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3. Factors that should be considered to plan a strategy

Factors that should be considered include such things like:

  • The organization’s goal;

  • A size of the organization;

  • The attraction of the market;

  • The competitor’s strategies;

  • The situation of the market and the position of the organization on this market;

  • The competitive advantages of the organization;

  • The potential of the organization;

  • The specialities of the service;’

  • The organization’s stage of life cycle;

  • The expenses of production;

  • Financial recourses of the firm.

Of cours, it’s practically impossible to consider all these factors during planning a strategy. The major effect has such factors like: objectives and financial recourses of the firm, the priorities and interests of the management, the experience and risk of the time factor.

The company must do the analysis of that factors to choose the most optimal alternative, that will respond to organization’s objectives and will lead the company to good results, when the consumers are satisfied and the firm gets an eternal and stable profit.

4. Dependence of salaries on the position of an employer

A salary is a form of periodic payment from an employer to an employee, which may be specified in an employment contract. It is contrasted with piece wages, where each job, hour or other unit is paid separately, rather than on a periodic basis.

For many people, the use of the term salary has to do with the reception of any type of regular payments from an employer to an employee. While this is close to the mark, it is not quite true. Technically, a salary is an agreed upon amount of pay that is to be extended at regular intervals, in exchange for the competent performance of specific tasks within the workplace.

 The development of salary structure is the responsibility of human resource department or salary department. Rates of salary dependent on the level of experience and education employee. Also on complexity and conditions of work, vocational and business skills of worker, the results of his job, business enterprises, size of production, state of labor market and so on. If the employee work effectively he can get bonuses? This always encourages employee to work

5. Influence of developing industries on the environment

Rapid industrialization has created a state of decadence in the environment. Man has continuously tampered with the nature. As a result a threat to his life has been increased, due to the lack of healthy air and potable water and the imbalance established in the biosphere.

Air pollution is due to the direct implication of industrialization. The chimneys of industries emit smoke and vehicles have fumes, which directly contribute to air pollution. This danger of pollution has been aggravated today due to atomic explosions in some advanced countries. The depletion of ozone layer, which is very essential for life to protect from dangerous ultraviolet light, is also due to air pollution and it may result in skin diseases.

The emission of greenhouse (GHGs) like carbon dioxide in increased concentration has led to climate changes. Although it does not have toxic effect, it is largely responsible for green house effect and thus for global warming.

Although earth is surrounded by water in its three fourth areas yet drinking water has a scarcity. All main source of portable water like rivers, lakes, ponds, even wells have been polluted by various dangerous chemical and biological wastes.

Soil is also being polluted in various ways. Soil pollution usually results from the disposal of solid and semisolid wastes from agricultural practices and unsanitary habits. Thus, soil is getting heavily polluted day by day by hazardous materials and micro-organisms which enter food chain or water and are consequently ingested by man. As a result, there are numerous health problems like dysentery, cholera and paratyphoid fever.

Besides air, water and soil pollution, today we face noise pollution. The constant din and bustle of city life, frequent playing of loud speakers even in odd hours, constant playing of radios and televisions, ceaseless loud sound of vehicles deafen us in day time. Research has shown that noise pollution is capable of causing ulcers, abortions, cardiovascular diseases and hypertension besides several mental disorders.

Overall, it appears that environmental degradation in developing countries due to industry is likely to continue to increase until these countries develop sufficient income and power to keep out or regulate the harmful industries. Even then, it is unlikely that the environment will ever be restored to the quality it was before.

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