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According to nominalism, common concepts are only the names (Johannes

Roscelin, Anselm of Canterbury, William of Ockham etc.)


Doctor Angelicus, Doctor

He linked UniversChristianlisfaith with the philosophy of Aristotle.

Nature ends in grace, intelligence ends in faith, philosophical knowledge and natural theology end a supernatural revelation.

Five reasons (proofs) of God’s existence:

Proof through motion

Proof through producing cause

Proof through necessity

Proof through degrees of being and perfection

Proof through a target cause.

Works of Thomas:

Summa Theologica

Summa contra Gentiles etc.

Arab-Muslim philosophy

The main question during the development of Islamic dogma, was the question of monotheism (tawhid). The idea of monism, the unity of existence and uniqueness of the universe has become a central theme of philosophy.

As a philosophical problem unity of being was discussed in two plans: the mystical vision and rationalistic justification.

Rationalism of Islamic philosophy was expressed in the development of special teaching – Kalam.

Adherents of kalam were Mutakallims.

Among them there were two basic directions: Ascharites (followers Ashari’s theology) and Mu'tazila.

First developed conceptions of unity being proposed by Mutasillits (isolated): religious rationalists- philosophers.

Mutasillits shared attributes of God to “attributes of the self” (Ift az-zat) and “attributes of action” (Ift al-fi’l)