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All businesses produce goods and services and seek profits. And they all compete with other businesses in doing so.-Competition is universal in the world of business.

Businesses do not compete only in selling things. They compete for la­bour, capital, and natural resources.

If a business is going to survive in the face of competition, it needs a con­stant flow of new ideas. It needs managers who are good at developing new products, finding new ways to reduce costs, and thinking of new ways to make products attractive to consumers.

In the 1960s Xerox had a virtual monopoly on producing copying ma­chines because the company had major patents. Rivals like Kodak, Canon, and 3M spent huge amounts of money on getting new patents. They succeed­ed in obtaining new patents, and now Xerox is just one among many compet­itors in the copier market.

Starting a Career

In many countries, businesses, the private sector, provide the ma­jority of jobs. But one could also make a career in government or in the not-for-profit sector.

Career is more than just a job. It is something that may include many separate jobs. People, as a rule, move from job to job during their lifetime. A career involves choices of occupation. There is work that we enjoy and feel good about. And ihere is work that we don't enjoy. Every career includes some work of both kinds. How much of each kind then-is in your career depends very much on decisions that you yourself make.

Seeking work (particularly first job) that is interesting and reward­ing requires effort and careful thought. What can help to make careei choices? What makes people give up their jobs? How to take the first steps in starting a career? These questions are very often asked. Here are some hints that may be useful.

First you must assess your interests and abilities. Self-assessment is useful in helping you decide what to look for, what career to pursue When you have a clear idea of the kind of work you would like to do and you are ready to look for a specific job, you should explore the labour market, visit job centres, talk to friends, read advertisements about vacancies. After that you must start writing and sending oul resumes or CV;. Your resume not only sums up your experience and education but also advertises you to potential employers. Its purpose is to arouse employer's interest in you and thereby to gain an interview.

Employers want to hire people who fit the job, they want to fill the vacancies with competent people. If there is a personnel department in the company then the staff help to recruit a qualified applicant. Employ ers usually consider professional qualifications and personal characteris­tics. Preference is given to applicants who can maintain good relations, who have positive attitudes, who can work in a team and under pressure.

It is important for the resume to be good-looking and accurate.

Before writing your resume, ask yourself what an employer would want to know about you, what tasks you could perform, what kind ol experience you have had, what skills you can offer and what job you expect the employer to give you.

There are many interesting jobs in the financial system - loan of­ficer at a bank, broker in a securities firm, underwriter in an insurance company, and an auditor.

The Employment Service

There are many ways in which people find jobs. These include replying... advertisements in the national, local or specialist press; direct approaches ... employers and through a job centre or employment agency.

A lot of governments provide a range of services... job seekers... employ­ment services.

The Employment Service in Britain gives information ... job opportuni­ties, vocational training programs, about how to raise skill levels. Much atten­tion is given ... school-leavers, students, and graduates who are seeking jobs because ... some areas of Britain a lot of young people are out of work. There are areas with high youth unemployment. The British government has intro­duced a large number... programs to give school-leavers and young people a better chance... getting full-time or part-time jobs. Besides, those who fail to find a job, get unemployment benefits.

American students are also fond ... getting temporary or part-time jobs, especially... the summer. Many students work as counsellors in summer camps ... young children. Most students work... supermarkets or in fast food restau­rants. Others take jobs as messengers, delivery people or sales clerks. Occa­sionally, students work... some of these jobs during the school year as well as during the summers.