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  1. Before listening to the article look at the headline of the article and guess whether these sentences are true (t) or false (f): Men Funnier than Women, Says Scientist

  1. A scientist has discovered men have funnier faces than women.

  2. The scientist conducted his research while riding a unicycle.

  3. The scientist believes male hormones make men funnier.

  4. He said men become funnier as they get older.

  5. Research shows there are more male than female comedians.

  6. Studies suggest men are more interested in a joke’s punch line.

  7. Men dislike hearing jokes about their wife’s mother.

  8. Men seem to be more competitive than women at joke telling.

  1. With your partner(s), decide on whether men or women are better at these things. Try to give real-life examples. Change partners and share your findings:

  • telling jokes

  • driving

  • reading a map

  • apologizing

  • organizing a party

  • tidying

  • cooking

  • telling lies

  1. With your partner(s), discuss which of the items below are the subjects of jokes in your country. Can you tell and explain a joke?

  • husband or wives

  • in-laws

  • people from other countries

  • royalty or national leaders

  • bosses

  • members of the opposite sex

  • sex

  • religion

  1. Match the following synonyms from the article “Men Funnier than Women, Says Scientist” you are going to listen to:

  1. claim

  1. made fun of

  1. reaction

  1. quietens

  1. mocked

  1. extraordinary

  1. remarkable

  1. (be) inclined to

  1. aggression

  1. topic

  1. tend to

  1. assertion

  1. subject

  1. hostility

  1. negative

  1. conclusions

  1. findings

  1. response

  1. lulls

  1. bad

  1. Match the phrases from the article “Men Funnier than Women, Says Scientist” you are going to listen to. Sometimes more than one choice is possible. Listen and check if you were right:

  1. Men are naturally

  1. nasty comments

  1. He observed the reaction

  1. of joking

  1. male “jokers” mocked him and made

  1. about mothers-in-law

  1. the male hormone testosterone is the cause

  1. of onlookers

  1. a funnier form

  1. differently

  1. women and men use humor

  1. funnier than women

  1. male comedians outnumber

  1. a competition

  1. men seem to like hearing and making jokes

  1. female ones

  1. the conversation

  1. of men being funnier

  1. It then becomes a bit of

  1. lulls