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Verbs nouns

1. gathered corruption

2. turned out the Old World

3. left the gates

4. won career

5. started army

6. dissolve lands

7. brought up treason

8. created glory

9. grew into the Atlantic

10. possessed Parliament

11. was accused for his daughters and sons

12. locked a model army

13. got rid of bills

14. represented the Civil War

  1. crossed regular force

  2. initiated shire

* Complete the sentences choosing the right ending

1. The monarchs used Parliament -------------------------

a). to improve the living conditions of the common people.

b). to get consent on exploring new lands .

c). to wage wars.

d). to strengthen relationships with European royal families.

2. Real power was transfered from the House of Lords to the House of

Commons because -------------------

a). Lords didn't want to be engaged in the national politics.

b). the King dissolved the House of Lords.

c). the House of Commons put an end to the Upper house.

d). the House of Commons was composed of moneyed men.

3. The situation during the reign Charles 1 was aggraviated because ------------

a). the king had an unlimited power.

b). there were people who demanded religious reforms.

c). there came an awful desease.

d). England made war with Spain.

4. The Civil War broke out due to ------------------------

a). the conflicts between the urban people and the peasants.

b). misundestanding of the king and his court.

c. the contradictions between the English Church and Parliament.

d). the clashes of Charles 1 with Parliament.

  1. Oliver Cromwel was chosen Head of thr Parliamentary army

  2. because ------------------

a). he was close to the coyrt.

b). he was respected by the greater pert of the MPs.

c) common people wanted him to be Commander.

d). he had a lot of money.

6. The Civil War ended with ----------------

a). signing a peaceful treaty with the king.

b). lost of the territories in Ireland.

c). victory of the Royalists.

d). victory of the Parliamentary army.

Answer the questions :

1). What were the points over which James 1 had disaggreements with Parliament ?

2). How did it happen that King of Scotts became king of England ?

3). Why did Puritans want religious reforms ?

4). What reasons brought England to the Civil War ?

5). What were the parties in the war ?

6). Why was Oliver Cromwel chosen to head the Parliamentary army ?

7). How did he succeed in creating a model army ?

8). Why was Charles 1 executed ?

3. Grammar. Complete the table with the word – forms.

Pick them up from the text and explain their usage.


Participle 1

Participle 2

Past Simple

4. Speaking

5. Writing * Give a short summary about chronical order of the Civil War.

1. Solve the chainward of antonyms

The First Republic. The Commonwealth.

1649 - 1660

After the execution the Parliamentary government came to power and proclaimed England a republic. Cromwell got the title of Lord Protector.

For more than ten years England was a republic, a free state in which the power of government rested on the people -- a Commonwealth. Both government and army were strong but the man who really ruled was Cromwell. He was determined and did his best to make England great, to set things in order and to extend power abroad..

Cromwell and his people created a government which was far more severe than that in the times of Charles. They got rid of the House of Lords. After the death of Charles he took the army to Ireland ‘to punish’ the Irish for murdering the Protestants. His soldiers captured two towns, killed and burnt about 6ooo people. So harsh and cruel measures he used, so terrible were the sufferings of the people that to this day Cromwell’s name is hated in Ireland.

Cromwell found the work of Parliament a waste of time. He was tired of constant discussions there and finally dismissed it. From 1653 he ruled the country alone, without consent or advice of Parliament. In fact he had much more power than Charles. He became a dictator in his efforts to govern through the army to maintain order in the kingdom. Cromwell even forbade to celebrate Christmas, Easter, or to play games on Sundays. Cromwell’s measures were so unpopular that the society wished to restore monarchy. After his death his son Richard couldn’t control the army and the newly elected Parliament invited Charles 2, the son of the executed king, to succeed the English throne.

The English Republic, the first republic in Europe, was over. It didn’t justify the hopes of the people.

Restoration 1660

With the restoration of monarchy, Parliament remained weak The new king shared his father’s view on monarchy as a divine right to have an absolute power. However Charles didn’t want to quarrel with Parliament, to have it as an enemy.

