents (except for washington himself) have lived in this two-stored white building while ruling the country.

Washington is a large scientific and cultural centre, where there are many research institutes, five universities, the national academy of science and the library of the congress. the major attractions for tourists are in the heart of washington, on Capital Hill. among them the National Museum of History, The National Gallery of Art, which exhibits thousands of world-famous canvases, the Washington Monumentum, which looks like a huge 160-meter-high pencil and is hollow inside, so every visitor can take the lift, which brings you to the top for 70 seconds from where you can enjoy a wonderful view of the whole city.

There is one more well-known building - Pentagon (the residence of the US military department). It is situated in the suburbs to the south of the Potomac.

Other cities

New York is the largest city of the USA and the biggest seaport as well.it’s the buisiness centre of the United States. It was founded in 1613 by Dutch settlers. A Dutch- man Peter Minuit bought Manhattan Island from the Indians for 24 dollars & a barrel of rum. The Americans say that this was the best business deal ever made in New York. In 1613 the Dutch had built only four small houses in Manhattan. New Amsterdam was the first name of the city. After the
English had taken over the city in 1626, it was renamed New York after the
Duke of York who was commander of the army.There are 5 districts: Manhattan, the Bronx, Queens, Brooklyn and Richmond.

Manhattan is the central and the oldest part, it’s the district of business and finance. The New York stock exchange (биржа) dominates buisiness life of many countries from the world famous Wall Street. Another well-known streets are Broadway (the centre of the theatres and night life) and Fifth Avenue (the great shopping, hotel and club avenue, where is also situated Empire State building). On the island in the NY port the Statue of Liberty stands.

Chicago (читается через [ш]!)is America's most important haulage centre and is a significant port for both domestic and international trade.

If you live in San Francisco you get plenty of exercise, because it's a city of 40 hills. Perhaps that's why the famous cable cars (фуникулеры, канатные дороги) are so popular. And of course the views from the hills are spectacular. The consistently spring-like weather and unique atmosphere attract corporations as well as visitors, and the solid economic base keeps them there. The sea winds from the Pacific ocean are very healthy. It is also America's most international city with newspapers in thirty different languages.

из лекции:

Los Angeles – a very expensive city with dirty air. this city numbers nearly 500 criminal bands. The city of immigrants.