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Итог.тест леч.фак-т.doc
149.5 Кб

V2: Видо-временные формы глагола

I: S: Yesterday it … me an hour to get the university.

-: take

-: takes

+: took

-: taked


S: My friend … at the medical faculty.

-: study

-: to study

-: studys

+: studies

I: S: Назовите предложение в Past Simple.

-: He leaves home at 8 o’clock.

+: He left home at 8 o’clock.

-: He leaves home at 8 o’clock.

-: He leaved home at 8 o’clock.

I: S: Укажите соответствия:

L1: is preventing

L2: prevented

L3: was prevented

L4: will prevent

R1: Present Continuous Active

R2: Past Simple Active

R3: Past Simple Passive

R4:Future Simple Active

R5: Future Continuous Active

I: S: Сейчас они оценивают результаты эксперимента..

+: They are estimating the results of the experiment.

I: S: Во время эксперимента определяли количество сахара в крови.

+: The amount of sugar has being determining during the experiment.

I: S: Сказуемым в Perfect является …

+: has taken S: Врач уже определил группу крови.

+: The doctor has already determined.

I: S: Has he estimated the number of platelets yet?

+: Yes, he has.

I: S: Предложение со сказуемым в пассивном залоге. ..

+: A new method of treatment was developed not long ago.

I: S: The patients … for the heart disease.

+: was treated

I: S: Укажите соответствия:

L1: has treated

L2: will treat

L3: is treated

L4: is treating

R1: Present Perfect Active

R2: Future Simple Active

R3: Present Simple Passive

R4; Present Continuous Active

R5: Past Simple Active

V2: Причастие I и II в роли определения


S: Назовите предложение, где причастие I является определением.

+: The operating doctor is my father.

I: S: Назовите предложение, где –ed является определением.

+: The operation performed by the surgeon was successful.


I: S: This disease is not common in развитых странах.

+: developed countries

I: S: Предложение, в котором -ed является определением… +: The article translated by the students was very interesting.

V2: Согласование времен

I: S: I did not know that he … English.

+: spoke

-: speaks

-: speak

-: speaked

I: S: The doctor stated that больной перенёс пневмонию.

+: the patient had had

-: the patient had had

I: S: Единственно правильно составленным предложением является …

+: We knew that he was a doctor.

V2: Союзы и предлоги

I: S: Его нет ни на работе, ни дома.

+: He is neither at work not at home.I: : The patient was in such a bad condition that he could not … eat … drink. +: either … or

I: S: Предложение в котором for является союзом…

+: The diagnosis of lobular pneumonia was made for the x-ray examination revealed shadow in the left lung

I: S: Предложение, где since является предлогом….

+: Since then a number of other substances has been isolated.

I: S: Предложение, где союз if переводится частицей “ли”…

+: Generally mothers determine if the child is ill or not.

.V2: Неопределенно-личные местоимения и их производные

I: S: I don’t have … article on this subject.

+: any

I: S: Do you have anything for headache?

+: No, I have nothing.


S: Всем известно that blood becomes oxygenated in the lungs.

+ Everybody knows