349.7 Кб

Реализация алгоритма



///// Симметричное шифрование алгоритм ГОСТ 28147-89


///// Авторы: Мвенге Муленга, Константин Филиппов

///// Дата: 13 марта 2007г.


namespace GOST


using System;

using System.Security.Cryptography;



// Abstract GOSTsymm class


public abstract class GOSTsymm : SymmetricAlgorithm


// GOST block size is 64 bits

private static KeySizes[] s_legalBlockSizes = { new KeySizes(64, 64, 0) };

// GOST key size is 256 bits

public static KeySizes[] s_legalKeySizes = { new KeySizes(256, 256, 0) };

// S-boxes

protected byte[,] SBoxesValue;

public GOSTsymm()


KeySizeValue = 256;

BlockSizeValue = 64;

FeedbackSizeValue = BlockSizeValue;

LegalBlockSizesValue = s_legalBlockSizes;

LegalKeySizesValue = s_legalKeySizes;


public virtual byte[,] SBoxes {

get {

if (SBoxesValue==null) GenerateSBoxes();

return (byte[,])SBoxesValue.Clone();


set {

if (value == null) throw new ArgumentNullException();

if ( (value.Rank!=2) ||

(value.GetLength(0)!=8) ||

(value.GetLength(1)!=16) ) throw new CryptographicException("S-Boxes must be a 2-dimentional array 8x16 bytes");

SBoxesValue = (byte[,])value.Clone();



public abstract void GenerateSBoxes();

new static public GOSTsymm Create()


return Create("GOST.GOSTsymm");


new static public GOSTsymm Create(String algName)


return (GOSTsymm) CryptoConfig.CreateFromName(algName);


public override ICryptoTransform CreateEncryptor(byte[] rgbKey, byte[] rgbIV)


return CreateEncryptor(rgbKey, rgbIV, SBoxes);


public override ICryptoTransform CreateDecryptor(byte[] rgbKey, byte[] rgbIV)


return CreateDecryptor(rgbKey, rgbIV, SBoxes);


public abstract ICryptoTransform CreateEncryptor(byte[] rgbKey, byte[] rgbIV, byte[,] rgbSBoxes);

public abstract ICryptoTransform CreateDecryptor(byte[] rgbKey, byte[] rgbIV, byte[,] rgbSBoxes);




// GOSTsymmManaged class


public class GOSTsymmManaged : GOSTsymm


public GOSTsymmManaged()




public override void GenerateKey()


if ( (KeyValue==null) || (KeyValue.Length!=KeySizeValue/8) ) KeyValue = new byte[KeySizeValue/8];



public byte[] getKey2() {

return KeyValue;


public byte[] getKey()


return KeyValue;


public override void GenerateIV()


if ( (IVValue==null) || (IVValue.Length!=BlockSizeValue/8) ) IVValue = new byte[BlockSizeValue/8];



public override void GenerateSBoxes()


if (SBoxesValue==null) SBoxesValue = new byte[8,16];

byte[] tmp = new byte[128];


for(int j=0; j<8; j++)

for(int i=0; i<16; i++) SBoxesValue[j,i] = tmp[j*16+i];


public void LoadTestSBoxes(int i)




case 0:

SBoxesValue = new byte[8,16] {








{1,15,13,0,5,7,10,4,9,2,3,14,6,11,8,12} };


case 1:

SBoxesValue = new byte[8,16] {

{ 14, 4, 13, 1, 2, 15, 11, 8, 3, 10, 6, 12, 5, 9, 0, 7 },

{ 15, 1, 8, 14, 6, 11, 3, 4, 9, 7, 2, 13, 12, 0, 5, 10 },

{ 10, 0, 9, 14, 6, 3, 15, 5, 1, 13, 12, 7, 11, 4, 2, 8 },

{ 7, 13, 14, 3, 0, 6, 9, 10, 1, 2, 8, 5, 11, 12, 4, 15 },

{ 2, 12, 4, 1, 7, 10, 11, 6, 8, 5, 3, 15, 13, 0, 14, 9 },

{ 12, 1, 10, 15, 9, 2, 6, 8, 0, 13, 3, 4, 14, 7, 5, 11 },

{ 4, 11, 2, 14, 15, 0, 8, 13, 3, 12, 9, 7, 5, 10, 6, 1 },

{ 13, 2, 8, 4, 6, 15, 11, 1, 10, 9, 3, 14, 5, 0, 12, 7 } };


case 2:

