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#include <iostream.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <math.h>

class Vector
		Vector(int Size);
		Vector(const Vector& v);
		int size() const;
		double& Vector::operator[](int N);
		double Vector::operator[](int N) const;
		void Summa(const Vector& a, const Vector& b);
		void Razn(const Vector& a, const Vector& b);
		Vector Scal(Vector x, double d);
                double Umn(const Vector& a, const Vector& b);
		Vector& operator=(const Vector& a);
		void Write() const;
		Vector Grad(const Vector& x);
		void Swenn(const Vector& x, Vector& p, double& ala, double& alb, int& iter);
		//double ZS1(Vector& x, Vector p, double al1, double al2);
		double ZS1(Vector& x, Vector p, double al1, double al2, double E, int &iter);
		double Pauell(Vector& x, Vector p, double al1, double al2, double E, int &iter);
		Vector Evec(int n, int Num);
		double Norma(Vector x);
		Vector GZ_3(Vector& x, double E, int maxiter, int& iter, int& _bool, int method);

		Vector operator+(const Vector& a)
			Vector s(nSize);
			s.Summa(*this, a);
			return s;
		Vector operator-(const Vector& a)
			Vector s(nSize);
			s.Razn(*this, a);
			return s;
		double operator*(const Vector& a)
			double w;
			Vector s(nSize);
			w = s.Umn(*this, a);
			return w;
		void operator*=(double d)
			for (int i = 0; i < nSize; i++)
			Coord[i] *= d;
		double* Coord;
		int nSize;
Vector::Vector(int Size)
	nSize = Size;
	Coord = new double[Size];
Vector::Vector(const Vector& v)
	nSize = v.size();
	Coord = new double[nSize];
	for (int i = 0; i < nSize; i++)
		Coord[i] = v[i];
	delete[] Coord;
int Vector::size() const
	return nSize;
double& Vector::operator[](int N)
	return *&Coord[N];
double Vector::operator[](int N) const
	return Coord[N];
Vector Vector::Scal(Vector x, double d)
   int i = x.size();
   Vector W(i);
   for(int j=0; j<i; j++)
     W[j] = x[j]*d;
   return W;
void Vector::Summa(const Vector& a, const Vector& b)
	int s = a.size();
	int i;
	if ((s = b.size()) != 0 )
	 for (i = 0; i < s; i++)
			Coord[i] = a[i] + b[i];
void Vector::Razn(const Vector& a,  const Vector& b)
	int s = a.size();
	int i;
	if ((s = b.size()) != 0 )
		for (i = 0; i < s; i++)
			Coord[i] = a[i] - b[i];
double Vector::Umn(const Vector& a, const Vector& b)
	int s = a.size();
	//int i;
	double Um=0;
	if ((s = b.size()) != 0 )
	 for (int i = 0; i < s; i++)
		  Coord[i] = a[i] * b[i];
		  Um = Um + Coord[i];
	return Um;
Vector& Vector::operator =(const Vector& a)
	for (int i = 0; i < nSize; i++)
	 Coord[i] = a.Coord[i];
	return *this;
void Vector::Write() const
	cout<<"This is vector:"<<endl;
	for (int i = 0; i < nSize; i++)

double F (Vector t)
  double result = 0;
  if (t.size() == 2)
    result = pow(t[1]-t[0]*t[0], 2) + pow(1-t[0], 2);
  if (t.size() == 3)
    result = (t[0]-1)*(t[0]-1) + (t[1]-3)*(t[1]-3) + 4*(t[2]+5)*(t[2]+5);
    //result = 3*(t[0]-4)*(t[0]-4) + 5*(t[1]+3)*(t[1]+3) + 7*(2*t[2]+1)*(2*t[2]+1);
  if (t.size() == 4)
    result = t[0]-10*t[2]+5*(t[2]-t[3])*(t[2]-t[3])+pow(t[1]-2*t[2], 4)+10*pow(t[0]-t[3], 4);
    //result = 100*pow(t[1]-t[0]*t[0], 2) + (1-t[0])*(1-t[0]) + 90*pow(t[3]-t[2]*t[2], 2) + pow(1-t[2], 3) + 10.1*(t[1]-1)*(t[1]-1) + (t[3]-1)*(t[3]-1) + (t[1]-1)*(t[3]-1);
  return result;

