- •Content
- •Introduction
- •In the process of implementation of these communication skills significant role plays non-verbal communication.
- •In many ways, expression of the eyes depends on the pupils. The pupils dilate if man is excited and a narrows angrily, gloomy, if a person is full of suspicion.
- •In the literature we come across classifications of gestures on various grounds. Here are some examples of some of them.
- •Section 1.1. Approaches to defining the non-verbal codes of communication
- •Section 1.2. Classification of non-verbal codes of communication
- •Illustrators - gestures, closely associated with speech and supplementing it in different forms. They are:
- •Verbal channel: «We have good relations».
- •Brief Summary of Chapter 1
- •Chapter 2. Non-verbal means of communication as symptoms of the conflict situation
- •Section 2.1. The notion of a conflict
- •Section 2.2. Types of a conflict
- •Vertical conflicts are those which happen between people subordinate to each other.
- •In terms of social interaction conflicts are classified into ethnic, intergroup, intragroup, interpersonal and intrapersonal. [Deutsch m, 2005, 54]
- •Section 2.3. The external manifestations of non-verbal codes in a conflict situation
- •Brief Summary of Chapter 2
- •Chapter 3 Verbal manifestations of non-verbal means
- •The Girl Who Played with Fire (by Stieg Larsson). Chapter 5, page 102.
- •A Red Herring without Mustard (by Allen Bradley, chapter 2, p.26)
- •On the corner of love (by Adam Moffat, chapter 14. P.178)
- •Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (by j.K. Rowling, chapter 12: Silver and Opals. P. 322)
- •Hp and the Goblet of Fire (by j.K. Rowling, Chapter 14: Felix Felicis, p. 213)
- •Brief summary of the Chapter 3
- •Conclusion
- •Список литературы
- •List of used fiction
- •List of lexicographic publications
In many ways, expression of the eyes depends on the pupils. The pupils dilate if man is excited and a narrows angrily, gloomy, if a person is full of suspicion.
The vividness of the person’s eyes is evidenced by their shine. Glittering eyes emitting rays concentrated and penetrating, describes a person with a powerful, strong character, with the internal energy. He is trustworthy, loyal person. If the glitter is weak - a man in front of you with a non-stable character, he is not reliable, he has the evil, treacherous thoughts.
Language of the eyes, according to psychologists, is very important for self-awareness in the communication process. [A. Pease, 2006, 123-145.]
Gesture - are movements with a meaning of a signal. This is the expressive movements of the head, hand or a wrist, which make the process of communication. As the researchers noted the gestures in the process of communication not only accompany the speech. On the basis of gestures one can make a conclusion about the relationship of man to an event, person or an object. The gesture can also give information about the desires of a person, his inner state of mind. Features of human gestures can serve as a basis for concluding about some quality of a person. It is why they therefore considered gestures to be a part of expressive movements.
In the literature we come across classifications of gestures on various grounds. Here are some examples of some of them.
According to the physical nature gestures can be divided into two groups: head and manual (hand). The second group, in turn, includes a subgroup of gestures performed by one hand or both hands, and gestures, which differ in active use of the hands: finger, wrist, elbow, shoulder, or mixed.
About seven hundred different movements and positions are available for hands. The fingers, for example, prohibit, prevent, beckon, threaten, and show numbers. Each finger has its own purpose. [P. Ekman, 2005, 13-27.]
The wrist also has a number of positions and meanings:
Palm up - trusted position; forward-denial, the addition of palm - consent, request, entreaty, raised his finger - a warning; ahead - danger, to his forehead - thinking, hands on hips - to call, etc.
Gestures are classified as follows: communicative gestures - gestures of greetings and farewells, the threat, attracting attention, beckoning, inviting, forbidding, harassing, and teasing. Replacing the elements in the speech language are easily understood without the context of the speech, have their own importance in the communication, descriptive gestures and figurative gestures - emphasizing that accompany speech and voice out of context lose their meaning, modal - gestures of approval, disapproval, irony, disbelief, uncertainty, ignorance, misery, thoughts , concentration, confusion, confusion, depression, frustration, disgust, joy, delight, surprise.
Express the assessment relating to things and phenomena of the environment.
Alan Pease in one of his works distinguishes demonstrative, reinforcing, and demonstrative gestures of the tangent. [A.Pease, 2001]Pointing gestures directed toward objects or people are used to pay attention to them. Reinforcing gestures are used to support statements. Crucial importance in this case position of the hand. Demonstrative gestures, explain the situation. With the help of tangent sign they want to establish social contact or to receive a sign of attention from the partner. They are also used to reduce the value of expression.