SBoxesValue = new byte[8,16] {

{ 13, 2, 8, 4, 6, 15, 11, 1, 10, 9, 3, 14, 5, 0, 12, 7 },

{ 4, 11, 2, 14, 15, 0, 8, 13, 3, 12, 9, 7, 5, 10, 6, 1 },

{ 12, 1, 10, 15, 9, 2, 6, 8, 0, 13, 3, 4, 14, 7, 5, 11 },

{ 2, 12, 4, 1, 7, 10, 11, 6, 8, 5, 3, 15, 13, 0, 14, 9 },

{ 7, 13, 14, 3, 0, 6, 9, 10, 1, 2, 8, 5, 11, 12, 4, 15 },

{ 10, 0, 9, 14, 6, 3, 15, 5, 1, 13, 12, 7, 11, 4, 2, 8 },

{ 15, 1, 8, 14, 6, 11, 3, 4, 9, 7, 2, 13, 12, 0, 5, 10 },

{ 14, 4, 13, 1, 2, 15, 11, 8, 3, 10, 6, 12, 5, 9, 0, 7 }





public override ICryptoTransform CreateEncryptor(byte[] rgbKey, byte[] rgbIV, byte[,] rgbSBoxes)


return _NewCryptor(rgbKey, ModeValue, rgbIV, FeedbackSizeValue, rgbSBoxes, true);


public override ICryptoTransform CreateDecryptor(byte[] rgbKey, byte[] rgbIV, byte[,] rgbSBoxes)


return _NewCryptor(rgbKey, ModeValue, rgbIV, FeedbackSizeValue, rgbSBoxes, false);



// private members


public RNGCryptoServiceProvider _rng;

private RNGCryptoServiceProvider RNG


get { if (_rng == null) { _rng = new RNGCryptoServiceProvider(); } return _rng; }


private ICryptoTransform _NewCryptor(byte[] rgbKey, CipherMode mode, byte[] rgbIV, int feedbackSize, byte[,] rgbSBoxes, bool bEncrypt)


if (rgbKey == null) rgbKey = Key;

// we don't support stream modes

if ( (mode != CipherMode.ECB) && (mode != CipherMode.CBC) )

throw new CryptographicException("OnKeyValuely ECB and CBC modes are supported.");

// if the mode is not ECB we will need an IV

if (rgbIV == null) rgbIV = IV;

return new GOSTsymmTransform(rgbKey, mode, rgbIV, BlockSizeValue, feedbackSize, rgbSBoxes, PaddingValue, bEncrypt);





// GOSTsymmTransform class


public class GOSTsymmTransform : ICryptoTransform


private int m_blockSize;

private int m_blockSizeInBytes;

private byte[] m_key;

private UInt32[] m_key_auint;

private byte[] m_IV;

private byte[,] m_SBoxes;

private CipherMode m_mode;

private PaddingMode m_padding;

private bool m_encrypt; // true - we are encrypting, false - we are decrypting.

private byte[,] m_expandedSBoxes;

private bool m_Disposed;

private byte[] m_lastCipherBlock;

private UInt32[] m_working_block;

private byte[] m_depadBuffer;

public bool UseExpandedSBoxes;

// GOSTsymmTransform constructor

public GOSTsymmTransform(

byte[] rgbKey,

CipherMode mode,

byte[] rgbIV,

int blockSize,

int feedbackSize,

byte[,] rgbSBoxes,

PaddingMode paddingValue,

bool bEncrypt )


// do all the validation in the constructor so we don't bother later

if (blockSize != 64) throw new ArgumentException("GOST block size should be 64", "blockSize");

m_blockSize = blockSize;

m_blockSizeInBytes = blockSize/8;

m_padding = paddingValue;

m_encrypt = bEncrypt;

if (rgbKey == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("rgbKey");

if (rgbKey.Length != 32)

throw new ArgumentException("GOST key length should be 32 bytes / 256 bits", "rgbKey");

m_key = (byte[])rgbKey.Clone();

