- •I Year Lab Assignment # 4 city transport
- •Introduction to the Topic
- •1 Express your opinion on traffic situation in big cities. Answer three of the following questions.
- •Active Vocabulary
- •2 Translate 10 of the following words & phrases.
- •3 А) Read the text below & find the answers for the questions given in one box.
- •Moscow's public transport
- •4 Agree or disagree with three statements given below using the remarks from the box.
- •Exercises
- •5 Match up 5 English equivalents from the text above with the following Russian ones.
- •6 Translate 10 of the following phrases into Russian.
- •7 Translate 5 of these sentences into English according to the text read.
- •8 Make up questions from the given words & fill in the tables underneath.
- •10 Using good expressions & ideas from above material make up a short essay on the traffic situation in your native place/Irkutsk (up to ten sentences).
1 Lab assignment # 4 City Transport Made by Тогодоева Ц.Б. Group БИ4-11-1 |
I Year Lab Assignment # 4 city transport
City Transport
Introduction to the Topic
1 Express your opinion on traffic situation in big cities. Answer three of the following questions.
Is it good that more and more people have their own cars?
And is it good from the ecological point of view?
How do you prefer to get to work: to drive (a car) or to ride on any kind of public transport?
How do you go to the university?-I go to the university on public transport bus.
How much time does it take you?- I go to the university for 35 minutes.
Would it be better if one can go everywhere within the city by foot or by bicycle?
Should we build an underground in Irkutsk? –I think that we must build an underground in Irkutsk.
Why/why not?-Because, it is considerably will reduce emissions in the atmosphere and quantity of jams
What are your suggestions on improving the traffic situation in our cities and towns?
What are the advantages and drawbacks of the traffic situation in your native place in comparison with that of Moscow/Irkutsk?
Active Vocabulary
2 Translate 10 of the following words & phrases.
population – население;
transit – транзит, переход, перевозка;
a thoroughfare –проезд;
to avoid – избежать;
fuel – топливо;
petrol – бензин;
a crossroad – перекресток;
a saloon –салон;
a version – версия;
daily – ежедневно;
to deal (with) – иметь дело с;
to rely (on) – полагаться на;
a Muscovite – москвич;
to handle – обращаться, брать руками, обходиться;
according to – согласно;
in order to make – для того, чтобы сделать;
an express line – экспресс линия;
a railway station - железнодорожная станция;
in 30 minutes - за 30 минут;
a ventilation system – система вентиляции;
to provide heating – обеспечить отопление;
the city planners - городские планировщики, градостроители.
a busy thoroughfare – оживленная магистраль; to meet the ecological requirements – соответствовать экологическим требованиям; passenger capacity – вместимость пассажиров; public transport – общественный транспорт; rapid transit – скоростной транспорт; a traffic jam – пробка; to run on electricity – работать на электричестве; to operate on petrol or diesel fuel – работать на бензинном или дизельном топливе; a transportation problem – транспортная проблема; on the average – в среднем; the Master Plan – мастер план (генеральный план); a satellite town –город - спутник; a rest zone – зона отдыха; a bus route – автобусный маршрут; liquefied gas –сжиженный газ; a trolleybus – троллейбус; an articulated part – шарнирные части; a TV camera-телевизионная камера; an improved finishing – улучшенная отделка; an all-metal streamlined body – цельнометаллический обтекаемый корпус; to intend to rely (on) – намереваться ссылаться на. |
Reading Comprehension