According to classical approach gestures are commonly divided into voluntary and involuntary. Voluntary gestures - are movements that are committed on purpose. Gestures are involuntary movements, if they committed unconsciously.
Involuntary gestures are congenital, genetic or acquired. The ability to smile among the children, who were born blind and deaf without a manifest learning and copying, is innate. When a man crosses his arms on his chest, he crosses his right hand over left or vice versa? In one case, he feels uncomfortable, and in another convenient, that is called the gesture genetic, it cannot be changed. Most gestures of nonverbal behavior are acquired.
Stolyarenko L.D. identifies the following gestures:
Gestures-illustrators - a gesture that is interpreted as a message pointers («finger pointing»), pictography, i.e., figurative painting images (« this is a size and configuration»,) kinesicografs – body movements, gestures, «bits» (gestures, «visual signal») ideographs, i.e., the original motion with his hands, connecting with imaginary objects.
Gestures-regulators - are gestures expressing the attitude of the speaker to an event. These include a smile, a nod, direction of gaze and focused motion of hands.
Gestures-emblems - are kind of substitute words or phrases of communication. For example, compressed hands in the manner of a hand shake in many cases means «Hello», and hands which are raised above the head – means «Goodbye».
Gestures-adapters - are the specific habits of man connected with hand movements. It can be: a) scratching, shaking of some parts of the body, and b) touching, slapping a partner, and c) stroking, shuffling some things that are close at hand (pen, button, etc.).
Gestures-affecters – are gestures that express through body movements and facial muscles the specter of certain emotions. [Stolyarenko L.D., 1995]
There are also micro-gestures: movements of the eyes, redness of the cheeks, increased the number of blinks per minute, twitching lips, etc.
Like any language, body language consists of words, sentences and signs of punctuation. Every gesture is similar to one word and the word can have several different meanings. You can fully understand the meaning of the word, only when you insert a word in the sentence, along with other words. Gestures come in the form of "suggestions" and just talk about the real state, mood and attitude of the person. Observant person can read the non-verbal proposals and compare them with verbal suggestions of the speaker. That is why it is important for the discerning people to purchase the ability to understand false, feigned gestures. The peculiarity of these gestures: they exaggerate weak disturbances (demonstration of strengthening your hands and body movements); suppress strong emotion (due to restriction of movements like that), these false movements tend to start with limbs, and end in the face. [Makhlina, 2001, pp. 37-38]
Studies show that non-verbal signals are five times more informative than verbal, and if the signals are incongruent, that is, words and gestures do not match, people usually tend to rely on the non-verbal information in preference to verbal.
When communicating frequently the following gestures occur:
gestures of assessment - scratching his chin, pulling of index finger along his cheeks, standing up and walking back and forth, etc. (the person evaluates information);
Gestures of confidence - to connect the fingers to the dome of the pyramid, swinging on the chair;
Gestures of nervousness and uncertainty –that is interlaced fingers, tingling hands, tapping one’s fingers on the table, moving off the back of the chair before you sit on it, etc.
Gestures of self-control - hand wound behind one’s back, one compress
The pose of a man sitting on a chair and grabbing his hands in the armrest, etc.
Gestures of expectation - rubbing one’s hands, slowly wiping wet hands against the fabric;
Gestures of negation - fold arms, turned away body; folded hands touching the tip of the nose, etc.;
Gestures of location - latch arm to the chest; intermittent touch to the interlocutor, etc.;
dominance gestures - gestures associated with showing one’s thumbs, sharp swings from the top down, laying of hands «in lock» behind his back, and others;
insincere gestures - a hand covering the mouth, touching one’s nose as a more refined form of the covering of the mouth, or talking about lying, or of doubt in some way, turn the body away from the interlocutor, «running eyes», etc. [U. Eco, 1994]
Ability to understand the popular gestures (gestures of property, courtship, smoking, mirror gestures, nods, gestures, etc.) will allow a better understanding of people.
In order to achieve the desired goal in a conversation, it is not enough to be an attentive speaker, you must use gestures of openness during the interview, which will help to gain companion, getting him into a frank conversation and leave a favorable impression.
