- •Content
- •Introduction
- •In the process of implementation of these communication skills significant role plays non-verbal communication.
- •In many ways, expression of the eyes depends on the pupils. The pupils dilate if man is excited and a narrows angrily, gloomy, if a person is full of suspicion.
- •In the literature we come across classifications of gestures on various grounds. Here are some examples of some of them.
- •Section 1.1. Approaches to defining the non-verbal codes of communication
- •Section 1.2. Classification of non-verbal codes of communication
- •Illustrators - gestures, closely associated with speech and supplementing it in different forms. They are:
- •Verbal channel: «We have good relations».
- •Brief Summary of Chapter 1
- •Chapter 2. Non-verbal means of communication as symptoms of the conflict situation
- •Section 2.1. The notion of a conflict
- •Section 2.2. Types of a conflict
- •Vertical conflicts are those which happen between people subordinate to each other.
- •In terms of social interaction conflicts are classified into ethnic, intergroup, intragroup, interpersonal and intrapersonal. [Deutsch m, 2005, 54]
- •Section 2.3. The external manifestations of non-verbal codes in a conflict situation
- •Brief Summary of Chapter 2
- •Chapter 3 Verbal manifestations of non-verbal means
- •The Girl Who Played with Fire (by Stieg Larsson). Chapter 5, page 102.
- •A Red Herring without Mustard (by Allen Bradley, chapter 2, p.26)
- •On the corner of love (by Adam Moffat, chapter 14. P.178)
- •Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (by j.K. Rowling, chapter 12: Silver and Opals. P. 322)
- •Hp and the Goblet of Fire (by j.K. Rowling, Chapter 14: Felix Felicis, p. 213)
- •Brief summary of the Chapter 3
- •Conclusion
- •Список литературы
- •List of used fiction
- •List of lexicographic publications
Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation
Bashkir State University
Department of Romance and German Philology
Defining non-verbal codes in the situations of confrontation
Graduation paper by Vlasenko E.A. group 501 English Department Adviser of Studies associate professor Admitted to be defended Chanysheva Z.Z.
_____________ 2012 Head of Chair of English Philology and Intercultural Communication ___________ Professor Ivanova S.V.
Ufa 2012
Chapter 1. Non-verbal means of inter-personal communication
Review of the approaches to defining non-verbal means
Classification of non-verbal means
Functions of non-verbal semiotic in communication
Summary of Chapter 1
Chapter 2. Non-verbal means as symptoms of the conflict situation
2.1 The notion of the conflict
2.2 Types of conflict
2.3 External manifestations
Summary of Chapter 2
Chapter 3. Verbal manifestation of non-verbal conflicts
Summary of Chapter 3
List of used fiction
List of lexicographic publications
Increased international cooperation in economy, science and technology, the increasing integration of the European Community led to a paradigm shift of teaching foreign languages in schools and colleges.
Mastering a foreign language by means of communication involves first appropriation of foreign-language culture in the broadest sense of the word, resulting in the ability to communicate according to norms, historically in a given language community, taking into account the psychological mechanisms of influence the recipient, and the use of specific linguistic and nonlinguistic resources and ways to implement such communication.
Communication between people of different nationalities can be seen as a dialogue of cultures, the success of which depends on the ability to perceive and understand the position of the partner, his emotional state, and to decode the national-cultural behavior. Mutual understanding and common positions are associated with the ability to adequately express your thoughts, to emphasize important and a highlight new, illustrate what was told and demonstrate an open attitude towards the partner, motivation and self-righteousness.
In the process of implementation of these communication skills significant role plays non-verbal communication.
Nonverbal components of communication are the focus of research in psychology and social psychology, linguistics and communication theory, methodology of teaching foreign languages. Several individual components of nonverbal communication have been carefully studied: facial expression, gestures, posture, orientation, distance, personal uniqueness of functioning of paralinguistic means of communication and nonverbal behavior.
According to an analysis of research in linguistics and language teaching methodology, the functioning of non-verbal components of communication and the formation of non-verbal communication skills only to a small extent have been the subject of a special study. All of the above determines the urgency of the problem considered in this course work. Nonverbal communication is understood as an integral part of communication, mediated by specific means of communication, which include paralinguistic means and nonverbal behavior, performing in the act of communication the function of specifying the meaning of expression and creating subtext statements affecting the perception of verbal communication.
The means of paralinguistic communication (later MPC) include non-linguistic means included in the speech message and together with verbal means sending semantic information.
During the writing of this diploma I used the following methods: the method of observation, contextual method, component method, method of interpretation, the method of situational analysis.
