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Chronological divisions of the history of English

The historical development of a language is a continuous uninterrupted process without sudden breaks or rapid transformations. Therefore any periodisation suggested by linguists may seem artificial. But in all language histories divisions into periods are used for teaching and research purposes. The commonly accepted traditional periodisation divides English language history into 3 periods: Old English (OE), Middle English (ME) and Modern English (MnE).

OE begins with the settlement of the Germanic tribes (Angles, Saxons and Jutes) in Britain – 5th – 7th centuries AD or the beginning of writing – 7th century and ends with the Norman Conquest (1066).

ME begins with the Norman Conquest and ends on the introduction of printing (1457) or the end of the Wars of the Roses (1485), which marked the decline of feudalism and the beginning of capitalism.

MnE (or New English – NE) starts with the development of capitalism and lasts to the present day. Very often the last period is subdivided into two: the Early MnE period and the Late MnE period.

You may remember the approximate dates:

OE……..5th-7th centuries --------1100

ME …….1100 ---------------------1500

Early MnE…..1500 ---------------1660

Late MnE……1660----------------present

OE. It is a typical Old Germanic language with purely Germanic vocabulary and very few borrowings. It is a synthetic language with the well developed system of morphological categories (number, case, gender, etc.) The decline of the morphological system began in the 10th-11th centuries in the Northern dialects.

ME. The vocabulary has grown considerably thanks to great numbers of French borrowings. Most of the inflexions in nouns, adjectives, pronouns and verbs have fallen together. The verb system was expanding, as many new analytical forms appeared and were used alongside old simple forms.

Early MnE. It lasts from the age of Chaucer to the age of Shakespeare. The period is characterized by the economic and political unity of the country, progress in culture, education and literature. The London dialect of the printed books began to predominate and became the basis of the national literary language. The vocabulary grew from internal and external sources. Extensive phonetic changes in the vowel system resulted in the gap between written and spoken forms of the word. Most endings were lost in the 15th century. The period is characterized by a relatively great freedom of grammatical construction.

Late MnE. The period of fixed pronunciation. Word usage and grammar undergo normalization.

The Old English Language lecture 2

The OE Phonetic peculiarities.


1. The OE vowel system

2. The changes in the vowel system:

fracture, palatalisation, mutation, contraction.

3. Consonants.

4. The changes in the consonant system:

Voicing and unvoicing of fricatives, palatalisation, loss of consonants, metathesis.

5. The stress.

6. The general features of OE phonetic changes.

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