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English speaking countries Федорова

The British Isles are situated on the crossways of sea routes. That helped the British fleet to develop very early in history. In the 17-th century Britain became not only the “workshop of the world” but also “the mistress of the seas”. Her ships carried the products of British industries all over the world and brought back food and raw materials.

Large territories in India, Australia, America and Africa became dependent on the British Empire. Britain sent to these overseas lands soldiers and clerks to look after its property. They brought there not only their customs and traditions but also language. Settlers from Britain moved to these new lands in search of riches. Some colonies were selfgoverning or dominions such as Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Others like India, Africa and the West Indies were ruled by a governor appointed from Britain and assimilated the English language.

At the period of its prosperity the British Empire covered one fifth of the earth and had one quarter of the world’s population.

Now the English language is the state language of many states; such as: the USA, Canada, Australia, India, Pakistan, New Zealand, Ireland and many others. It is one of the six official languages of the United Nations Organization. About 300 million people of the world speak English.

The USA is a federal republic, a union of 50 states with the population of more than 240 million people. Its capital is Washington. English is the official and predominant language. The Head of State and Government is the President, elected for four years. Congress is the legislative body, consisting of the Senate and the House of Representatives. There are two main political parties in the USA: the Democratic Party (symbolized by a “donkey”) and the Republican Party (its symbol is an “elephant”).

Canada is an independent federative state consisting of ten provinces and two territories, a member of the Commonwealth, headed by the Queen of Great Britain. Population is more than 25 million people. The capital of Canada is Ottawa. English and French are both official languages, but only about 12 per cent of the population is bilingual. 60% speaks English. The Head of State is Queen (King) of Britain, represented by a governor-general. (The Queen’s title in Canada is “the Queen of Great Britain, Canada and other territories”). Prime Minister is the Head of the Government. Parliament is the legislative body of the country. It consists of a Senate and a House of Commons.

Australia (official name is Commonwealth of Australia) is an independent federative state within the British Commonwealth, owing allegiance to the Queen of Great Britain. Its population is about 16 million people. Capital of the country is Canberra. The state language is English. The Queen of Great Britain is the head of state represented by the Governor General who is nominated on the recommendation of the Australian government. Legislative power belongs to the Federal Parliament consisting of the Queen represented by the Governor General, the Senate and the House of Representatives.

India is a federative republic. Population is 725 million people. India is a multinational state. The official languages are Hindi and English. Its capital is Delhi. The Legislative body of the country is the Parliament which consists of the People’s Chamber and the Council of States. The Executive power belongs to the President and the Council of Ministers.

Ireland is the state with 3,5 million people. Irish and English are two official languages. The capital of the country is Dublin. The Head of State is the President. Legislative power belongs to the parliament.

Pakistan is a federative republic with the population of 45 million people. The official languages are Urdu and English. The capital of Pakistan is Islamabad. President is the Head of the State. The Legislative and Executive power belongs to the Military Council.

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