double ChP(Vector x, int i)
	int t = x.size();
	double w = -1000;                   //!!!
	double h = 0.000001;
	Vector q(t);
	if (t >= i)
	  w = ( F(x + q.Scal(q.Evec(t, i), h)) - F(x - q.Scal(q.Evec(t, i), h)) )/(2*h);
	return w;
Vector Vector::Grad(const Vector& x)
  int i = x.size();
  Vector w(i);
  for (int j = 1; j<=i; j++)
    w[j-1] = ChP(x, j);
  return w;
void Vector::Swenn(const Vector& x, Vector& p, double& ala, double& alb, int& iter)
  int r = x.size();
  Vector G(r);
  G = G.Grad(x);    //   Proverka napravlenia ubivania functsii...
  if ((G * p) > 0)   //
   {                 //
   }                 //
  double f1, f2, al = 0.000001;
  Vector x1(r);
  Vector x2(r);
  x1 = x;
  f1 = G * p;
    al = al*2;
    G = G.Scal(p, al);
    x2 = x1 + G;
    G = G.Grad(x2);
    f2 = G * p;
  while (f1*f2 > 0);
  alb = al;
  ala = al/2;
double Vector::ZS1(Vector& x, Vector p, double al1, double al2, double E, int& iter)
  double l, m, f1, f2, help1, help2;
  int j=0;
  l = al1 + 0.38196601125*fabs(al1-al2);
  m = al1 + 0.61803398875*fabs(al1-al2);
  int r = x.size();
  Vector G(r);
  Vector x1(r);
  Vector x2(r);
  while (  (fabs(al1-al2) >= E) || (fabs(f1-f2) >= E)  )
	  j = j + 1;
	  x1 = x + G.Scal(p, l);
	  f1 = F(x1);
	  x2 = x + G.Scal(p, m);
	  f2 = F(x2);
	  if (f1 < f2)
	    al2 = m;
	    m = l;
	    l = al1 + 0.38196601125*fabs(al1-al2);
	  if (f1 >= f2)
	    al1 = l;
	    l = m;
	    m = al1 + 0.61803398875*fabs(al1-al2);
  return (al1+al2)/2;
Vector Vector::Evec(int n, int Num)       // - koordinatniy ort
{                                         // dlinoy 'n'
  Vector W(n);                            // i 1-tsey na 'Num'
  int i=0;
  while (i<n)
    W[i] = 0;
  W[Num-1] = 1;
    return W;
double Vector::Norma(Vector x)
  int i = x.size();
  double d=0;
  for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
    d = d + x[j]*x[j];
  return sqrt(d);
double Vector::Pauell(Vector& x, Vector p, double al1, double al2, double E, int &iter)
  double a, b, bb, c, d, dd, help1, help2, Q, S;
  int r = x.size();
  Vector xa(r);
  Vector xb(r);
  Vector xc(r);
  Vector xd(r);

  a = al1;
  b = (al1+al2)/2;
  c = al2;
  xa = x + xa.Scal(p, a);
  xb = x + xb.Scal(p, b);
  xc = x + xc.Scal(p, c);

  help1 = ( F(xa)*(b*b-c*c) + F(xb)*(c*c-a*a) + F(xc)*(a*a-b*b) );
  help2 = (F(xa)*(b-c) + F(xb)*(c-a) + F(xc)*(a-b));
  if (help2 == 0)
    help2 = 0.0000001;
  d = 0.5*help1/help2;
  xd = x + xd.Scal(p, d);