// keep the key in array-of-UInt32 form

m_key_auint = new UInt32[8];

_BytesToUInts(m_key, 0, 32, m_key_auint);

if (mode == CipherMode.ECB) {

m_IV = null;

} else if (mode == CipherMode.CBC) {

if (rgbIV == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("rgbIV");

m_IV = (byte[])rgbIV.Clone();

} else throw new ArgumentException("Only ECB and CBC modes are supported", "mode");

m_mode = mode;

if (rgbSBoxes == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("rgbSBoxes");

if ( (rgbSBoxes.GetLength(0) != 8) || (rgbSBoxes.GetLength(1) != 16) )

throw new ArgumentException("SBoxes should be an array of 8x16 bytes", "rgbSBoxes");

m_SBoxes = (byte[,])rgbSBoxes.Clone();

UseExpandedSBoxes = true;

m_expandedSBoxes = null;

m_Disposed = false;

m_working_block = new UInt32[2];



void IDisposable.Dispose()


// clean up keys and sensitive information

Array.Clear(m_key, 0, m_key.Length);

if (m_IV != null) Array.Clear(m_IV, 0, m_IV.Length);

Array.Clear(m_SBoxes, 0, m_SBoxes.Length); // will this work for a 2-dim array?

// TODO: clear the buffers

// since we've cleared everything here, we don't need the finalizer to be called


m_Disposed = true;


public int InputBlockSize




return m_blockSizeInBytes;



public int OutputBlockSize




return m_blockSizeInBytes;



public bool CanTransformMultipleBlocks




return true;



public bool CanReuseTransform




return true;



public int TransformBlock(byte[] inputBuffer, int inputOffset, int inputCount, byte[] outputBuffer, int outputOffset)


if (m_Disposed == true)

throw new ObjectDisposedException("this", "Transform object is disposed");

if (inputBuffer == null)

throw new ArgumentNullException( "inputBuffer" );

if (outputBuffer == null)

throw new ArgumentNullException( "outputBuffer" );

if (inputBuffer.Length < inputOffset + inputCount)

throw new CryptographicException("Requested processing of bytes beyound the end of the input buffer");

if (inputCount%(m_blockSizeInBytes) != 0)

throw new ArgumentException("Input data should be a multiple of the block size (8 bytes)", "inputCount");

if(inputCount==0) return 0;

if (outputBuffer.Length-outputOffset<inputCount)

throw new CryptographicException("Output buffer has insufficient length");

if (m_encrypt == true)


// we are encrypting

int offset = 0;

byte[] temp_block = new byte[m_blockSizeInBytes];

byte[] block_to_encrypt = null;

int offset_to_encrypt = 0;

byte[] last_cipher_block = m_lastCipherBlock;

int offset_cipher_block = 0;

while(offset < inputCount)


if (m_mode == CipherMode.CBC)


if (offset>0) {last_cipher_block = outputBuffer; offset_cipher_block = offset-m_blockSizeInBytes; }

_XorBlocks(inputBuffer, inputOffset+offset, last_cipher_block, offset_cipher_block, temp_block, 0);

block_to_encrypt = temp_block;

offset_to_encrypt = 0;




block_to_encrypt = inputBuffer;

offset_to_encrypt = inputOffset + offset;


_EncryptBlock(block_to_encrypt, offset_to_encrypt, outputBuffer, outputOffset + offset);

offset += m_blockSizeInBytes;


// memorize last cipher block to chain it in the future

if (m_mode == CipherMode.CBC)

Array.Copy(outputBuffer, outputOffset+offset-m_blockSizeInBytes, m_lastCipherBlock, 0, m_blockSizeInBytes);

return (offset);




// we are decrypting

int inoffset = 0;

int outoffset = 0;

byte[] temp_block = new byte[m_blockSizeInBytes];

byte[] last_cipher_block = m_lastCipherBlock;

int offset_cipher_block = 0;

if (m_padding == PaddingMode.PKCS7)


inputCount -= m_blockSizeInBytes;

if (m_depadBuffer == null)


m_depadBuffer = new byte[m_blockSizeInBytes];