Research in non-verbal communication has shown that there is a direct relationship between the social position of man, his prestige and the number of gestures, which he uses. A person, who is at the top of the social ladder or professional career, can enjoy the richness of vocabulary in the communication process, while the less educated or less a professional person will be more likely to rely on gestures rather than words in the process of communication.
The frequency of gestures depends on the temperament (phlegmatic doing the minimum, choleric, in the same situation - the maximum number sign), a common culture (the higher culture of man, the less he helps himself in conversation with his hands, the more accurate and economical gesture associated with the meaning of speech, he uses), mental state (state of arousal increases the number sign). The study examined the frequency of M. Argyle and the power of gestures in different cultures (for one hour Finns gesticulating once, Italians – 80 times, French - 20, Mexicans - 180).
The same gestures in different countries have different, often opposite meaning.
When a person is called receptive and very intuitive, it is believed that he could read the gestures of another person and compare them with words. Women in general are usually more susceptible than men, which is usually referred to as «women's intuition». Intuition is particularly pronounced among young mothers, as the first few years of life a woman has to deal with them mostly with gestures. This is the reason why women are generally more successful in negotiations than men.
Through gestures, you can send up to 40% of the information.
Another informative component is the posture. For postures we can determine the mental state of people, some aspects of their character, culture, attitude to people's ethnic origin. Sure, people are impressed by confident posture, straight from the shoulders, and deployed his head high. When someone stands, hunched, hands in pockets, or sitting in a chair lounging, leaning against the wall, leaned on the table, propping up his chin with his hand, in others it does not cause pleasure.
The most studied three groups of poses, expressing attitude to the partner:
1) The inclusion or exclusion from the situation (open or closed). Different ways to build its position as a closed - crossed his arms, fingers woven into the lock, the locking knee sitting «leg to leg», the deviation of the back and back, etc. - correspond to the internal closure in contact. Posture, indicating a willingness to communicate: a person smiles, head and body turned to the partner, the trunk is tilted forward.
2) Domination («overhang» of the partner, the hand of «forgotten» on the shoulder of his interlocutor, etc.) or dependence (look below; situational stoop, etc.)
3) Resistance (standing, fists clenched, arms akimbo, holding his shoulder forward) or harmony (postures synchronized, open, free).
Gait - kinesic substructure element associated with the posture. The nature of gait indicates both the physical condition and age of the person, and his emotional state. The elements of gait are the rhythm, speed, step length, the pressure at the surface. These parameters form the images of flat, smooth, confident, solid, heavy, guilty and other types of gait.
Takesics studies touching in the communication: handshakes, kisses, the touch, and stroking.
People touch each other for different reasons in different ways and in different places. Studies show that people need and desire some form of tactile stimulation. However, the intensity and frequency of contact differ from culture to culture, depending on sex, age, status and personality type. Touches are reported as the emotional state and the nature of the interaction. Among the touches we can define the following:
• Professional (used only in professional or functional purposes are impersonal in nature: when a professional touch to another person, the latter perceived him as an object rather than as a person);
• Ritual (handshakes, kisses and diplomatic, etc.);
• Friendship-kind;
• Love-kind;
It is considered bad manners to turn the top button on your partners clothing, clapping him on the shoulder, blow a speck of dust from his clothes. The touch that carries a tinge of pressure, force is unpleasant. Sometimes a pat on the shoulder, patting on the cheek, head, talk about arrogance and familiarity seem to be the interlocutor and seems tactless. [Kreydlin, 1998]
In modern life we use a handshake when greeting. They can transmit one of three types of relations: superiority, recognition of the superiority or equality. When shaking hands with your palm facing down, means that you are «alpha dog». When shaking hands with your palm facing up, you demonstrate recognition of the superiority of your partner. And finally, the handshake will be equal if both hands stretched in the vertical position. There are different types of handshakes.
Spatial organization also greatly affects the process of human interaction. Studies of this component of communication by well-known American scholar E. Hall led to the formation of a new scientific field - proxemics, which the author calls «the psychology of space». [Hall E, 1999]
The choice of distance communication is determined by the social prestige of communicating, national-ethnic, gender, age, nature of the relationship partners.
Different sources described four categories of spatial communication:
– Intimate zone (15 - 46 cm) of all zones is paramount, because is strictly protected by a person. Admission to this area is allowed to those who are in close emotional contact with the person. This zone is characterized by confidence, in a low voice communication, tactile contact.
