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Хобби, спорт, выходные.doc
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Speech exercises

Exercise 1. Express your own opinion

  1. What is the best way for you to relax?

  2. When do you usually have a good time?

  3. What are you interested in?

  4. How does your hobby influence your life style?

  5. What do you devote your free time to?

  6. How do you usually spend your week-ends?

  7. What do you prefer to do during your holidays?

  8. Where do you like to “go out”?

  9. What kind of sport do you go in for?

  10. What activities do you like to take part in?

Exercise 2. a) Speak about the popular hobbies in Great Britain and all over the world.

b) Speak about your hobby.

c) Speak about your own way of spending your free time and weekends.

Written tasks.

Exercise 1. Write a letter.

a) This is a part of Andy’s letter.

“... I’m starting to feel unfit! Do you do much exercise? How often do you do exercise? What should I do to get fit? I’m thinking of joining a gym. Is that a good idea? What else would you recommend?

Write soon.

Love, Andy”

b) This is a part of a letter from your English pen friend.

“… I can’t wait to come and stay with you next month. We’re going to have such a lot of fun! What do you think the weather will be like? What kind of clothes should I bring with me? How much money do I need? Have you arranged any interesting things for us to do? Let me know!

Hope to hear from you soon.



Observe the rules of letter writing.

Exercise 2. Comment on the following statement

Some people believe that “travel broadens the mind”. They believe that when you travel to other places, you experience new things and learn from them. Other people, however, argue that most people who go on holiday to other places just lie on a beach and don’t experience the local culture.

Express your opinion and give reasons for it. Give other people’s arguments and explain why they are wrong. Don’t forget to make a conclusion.