_DecryptBlock(m_depadBuffer, 0, outputBuffer, outputOffset);

if (m_mode == CipherMode.CBC)


_XorBlocks(outputBuffer, outputOffset, last_cipher_block, offset_cipher_block, outputBuffer, outputOffset);

Array.Copy(m_depadBuffer, 0, m_lastCipherBlock, 0, m_blockSizeInBytes);


outoffset += m_blockSizeInBytes;


Array.Copy(inputBuffer, inputOffset+inputCount, m_depadBuffer, 0, m_blockSizeInBytes);


while(inoffset < inputCount)


_DecryptBlock(inputBuffer, inputOffset + inoffset, outputBuffer, outputOffset + outoffset);

if (m_mode == CipherMode.CBC)


if (inoffset>0) {last_cipher_block = inputBuffer; offset_cipher_block = inoffset-m_blockSizeInBytes; }

_XorBlocks(outputBuffer, outputOffset+outoffset, last_cipher_block, offset_cipher_block, outputBuffer, outputOffset+outoffset);


inoffset += m_blockSizeInBytes;

outoffset += m_blockSizeInBytes;


// memorize last cipher block to chain it in the future

if ( (m_mode == CipherMode.CBC) && (inoffset >= m_blockSizeInBytes) )

Array.Copy(inputBuffer, inputOffset+inoffset-m_blockSizeInBytes, m_lastCipherBlock, 0, m_blockSizeInBytes);

return (inoffset);



public byte[] TransformFinalBlock(byte[] inputBuffer, int inputOffset, int inputCount)


if (inputBuffer == null)

throw new ArgumentNullException( "inputBuffer" );

if (inputOffset+inputCount>inputBuffer.Length)

throw new CryptographicException( "Requested processing of bytes beyound the end of the input buffer" );

// if there is no padding, just call TransformBlock

if (m_padding == PaddingMode.None) {

byte[] resultBytes = new byte[inputCount];

TransformBlock(inputBuffer, inputOffset, inputCount, resultBytes, 0);


return resultBytes;


if (m_encrypt)


// we are encrypting

byte[] paddedPlaintext = _Pad(inputBuffer, inputOffset, inputCount);

byte[] resultBytes = new byte[paddedPlaintext.Length];

TransformBlock(paddedPlaintext, 0, paddedPlaintext.Length, resultBytes, 0);

_Reset(); // resets the transform so it could be used again

return resultBytes;




// we are decrypting

byte[] resultBytes = new byte[inputCount];

TransformBlock(inputBuffer, inputOffset, inputCount, resultBytes, 0);

if ((m_padding == PaddingMode.PKCS7) && (m_depadBuffer != null))


byte[] decryptedPadding = new byte[m_blockSizeInBytes];

TransformBlock(new byte[m_blockSizeInBytes], 0, m_blockSizeInBytes, decryptedPadding, 0);

int paddingCount = decryptedPadding[m_blockSizeInBytes-1];

if (paddingCount > m_blockSizeInBytes)

throw new CryptographicException("Invalid PKCS7 padding");

if (paddingCount != m_blockSizeInBytes) {

byte[] newResultBytes = new byte[resultBytes.Length + m_blockSizeInBytes - paddingCount];

Array.Copy(resultBytes, 0, newResultBytes, 0, resultBytes.Length);

Array.Copy(decryptedPadding, 0, newResultBytes, resultBytes.Length, m_blockSizeInBytes-paddingCount);

resultBytes = newResultBytes;



_Reset(); // resets the transform so it could be used again

return resultBytes;




// private methods


private void _XorBlocks(byte[] block1, int offset1, byte[] block2, int offset2, byte[] dest, int dest_offset)


for (int i=0; i<m_blockSizeInBytes; i++)

dest[dest_offset+i] = (byte)(block1[offset1+i]^block2[offset2+i]);


private void _EncryptBlock(byte[] inputBuffer, int inputOffset, byte[] outputBuffer, int outputOffset)


_BytesToUInts(inputBuffer, inputOffset, 8, m_working_block);

UInt32 n1 = m_working_block[0];