  while ((fabs((d-b)/b) >= E)  ||  (fabs(F(xd)-F(xb))/F(xb) >= E  ))
    if (b<d)
      if (F(xb)<F(xd))
	c = d;
	b = (a+c)/2;
	a = b;
	b = (a + c)/2;
    if (b>d)
      if (F(xb)>F(xd))
	c = b;
	b = (a + c)/2;
	a = d;
	b = (a + c)/2;
    xa = x + xa.Scal(p, a);
    xb = x + xb.Scal(p, b);
    xc = x + xc.Scal(p, c);
    help1 = (F(xa)-F(xb))*(b-c)*(c-a);
    help2 = (F(xa)*(b-c) + F(xb)*(c-a) + F(xc)*(a-b));
    if (help2 == 0)
      break;               //            Delenie na nol'
    d = (a+b)/2 + 0.5*(help1/help2);
    xd = x + xd.Scal(p, d);
    bb = b;
    dd = d;
  b = bb;
  d = dd;
  return (b + d)/2;

Vector Vector::GZ_3(Vector& x, double E, int maxiter, int& iter, int& _bool, int method)
  int r = x.size();
  Vector p(r);    //napravlenie
  Vector G(r);    //vspomogatel'naya
  Vector t(r);    //dubliruet 'x'
  double w, al, a, b, k;
  int y=0;
  t = x;
  _bool = 0;
  while (   (  Norma(G.Grad(t)) >= E  ) && (  y < maxiter  )   )
	  k = Norma(G.Grad(t));
	  for (int i = 1; i<=r; i++)
	    w = ChP(t, i);
	    p = p.Scal(Evec(r,i), w);
	    G.Swenn(t, p, a, b, 0);
	    if (method == 1)
	      al = G.ZS1(t, p, a, b, E, 0); //alpha i-oe
	    if (method == 2)
	      al = G.Pauell(t, p, a, b, E, 0); //alpha i-oe
	    t = t + G.Scal(p, al);
  if (Norma(G.Grad(t)) < E)
    _bool = 1;
  iter = y;
  return t;
/***************************Osnovnaya programma******************************/
void main()

  double E;
  Vector p; bool flag=false;
  double al1,al2;
  int it=0, maxit, tochnost, choice, razmer, method, itogoiter=0;
  char dalshe;

  cout<<"----------------  Laboratory work number five  ------------------";
  cout<<"-----------  Designing of the program of optimization  ----------";
  cout<<"Work was executed by the student:";
  cout<<"__________________________________Nikitina Tamara";
  cout<<"                        of group:";
  cout<<"\n\nChoose a used method:";
  cout<<"								1  -  Method Swanna";
  cout<<"								2  -  Method of Gold Section 2";
  cout<<"								3  -  Method Davidona";
  cout<<"								4  -  Method Koshi";
  cout<<"\n\nChoose test function:";
  cout<<"		1. f(x1,x2) = (x2-x1x1)(x2-x1x1) + (1-x1)(1-x1);";
  cout<<"		2. f(x1,x2,x3) = (x1-1)(x1-1) + (x2-3)(x2-3) + 4(x3+5)(x3+5)";
  cout<<"		3. f(x1,x2,x3,x4) = x1 - 10x2 + 5(x3-x4) + (x2-2x3)^4 + 10(x1-x4)^4";

  razmer = choice + 1;
  Vector x(razmer);
  for (int i = 0; i < razmer; i++)
     x[i] = 0;
  while (!flag)
  cout<<"\n\nEnter coordinates of an index point:";
  for (int i = 0; i < razmer; i++)
	  cout<<"Xo["<<i/*+1*/<<"] :  ";
  cout<<"\n\nSet a maximum quantity of iterations: ";
  cin>> maxit;
  cout<<"\n\nSet accuracy of approximation of a minimum (E = 0.00001 - 0.0000000001): ";
  cout<<"\n\nSet a direction: ";
   	case '1':x.Swenn(x,p,al1,al2,maxit);break;
      case '2':break;
      case '3':break;
      case '4':break;
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