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5. Дополните предложения.

1. The building erected now can be divided into two broad classifications: they are either for housing or for industrial purpose.

2. Materials and structural forms are combined to make up the various parts of a building, including foundations, load-carrying frame, skin and interior constructions.

3. Spread foundations are not so firm as those based on solid rock.

4. A bed of pier foundations may also be sand, gravel, or firm clay.

5. Long, slender columns of steel, concrete, or wood transmit the building load to the supporting soil.

6. Most skyscrapers are supported by rock foundations.

6. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту.

1. What purpose the first houses were built for? С какой целью были построены первые дома? The first houses were built for the purpose of protecting their owners from the weather.

2. The building erected now can be divided into two broad classifications: they are either for housing or for industrial purpose, aren’t they? Здание, построенное в настоящее время можно разделить на две широкие категории: для проживания или для промышленных целей, не так ли? Yes, they are. The building erected now can be divided into two broad classifications: they are either for housing or for industrial purpose.

3. What types the building can be divided into, as far as the material is concerned? Какие могут быть виды здания в зависимости от используемого материала? As far as the material is concerned, the building can be divided into stone (or brick), wood and concrete types.

4. Is brick an artificial or natural material? Кирпич – это искусственный или природный материал? The brick is an artificial material.

5. What kind of stone is used for foundations? Какой камень используется для фундаментов? The natural stone is used for foundations.

6. What makes various parts of a building? Что делает части здания различными?

Materials and structural forms are combined to make up the various parts of a building, including foundations, load-carrying frame, skin and interior constructions.

7. What is called the foundation? Что называется фундаментом? Foundation is the chief means of supporting a building.

8. Both the substructure and the superstructure help to support the load (weight) of the building, don’t they? Как фундамент, так и надстройка помогают поддерживать нагрузку (вес) здания, не так ли? Yes, they do. Both the substructure and the superstructure help to support the load (weight) of the building.

9. Is the live load the total weight of all parts of a building? Подвижная нагрузка – это общий вес всех частей здания? No, it isn’t. The live load is the weight of the furniture, equipment, stored material, and occupants of a building.

10. What are the four main types of foundations? Какие четыре основных типа фундаментов? There are four main types of foundations: (1) spread, (2) pier, (3) pile, and (4) mat.

11. Is spread foundation a firm one? Является ли фундамент на естественном основании прочным? Such foundations are not as firm as those based on solid rock.

12. Are long, slender columns of steel, concrete, or wood pile or pier foundations? Длинные, тонкие колонны из стали, бетона, или древесины – это свайные или пиленные фундаменты? Pile foundations are long, slender columns of steel, concrete, or wood. Long, slender columns of steel, concrete, or wood are pile foundations.

13. Where are mat foundations normally used? Где обычно используются сплошные фундаменты? Mat foundations are normally used in poor soil conditions where it is not possible or economical to drive piles or piers down to good soil or rock.

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