UInt32 n2 = m_working_block[1];

/* Instead of swapping halves, swap names each round */

n2 ^= _f(n1+m_key_auint[0]);

n1 ^= _f(n2+m_key_auint[1]);

n2 ^= _f(n1+m_key_auint[2]);

n1 ^= _f(n2+m_key_auint[3]);

n2 ^= _f(n1+m_key_auint[4]);

n1 ^= _f(n2+m_key_auint[5]);

n2 ^= _f(n1+m_key_auint[6]);

n1 ^= _f(n2+m_key_auint[7]);

n2 ^= _f(n1+m_key_auint[0]);

n1 ^= _f(n2+m_key_auint[1]);

n2 ^= _f(n1+m_key_auint[2]);

n1 ^= _f(n2+m_key_auint[3]);

n2 ^= _f(n1+m_key_auint[4]);

n1 ^= _f(n2+m_key_auint[5]);

n2 ^= _f(n1+m_key_auint[6]);

n1 ^= _f(n2+m_key_auint[7]);

n2 ^= _f(n1+m_key_auint[0]);

n1 ^= _f(n2+m_key_auint[1]);

n2 ^= _f(n1+m_key_auint[2]);

n1 ^= _f(n2+m_key_auint[3]);

n2 ^= _f(n1+m_key_auint[4]);

n1 ^= _f(n2+m_key_auint[5]);

n2 ^= _f(n1+m_key_auint[6]);

n1 ^= _f(n2+m_key_auint[7]);

n2 ^= _f(n1+m_key_auint[7]);

n1 ^= _f(n2+m_key_auint[6]);

n2 ^= _f(n1+m_key_auint[5]);

n1 ^= _f(n2+m_key_auint[4]);

n2 ^= _f(n1+m_key_auint[3]);

n1 ^= _f(n2+m_key_auint[2]);

n2 ^= _f(n1+m_key_auint[1]);

n1 ^= _f(n2+m_key_auint[0]);

/* There is no swap after the last round */

m_working_block[0] = n2;

m_working_block[1] = n1;

_UIntsToBytes(m_working_block, outputBuffer, outputOffset);


private void _DecryptBlock(byte[] inputBuffer, int inputOffset, byte[] outputBuffer, int outputOffset)


_BytesToUInts(inputBuffer, inputOffset, 8, m_working_block);

UInt32 n1 = m_working_block[0];

UInt32 n2 = m_working_block[1];

n2 ^= _f(n1+m_key_auint[0]);

n1 ^= _f(n2+m_key_auint[1]);

n2 ^= _f(n1+m_key_auint[2]);

n1 ^= _f(n2+m_key_auint[3]);

n2 ^= _f(n1+m_key_auint[4]);

n1 ^= _f(n2+m_key_auint[5]);

n2 ^= _f(n1+m_key_auint[6]);

n1 ^= _f(n2+m_key_auint[7]);

n2 ^= _f(n1+m_key_auint[7]);

n1 ^= _f(n2+m_key_auint[6]);

n2 ^= _f(n1+m_key_auint[5]);

n1 ^= _f(n2+m_key_auint[4]);

n2 ^= _f(n1+m_key_auint[3]);

n1 ^= _f(n2+m_key_auint[2]);

n2 ^= _f(n1+m_key_auint[1]);

n1 ^= _f(n2+m_key_auint[0]);

n2 ^= _f(n1+m_key_auint[7]);

n1 ^= _f(n2+m_key_auint[6]);

n2 ^= _f(n1+m_key_auint[5]);

n1 ^= _f(n2+m_key_auint[4]);

n2 ^= _f(n1+m_key_auint[3]);

n1 ^= _f(n2+m_key_auint[2]);

n2 ^= _f(n1+m_key_auint[1]);

n1 ^= _f(n2+m_key_auint[0]);

n2 ^= _f(n1+m_key_auint[7]);

n1 ^= _f(n2+m_key_auint[6]);

n2 ^= _f(n1+m_key_auint[5]);

n1 ^= _f(n2+m_key_auint[4]);

n2 ^= _f(n1+m_key_auint[3]);

n1 ^= _f(n2+m_key_auint[2]);

n2 ^= _f(n1+m_key_auint[1]);

n1 ^= _f(n2+m_key_auint[0]);

m_working_block[0] = n2;

m_working_block[1] = n1;