Violation of intimate zone causes some physiological changes in the body: heart palpitations, increased secretion of adrenalin, a rush of blood to the head, etc. The premature invasion of the intimate zone in the process of communication has always been perceived as a threat to the interlocutor of his integrity. In this category there is also a sub-zone with a radius of 15 cm, which can penetrate only through physical contact – super intimate zone;
- Personal zone (46 cm - 1.2 m) is the distance separating partners of communication, known to each other. It presupposes only a visual eye contact between the partners that support the conversation;
- Social zone (1.2 m - 3.6 m), this distance separates the outsiders in the interaction. Usually observed during official meetings in the offices, premises;
- Public Zone (over 3.6 m) at this distance the person is, addressing a large group of people (in the lecture hall, at a meeting, etc.). [Petrova, E.A., 2001, 67-71]
Each of us has its own dimensions of personal space. The more personal space a human had, the greater the emotional stress he is experiencing in terms of crowding, the worse he fills under these conditions, the worth he performs tasks that require non-standard approach, the original decision. The feeling of crowding leads to increased irritability, stress and conflict. In general, observed that well-balanced person with dignity suited to the close companion, while the restless, nervous people try to stay away, especially from the companion of the opposite sex.
The organization and the angle of contact are also important components of nonverbal proxemic system. It is well known that the placement at the table promotes normal teamwork and cooperation. While the accommodation in the diagonal way creates a sense of easy situation, a certain degrees of freedom, the position of a face to face (opposite) can increase tension and control each other, causing a situation of conflict; such communication is competitive or defensive by nature. In the usual friendly conversation people occupy a corner position.
Prosody studies intonation, loudness, timbre, and tempo of speech, pauses, sighs, coughing, laughing and diction. [Hall, 1993]
Intonation - a set of audio means of language, organizing the speech. It's rhythmic and melodic aspect of speech. Its main elements are the melody of speech, the rhythm, intensity, tempo, timbre, as well as phrase and stress. Intonation can help express thoughts and feelings, aspirations, not only strong-willed, along with the word, but in addition to it, and sometimes in spite of it. A particular phrase, depending on the intonation, may acquire a different meaning. Thus, we can say sure and aching, the host and apologetic, elated and dismissive tone. People often react to the tone of it, not words.
The voice is an important means of expressing a whole range of subjective feelings and meanings. If it is too loud it annoys the listener, too quiet - quickly tired, people stop listening to the talker. Enthusiasm, joy, confidence is usually transmitted in a high voice. Grief, sadness, fatigue, sound soft, muted tones with a decrease by the end of phrases.
One manifestation is the voice of laughter. Laughter can be heard softly and with metallic overtones, sincerely and fake. In some situations, laughter is the best way to defuse tension and avoid a painful sense of immersion. Laughter has a large positive potential, and its presence in moderation - a sign of a good atmosphere.
The tone and pace of speech has a lot to say about the emotional state of people. Calm, confident voice has healing properties; it has an impact on the listener, while the angry, embittered voice of the speaker transmits stress.
Voiceless or sonorous voice gives out the age of the speaker. Quick question – is a sign of anxiety or agitation, slow question sense the depressed condition, sometimes arrogance. Quick speech is also indicates that one is trying to convince his interlocutor. The optimal rate of speech is 120 words per minute. Low, dull, rich tone of voice associated with a purposeful, strong-willed, resolute person.
One of the elements of nonverbal communication is a pause. With the help of a pause intonation can be made more expressive. By following a pause, we provide an opportunity for your partner to speak, we are encouraging the dialogue. The presence of pauses in the conversation creates a sense of calmness, thoughtfulness. Pause allows you to add something to what has been said, to correct or clarify the message. Pause emphasizes the significance of what has been said, the need to comprehend and understand it. In addition there are logical and emotional pauses. They are needed to find the best example, successfully formulated the idea. Pause helps achieve a better impact on the audience and to emphasize the important part of the speech. [Kolshansky, 1995]
While the individual characteristics of voice cannot be a reliable indicator of personality, however, you should remember the important features of human perception of voice. Listeners tend to confer higher strengths to people with a very sounding speech (nice timbre, intonation, etc.), assign owners of a beautiful speech, not only high intellectual and aesthetic and psychological qualities (handsome, intelligent, educated, friendly, generous, self-dignity), but significantly higher affiliate and business characteristics (competence, reliability, initiative, energy, confidence, motivation).