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Английский язык №2 ЗО 2012.doc
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II. Multiple Choice

    1. According to the article, there will have to be a network of hydrogen stations allowing drivers to fill up with a flammable gas under "36-hundred pounds of pressure". How else might that number be written?

              1. 360

              2. 3600

              3. 36000

              4. 360000

    1. How many automakers are working with the California Fuel Cell Partnership on this project?

              1. 2

              2. 4

              3. 8

              4. 10

    1. Hydrogen is the fuel for fuel cell cars. It is flammable. What is the concern with this fuel?

              1. Fire

              2. Pressure

              3. Cost

              4. Availability

Text 7. Foster Adoptions

From a news story by

CNN San Francisco Reporter Rusty Dornin

It's not Mary Webster's birthday, but it's just as special. On this day, foster parents Anja and Peter Webster will officially become mom and dad. And nine-year-old Tamara will gain a sister.

Two years ago this week, the Websters took Mary into their home.

Anja Webster says, "This baby was basically placed in my arms, and she looked up at me and smiled, and there was no doubt in my mind that she was going to be part of our family at the time. It was wonderful."

Wonderful except Mary's birth mother was fighting drug addiction, and the Webster's were never sure if the birth mother would legally reclaim the toddler.

Peter Webster says, "It's like dying the death of a thousand cuts each time you go back. There's another extension and as a foster parent you have no legal rights; you're simply the custodian of the child. They're very happy the child is cared for and looked after. But they pay no attention to the fact you get emotionally involved."

The birth mother's rights were revoked. This is the day the Webster's will sign the papers and finalize the adoption.

The Judge says, "I am going to go through a few forms".

Judge Brenda Harbin Forte has finalized thousands of adoptions. A ceremony she says that never fails to touch her emotionally especially during times like these.

Judge Brenda Harbin Forte says, 'There's still times where people are showing the capacity to reach out to someone else and say I want to protect you. I want to make this world a better place for you, and I want to do what I can to make sure that you grow up to be a safe, happy and healthy child, and that's what this day is all about."

Signatures on a piece of paper, a formality that abolished the fears for Andrea and Charles Douglass adopting 3 year old Landess.

Andrea Douglass says, "I saw fireworks when she said it, yeah, it's finally here and he's finally ours and yeah. This proceeding made the difference cuz you know definitely."

For the Websters, as well [there were] feelings of anxiety until this very moment.

Judge Forte says, "Then having examined you and I am reassured that you will be good adoptive parents and that you will treat the child as your own and take care of this child, the petition for adoption is hereby granted."

Happy adoption day, Mary Webster.