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Treasure Island

Treasure Island is a novel that masterfully tells of a quest for the buried treasure of the legendary pirate Captain Flint, involving Jim Hawkins, the narrator, his friends Squire Trelawney and Doctor Livesey; and Long John Silver at the head of the evil pirates. The story begins at "The Admiral Benbow" inn kept by Jim's parents. A mysterious stranger Billy Bones rents a room, terrifies its visitors, and keeps away from sailors. One day, a fearful beggar Blind Pew gives him the black spot, after which Billy dies. After searching his chest, Jim finds and hides a map, just before the pirates break in and seem to be looking for it too. Jim takes it to Squire Trelawney and Doctor Livesey who, seeing a treasure map of Captain Flint's buried treasure, decide to find it and invite Jim to join in.

The Squire has bought a ship the Hispaniola and has hired a good crew under Captain Smollet. The cook is a one-legged man called Long John Silver. They set sail and the night before they reach Treasure Island Jim accidentally overhears Silver and other crew members plotting to kill them all. In fact, Silver and most of the crew used to sail with Captain Flint. Jim warns the Doctor, Squire and the Captain about the pirates' plans. Upon reaching the island, the captain allows the pirates to go ashore. Jim follows and hides in the woods. He meets Ben Gunn, a former pirate, who promises to help Jim and his friends. In the meantime, the captain and the others have left the Hispaniola and settled in an old stockade on the Island.

To get the map, the pirates attack the stockade, but unsuccessfully. Jim manages to reunite with the captain and his friends, and the next day Silver comes to make peace. He offers the lives in exchange for the map. The captain refuses and both sides lose men in another fight.

Jim, on his own, runs from the stockade, and in Ben Gunn's boat sails to the Hispaniola. He cuts its anchor ropes, so that the pirates cannot escape. Overtired, he falls asleep in the boat. When he awakes, the sea is rough, but he paddles to the ship and gets aboard. He manages to kill the last pirate on board by defending himself, and steers the ship to a safe inlet on the island. He then returns to the stockade only to fall right into the hands of Silver and his cut-throats. The Doctor has given them the map in exchange for freedom, and the next day the pirates head for the treasure, dragging Jim along. After discovering that the treasure has gone, the angry pirates turn on Silver, but in the nick of time several deadly shots are fired from the woods, the remaining pirates disappear.

Ben Gunn tells the captain that he removed the treasure to his cave long ago, so the map was useless. The friends now carry the treasure to the Hispaniola. With Silver on the captain's side, they set sail. To get more crew and food, they stop at a port in Spanish America, where Silver, taking along some treasure, escapes the ship. They luckily get home, return to their former lives, and never see Silver again.


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