The object of the present study is the units of reflection of non-verbal semiotics in the English language, and its subject is the interpretation of units of nonverbal behavior in situations of conflict.
The aim of this research on given stage is to give a system and functions of non-verbal means in situations of conflict.
Primary aims:
1) To make a preview of different approaches of study of different means of communication.
2) To select spheres of non-verbal behavior for their detailed analysis.
3) To define the notion of conflict and work out its classification
4) To analyze examples from fiction that reflects stages in development of the conflict.
5) Analyze ways of interact between different non-verbal systems.
The theoretical value of the work lies in the fact that it contributes to the further development of the theory and practice study of nonverbal components of communication, its interaction with the verbal component of communication.
The practical significance of the study is the possibility of wider use of the components of nonverbal communication in the communication process. The scientific significance of the work is in the peculiarities of data interpretation in terms of understanding the linguistic sign and setting the contact between the interlocutors. That is, in determining the meaning of the reported information, depending on exactly how it is reported.
This makes the main difference from the prevailing in literature interpretation from the point of view of psychology and the importance of gestures aiming to express the attitude and state of the «speaker». In most cases, this side of interaction of dialogic partners, particularly relating to different cultures, remains in the «intuitive» understanding of the interacting parties. This work aims to contribute to systematizing and streamlining of existing knowledge in this field, in order to create in the future, methods of teaching non-verbal codes of communication and improve training programs for professionals in the field of interaction between different cultures.
Chapter 1 Non-verbal means of interpersonal communication
The information sent by the sender without the use of words as the coding system, forms a non-verbal message that underlies the non-verbal communication. In recent years this area of interpersonal communication is increasingly attracting the attention of scientists and specialists. The fact is that the effect of most messages is achieved by non-verbal information. This is particularly evident in cases where the verbal part of the message by the sender is contradictory. In this situation, the receiver relies more on non-verbal part, to understand the meaning of the message.
Communication as a special kind of activity - it is a creative game of intellectual and emotional abilities of interlocutors, it is, then, mutual learning of partners, understanding the new knowledge in the subject of conversation during the discussion, and finally, the work of achieving the objectives of each party in the negotiations (exchanges of views, business meetings, dialogues of officials, etc.).
According to Kreydlin G.E., one of the major problems in the study of non-verbal communications, as well as in their classification, and definition is the absence of unified approach to research. As a consequence, there is a set of divergent interpretations and conclusions, even from similar studies. [Kreydlin, 1997]
Another specific feature is the «unawareness» of the process of «nonverbal communication» and, therefore, it is formally questioning the legality of the use of the term «communication».
Non-verbal communication, better known as the language of poses and gestures, includes all forms of human expressions that do not rely on words. Psychologists believe that reading of nonverbal signals is essential for effective communication. Why non-verbal cues are so important in communication?
• About 70% of information a person perceives through the optic
(Visual) channel;
• non-verbal cues allow you to understand the true feelings and thoughts of the interlocutor;• our relationship to the interlocutor often formed under the influence of first impressions and it , in its turn is the result of the impact of nonverbal factors - gait, facial expression, look, demeanor [U.Eko, 2003]
Non-verbal means of communication are studied by following sciences:
Kinesics studies external manifestations of human feelings and emotions. It includes facial expressions, which studies the movement of facial muscles, body language, gestural studies of the movements of arms, pantomime, which studies the motility of the body, poses, posture, and gait.
Takesics studies the touch in the communication situation: shaking hands, kissing, touching or stroking, pushing and so forth.
Proxemics studies the location of people in space in the process of communication.
Prosody is divided into paralinguistic (special features of the voice: intonation, loudness, timbre, pitch, speaking rate) and extra-linguistic (special features of speaking: pausing, sighing, coughing, laughing, diction).
Let us take into detailed consideration the means of nonverbal communication, and research the methods studied by kinesics.
By kinesics we commonly understand visually perceived range of motions, performing expressive-regulatory function in communication. Kinesics - is not only the «body language» (gestures, facial expressions, poses, gaze), but also the concept which is used to denote the various movements of the person, most often in the study of movements of the hands and face. They also include such movements that are associated with the subject: the slamming of a door, creaking chair, handwriting.
Nonverbal components of Kinesics carry big information load. Most revealing are the cases when people who speak different languages resort to the help of. Gestures thus become the only possible means of communication, and perform a purely communicative function. Mimicry (from the Greek. Mimikos - imitative) - the outward expression of mental states, primarily emotional, manifested in the set of co-ordinated movements of facial muscles.
