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The Golden Mean

Analysts at the All-Russia Research Center for Living Standards maintain that the proportion of the middle class in the country's largest cities has reached 10 percent. Smaller towns are surveyed less frequently but even there new groups of «neither poor nor rich» people have emerged, though Russian provinces are thought to be lagging behind the center both in the pace of reform and in living standards. What kind of people in average Russian cities comprise the Russian middle class? Who fits the middle class criteria? How do people get into this «golden mean» and stay there? The sociological group Sotsium is studying the middle class in provinces - their occupation, values, and lifestyle.

The general feeling in small provincial towns is one of dissatisfaction and insecurity. The following idea has become the usual way of thinking in these towns: our living standards are deteriorating, we getting less while the prospects of improving the well-being of our families ^e bleaker. This feeling to a certain extent prevents people

436 I English for Psychologists and Sociologists

from understanding their new role in the structure of society. And although social mobility in the provinces is more conservative, the boundaries of the middle class are just as mobile as expansive.

Sociologists believe that the core of the regional middle class consists of highly qualified professionals. They fit into two groups — blue collar workers and the technical intelligentsia. These groups' skills are valued on the high technology and computer software market. They are banking officers, specialists working for foreign firms or joint ventures, and entrepreneurs - owners of several small sales outlets, heads of small businesses, including medical, auto, advertising, leisure, and tourism.

Many people questioned have suddenly discovered hidden skills and their desire to achieve something and they were happy for their «lucky chance» - a newspaper ad, a meeting with a former fellow student, an idea that suddenly occurred to them, or some unexpected job offer that in the end turned their life around.

Of course, there is no universal method of getting out of the vicious circle of poverty, but the principle is just one for all - «keep moving.» According to one businessman, an ability to sell yourself is also a key factor. In his opinion, any commodity, including our intellect, needs to be promoted and advertised. However, 30-40 year old specialists, who grew up in the stagnation era, have never learned to treat their knowledge as a commodity. This, they claim, is beneath their professional dignity. As for starting from scratch, this to many means all but a failure of their entire life.

All people in the middle class that were surveyed noted that they work 12-14- hour days at a pace longer be the need for a specialist. Some of them are afraid of competition and changes in the political situation.

For the absolute majority, these fears are exaggerated. Today the middle class in the provinces has already proved its viability.

Sociology. Unit XII I 437

II. Give definitions of the following words and word- combinations:

The golden mean; blue collar workers; technical intelligentsia; joint venture; commodity; competition.

III. Find in the text synonyms for:

To appear; to conduct a poll; to worsen; welfare; border; specialist; to estimate; capacity; to reach; technique.

IV. Find in the text the following expressions:

Отставать; жизненный уровень; ценности; неудов­летворение; социальная мобильность; высоко квали­фицированные специалисты; совместное предприятие; предприниматель; малый бизнес; реклама; скрытые навыки; порочный круг; конкуренция.

V. Make up your own sentences with:

The golden mean; lifestyle; to improve well-being; social mobility; to value skills; desire to achieve something; lucky chance; unexpected job offer; universal method; professional dignity; exaggerated fears.

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