_UIntsToBytes(m_working_block, outputBuffer, outputOffset);


private UInt32 _f(UInt32 x)


UInt32 res = 0;

if (UseExpandedSBoxes == false)


// so we do not use expanded our S-Boxes

for (int i=0; i<8; i++)


res |= ((UInt32)m_SBoxes[i,(x>>((i)*4))&0x0F])<<((i)*4);





// we use expanded S-Boxes

if (m_expandedSBoxes == null) ExpandSBoxes();

res = (uint)(m_expandedSBoxes[3,x>>24 & 255] << 24 |

m_expandedSBoxes[2,x>>16 & 255] << 16 |

m_expandedSBoxes[1,x>>8 & 255] <<8 |



return res << 11 | res >> (32 - 11);


private void _BytesToUInts(byte[] inputBuffer, int inputOffset, int lenght, UInt32[] outputBuffer)


// this guy does not do any parameter checks so be careful

for(int i=0; i<lenght; i+=4)


// for now let's just assume we are always going to work on a little-endian machine

outputBuffer[i/4] = ((UInt32)(inputBuffer[inputOffset+i+3]))<<24 |

((UInt32)(inputBuffer[inputOffset+i+2]))<<16 |

((UInt32)(inputBuffer[inputOffset+i+1]))<<8 |




private void _UIntsToBytes(UInt32[] inputBuffer, byte[] outputBuffer, int outputOffset)


// this guy does not do any parameter checks so be careful\

int l = inputBuffer.Length;

for(int i=0; i<l; i++)


// for now let's just assume we are always going to work on a little-endian machine

outputBuffer[outputOffset+i*4+3] = (byte)(inputBuffer[i]>>24);

outputBuffer[outputOffset+i*4+2] = (byte)(inputBuffer[i]>>16);

outputBuffer[outputOffset+i*4+1] = (byte)(inputBuffer[i]>>8);

outputBuffer[outputOffset+i*4] = (byte)(inputBuffer[i]);



public void ExpandSBoxes()


if (m_expandedSBoxes == null) m_expandedSBoxes = new byte[4,256];

for(int i=0;i<256;i++)


m_expandedSBoxes[3,i] = (byte)(m_SBoxes[7, i>>4] << 4 | m_SBoxes[6, i&15]);

m_expandedSBoxes[2,i] = (byte)(m_SBoxes[5, i>>4] << 4 | m_SBoxes[4, i&15]);

m_expandedSBoxes[1,i] = (byte)(m_SBoxes[3, i>>4] << 4 | m_SBoxes[2, i&15]);

m_expandedSBoxes[0,i] = (byte)(m_SBoxes[1, i>>4] << 4 | m_SBoxes[0, i&15]);



private void _Reset()


if (m_IV != null)


if (m_lastCipherBlock == null) m_lastCipherBlock = new byte[m_blockSizeInBytes];

Array.Copy(m_IV, 0, m_lastCipherBlock, 0, m_IV.Length);


m_depadBuffer = null;


private byte[] _Pad(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count)


byte[] result = null;

if (m_padding == PaddingMode.PKCS7)


// PKCS7 padding

int bytes_to_pad = m_blockSizeInBytes-count%m_blockSizeInBytes;

result = new byte[count+bytes_to_pad];

Array.Copy(buffer, offset, result, 0, count);

for(int i=count;i<count+bytes_to_pad;i++) result[i] = (byte)(bytes_to_pad);



if (m_padding == PaddingMode.Zeros)


// zeroes padding

int bytes_to_pad = m_blockSizeInBytes-count%m_blockSizeInBytes;

if (bytes_to_pad == m_blockSizeInBytes) bytes_to_pad = 0;

result = new byte[count+bytes_to_pad];

Array.Copy(buffer, offset, result, 0, count);

for(int i=count;i<count+bytes_to_pad;i++) result[i] = 0;




result = new byte[count];

Array.Copy(buffer, offset, result, 0, count);


return result;