In personal relationships for the detection of the essence of emotional reactions in the first place we look at the face of his interlocutor, which is as a channel of nonverbal communication is the leading means of communication. It is able to transmit the emotional and substantive implications of voice messages and serve as a control procedure of communication partners. Effective communication is impossible without an adequate assessment of the feelings experienced by the interviewee and which are expressed on his face. Such an assessment is required when you speak to someone, which introduces a correction in the further course of interaction.
It is known that highly mobile facial expression indicates a rapid turnover of animation and the perception of impressions and inner experiences, the excitability of the light from external stimuli. Inactive mimicry as a whole points to the constancy of the mental processes. Such mimicry is commonly associated with calmness, consistency, reliability, excellence and balance. Monotony and rare change of forms of speech point to a weak impulsive communication partner. This type of behavior is typical for extremely monotonous mental states of boredom, sadness, indifference. [Makhlina, 2004, 312] Facial movements are divided into: 1) aggressive-offensive facial expressions - anger, rage, cruelty, etc.;
2) active-defensive - disgust, contempt, hatred, etc.;
3) A passive-defensive - obedience, humility, etc.;
5) The facial expressions of pleasure-displeasure;
6) Concealment of expression - body language hiding the truth, ambiguity, dishonesty, etc.
Control of expression allows us to enhance, deter, neutralize and hide experienced emotion. To enhance the emotions we make our facial expression more expressive, more accurate in accordance with the expectations of people who are watching us.
For example, celebrating the birthdays of loved ones, meeting the New Year, or receiving a gift, we can intensify the expression of their emotions, to support our partners in the interaction. We can enhance and negative emotions, such as in educational purposes, if we want to show the child how much we are saddened by his behavior.
Forehead, eyebrow, mouth, eyes, nose, chin - these parts of the face expressing basic human emotions: pain, anger, joy, surprise, fear, disgust, happiness, interest, sadness, etc.
If you want to know whether the man who offers you his services (whether male or female) would become active and operational employee, watch for his forehead and eyebrows during the conversation. If he raises his eyebrows and his forehead is covered with horizontal lines, it can be an active person, but nervous, and his activity is sure to be messy and uneven. If he moves his eyebrows, so that his forehead is stretched, and between the eyes there are two or three vertical lines, this is a person who can listen and focus, he really wants to work and have a desire to succeed. This person may well get a promotion.
Certain information carries the speaker’s lips. If lips are pursed and their edges are omitted - the interlocutor is offended, perhaps, hiding anger. If lips are relaxed, but gathered together and leaned forward a bit - the interlocutor assembled, accurate, purposeful. If lips are put forward and nervously twitching - interlocutor is offended, he is weak, but not a bad man. If the lower lip is put forward and lowered – this is a demonstration of disgust.
Visual communication (eye contact) - is an extremely important component of the communication process. About 80% of sensory impressions a person receives through the organs of vision. The eyes are important and expressive part of the body. According to recent data, the view of the control action plays a role by providing feedback on the behavior of the partner and the extent of his involvement in the communication. It is noticed that the man who is trying to hide their information (or lying) when his eyes meet the eyes of a partner less than one third of talk time. If his eyes met the eyes of a partner for more than two thirds of communication time, we can assume that we can assume that it is interesting to talk to a partner, or we are in friendly relations with him. [Treyger, 1999]
Eyes reflect the full range of human emotions. Quick, short, repetitive views - is a signal to establish contact. The desire to avoid the sight – is one of the signs of difficulties and barriers in communication. A close, fixed stare – is the desire to subjugate the interlocutor.
The impression produced by the look depends on the lumen of the pupils, the provisions of the eyelids and eyebrows, mouth and nose configuration, thus from the total outline of the face.
Positive emotions increase the number of exchanges of views, negative - reduce this amount.
According to its specificity the look may be: business, when it is fixed in the interlocutor's forehead, this involves creating an atmosphere of serious business partnership, secular - when the eye is below eye level of the interlocutor (to the level of the lips), it contributes to an atmosphere of easy dialogue, intimate - when the gaze is not directed into the eyes of his interlocutor, but to other parts of the body, to the chest. Experts say that such a view suggests a greater interest in communicating with each other. Looking askance indicates critical or suspicious attitude to the interlocutor. The look steadily directed to the nose or slightly above, describes the coarse-dominant, ant cooperative behavior. The absence of direct sight is dangerous too - a person, especially if he is in a dependent position, can give the impression that communication with him is a burden, that he was not interested. Deliberate refusal of eye contact really means that it is hard to manipulate the dependent partner.