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7. Pr Marketing Activities and pr Advertising.

In addition to product publicity, a # of other pr activities are regularly used to support market products.

Article reprints. Once org has received product publicity, it should maintain it, to achieve max sales punch. AR aimed at the pert of TA, who might not have seen the original article. This method also reinforce the reactions of ppl who had read the original. It’s necessary to follow several easy rules. Plan ahead, select target publics carefully, pinpoint the significant things, integrate the reprint with other similar articles.

Trade show participation enables an org to display products before imp-t TA. Decision to participate this kind of event is a strategic one. So, pr prf should keep in mind several important points. Analyze the show, select a common theme, display appr-te prods, consider trade books & local promo efforts, emphasize what’s new.

Use of spokespersons. They air the sponsor’s viewpoint. Must be articulate, knowledgeable ab the subject. It can’t be a vampire.

Cause-related marketing. Special events (opening celebr-s, sponsorship of arts, festivals) present publicity opportunities and offer businesses a chance to meet customers face-to-face. The cost of adv is growing so companies tend to sponsorship of the sports, art, education, charitable causes for pr purposes. CRM brings together fund-raising needs of nonprofit groups with the business objectives of sponsoring. In planning special events pr-man should determine area.

PR advertising is a unique type of adv - the marketing of an image rather than a product. It is also named as institutional adv, image adv, public service adv, ultimately pr adv.

Appropriate for a number of activities. It is used to tell the publics about organizational resources, manufacturing and service capabilities, financial strength and stability, company customers. Also appropriate to inform the publics about certain events, like mergers, personnel changes, organization name change, corporate emergencies etc.

There are 7 cardinal rules of PR advertising. 1) Ads must strengthen the bottom line (практич результат). This means the institution must keep in mind its own long-term interest in its advertizing.2) Ads must be clear, as their purpose is to promote understanding. 3)Ads must be supported by top management. 4) Ads must persuade. It should be noted that a successful ad must appeal to what the public wants – not what the organization wants.5) Ads must sell the persuaded. 6) Ads must be honest 7) A sense of humor helps. Humor disarms skeptics.

The general tendency: traditional pr mark has given its way to social, or PR marketing. What is needed is an integrated appr-ch to com-s. The goal is not only to sell, but to maintain the customers’ loyalty. May be the only way a company can achieve a sustainable competitive advantage.

8. Dealing with Employees

Internal communications – now 1 of the most difficult pr functions. Downsizing, layoffs, jobs are less secure – resulted in employees who are more skeptical, brittle, dubious, less confident and loyal.

Relations betw management and rank-&-file employee is not particularly good because of trust gap. Such notion as “lifetime employment” doesn’t exit.

The demands of E are not heard: want empowerment (listen to them and act on their ideas), face-to-face comm-n with managers (but only in vital questions,for other thigs – cheaper electronic media; esp intranet). Senior management – invisible and out of touch. So, these entire issues pose a significant challenge for employee communicators. Actually, ec are creative, care about the craft of com-s and business result, are persistent, fight mediocre writing.

Another problem – declining morale. Good com-s can help combat low morale, but com-s alone isn’t the driver of morale. Morale is built on trust in leadership.

Employee public: younger, increasingly female, more ambitious and career-oriented, less complacent and less loyal. No single empl public – target messages to subgroups. Hard-nosed empl demands candor communications.

Any org-n which wants to enhance its internal comm-s must follow the principles: respect (e.must be respected as individuals and as workers), honest feedback (e.want to know where they stand), recognition (value their contributions), a voice (everyone wants have a v in decision making), encouragement.

A really good place to work answers several criteria: employees must be able to express their opinions and even dissent, visibility and proximity of upper management, priority of internal to external comm-s, clarity, friendly tone (give a sense of family), sense of humor. Most important: they want a comp to be credible (communicate in a frank, trustful and direct manner). Credible comp demonstrate trust by sharing bad news as well as good, communicate earlier and more freq-ly, involve empl in the process. In any org empl must feel they are appreciated. If empl are respected and informed, they’ll be the org’s best ambassadors. Indeed, it’s really possible to win the trust of empl.

Grapevine is difficult to stop, results will be devastating. Unfortunately, gossips dominate cyberspace. Dispel the rumor quickly and frankly, as soon as possible! Can be a comm-s vehicle, as everyone believes. Strong and candid com-s system. Identifying the source impossible.

Instead of conclusion. Strong, open communications; openness & honesty are the gas that makes our machine go.