In the reign of Charles 2 a two-party parliamentary system of government was formed in Britain on the basis of the two political parties – the Whigs and the Tories.

The Whigs consisted of a group of MPs who were against an absolute monarchy and the Catholic faith. They were afraid of regular army too. The Tories opposed the Whigs, supported the Crown and were successor of the Royalists of the Civil War.

With the advancing years Parliament was becoming stronger, its significance in the state’s life strengthened and in 1689 its power over the monarchy was written into the Bill of Rights. It stated that the sovereign had no right to raise taxes or keep an army without the agreement of Parliament, that Parliament must make laws, settle the matter of taxes and that speech in Parliament must be free. Thus the power of Parliament was established for ever.

In these times in 1666 there occured a great plague, a terrible disease which carried away 70 thousand of London’s inhabitants. A nasty sanitary in the narrow streets of London evoked the infection. People fell ill so suddenly and quickly that no one could feel safe. The doors of the houses where there was an ill person were marked by a red cross. It was a wonderful thing that in a year there broke out the Great Fire which destroyed any traces of the plague. The fire spread all over the centre of the city where now the tall monument near London Bridge marks the starting spot of the fire. Nearly all the houses and streets were burnt over a week. The people of London and the king took an active part and did their best to stop the progress of the flames. However dreadful it all was but the fire was best for the miserable, unhealthy streets. They disappeared and a new town began developing. It was then when Sir Christopher Wren was appointed Chief Architect of London. He designed many buildings and streets.

The Stuart monarchs were less successful than the Tudors. But one can’t deny the fact that their reign coincided with the great events of the history of England. In 1707 the union of England and Scotland was completed by an Act of Parliament to the great gain of both countries. Scotland had been a separate kingdom, though both countries had the same king ( James 2 of England was James 7 of Scotland ). The English always wanted to unite with Scotland. The Scots wanted to remove the limits on trade with England. Finally, the English Parliament promised to remove these limits if Scotland agreed to the union with England. Thus the parliaments of the two countries stopped functioning. The state got a new name – Great Britain. A new parliament, the Parliament of Great Britain , met for the first time. The meeting of the first Parliament was a grant affair. Each Scottish lord was led to his place by two English lords, and Queen Anne, the last Stuart, made a speech of welcome. The Scottish National Church and the old Scottish laws were left untouched.

Colonizing foreign lands remained very important for England’s economic development in the 17th century. The country had twelve colonies on the east coast of North America. In the West Indies it had new colonies which provided England with sugar. Besides, English merchants got a share of Mediterranean trade and foreign merchants started to trust their goods to be carried by English ships. In the beginning of the 18th century the country got the possession of the rock of Gibraltar, and the right to control the entrance of the Mediterranean.

The 17th century was notable for the revolution in scientific thinking. A new approach to science was established at the very beginning of the century by Francis Bacon. He was known for his work on sc



















































1. Make smth. dirty ( 6 ). 2. Free ( 6 ). 3. My ( 4 ). 4. Old ( 3 ). 5. Break away ( 6 ). 6. Order ( 7 ). 7. Gather ( 8 ). 8. Not principle ( 4 ). 9. Monarch ( 6 ). 10. Village ( 4 ). 11. Monk ( 3 ). 12. Slow ( 4 ). 13. Good ( 3 ). 14. Beginning ( 3 ). 15. Unite ( 8 ). 16. What (3 ). 17. Friendly ( 7 ). 18. Dash (3 ). 19. Erect ( 4 ). 20). Dependent ( 11 ). 21. Christian ( 5 ). 22. Power ( 7 ). 23. Allow ( 6 ). 24. Out of law ( 5 ). 25. High ( 3 ). 26. Truth ( 4 ). 27. Heaven ( 4 ). 28. Up ( 4 ). 29. Ugly ( 4 ). 30. Fail ( 4 ).