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Формы инфинитива в английском языке.






To+V1(to go, to write) I like to play often(Действие относится к неопределенному моменту)

To be +V3 I am glad to be helped

(я рад, что мне помогли)

Continuous\ Progressive

To+be+Ving I am glad to be speaking.

(я рад, что я разговариваю.)

(нет) +


To have+V3. I am glad to have seen.

( я рад, что уже повидал тебя.)

To have been +V3. I am glad to have been

told the news. (я рад, что мне уже рассказали новости.)

( в инфинитивах to не ставится после глаголов: must, can(could), may(might), shall(should),

will(would), do(did), need.А также после: to let, to make, to hear, to see, to feel, to notice, to watch, to help.

Застывшие словосочетания с инфинитивом.

To cut a long story short- короче говоря. She is pleasant to look at-на неё приятно смотреть.

To tell(you) the truth- сказать(вам) по правде.I have nothing to read-Мне нечего читать.

To say nothing of- не говоря уже о…She has nobody to speak with-Ей не с кем поговорить

To put it mildly- мягко выражаясь.What is to be done?-Что делать?

To say the least of it- по меньшей мере.Who is to blame?-Кто виноват?

To begin with- начнем с того что…I am not blame-Я не виноват.

The(book) leaves much to be desired-(книга) оставляет желать лучшего.To see is to believe-Видеть значит верить.

He is difficult to deal with-С ним трудно иметь дело.He was the first(last) to come-Он пришел первым(последним).

He is hard to please-Ему трудно угодить.It is out of the question to go there-Не может быть и речи о том, чтобы идти туда.

Формы инфинитива в английском языке.






To+V1(to go, to write) I like to play often(Действие относится к неопределенному моменту)

To be +V3 I am glad to be helped

(я рад, что мне помогли)

Continuous\ Progressive

To+be+Ving I am glad to be speaking.

(я рад, что я разговариваю.)

(нет) +


To have+V3. I am glad to have seen.

( я рад, что уже повидал тебя.)

To have been +V3. I am glad to have been

told the news. (я рад, что мне уже рассказали новости.)

( в инфинитивах to не ставится после глаголов: must, can(could), may(might), shall(should),

will(would), do(did), need.А также после: to let, to make, to hear, to see, to feel, to notice, to watch, to help.

Застывшие словосочетания с инфинитивом.

To cut a long story short- короче говоря. She is pleasant to look at-на неё приятно смотреть.

To tell(you) the truth- сказать(вам) по правде.I have nothing to read-Мне нечего читать.

To say nothing of- не говоря уже о…She has nobody to speak with-Ей не с кем поговорить

To put it mildly- мягко выражаясь.What is to be done?-Что делать?

To say the least of it- по меньшей мере.Who is to blame?-Кто виноват?

To begin with- начнем с того что…I am not blame-Я не виноват.

The(book) leaves much to be desired-(книга) оставляет желать лучшего.To see is to believe-Видеть значит верить.

He is difficult to deal with-С ним трудно иметь дело.He was the first(last) to come-Он пришел первым(последним).

He is hard to please-Ему трудно угодить.It is out of the question to go there-Не может быть и речи о том, чтобы идти туда.



To live here is very pleasant. It is time to go home. To travel by sea is pleasant thing.



Your duty is to look after your little sister. Your task is to put up the tent.



She is ready to help us. I want to come earlier today. I want to show you the house where I was born.



This is the way to do it. He brought me a book to read.


Adverbial modifier(Обстоятельство)

I have come here to talk to you. He was too old to travel any more.


Objective with the infinitive.

(объектный падеж с инфинитивом)

I want you to come earlier. I saw him cross the street.(без to: to let, to make, to hear, to see, to watch)


For-to-Infinitive construction.

(инфин-й оборот с предлогом For)

It is difficult for me to do this. The text is easy enough for you to understand.


Nominative with theInfinitive.

(именительный падеж с инфи нитивом)

They were asked to come earlier. He is sure to come soon.(когда сказуемое:To think, to know, to suppose, to hear, to see, to say, to report, to describe,to advise, to ask, to order в страд. залоге)



To live here is very pleasant. It is time to go home. To travel by sea is pleasant thing.



Your duty is to look after your little sister. Your task is to put up the tent.



She is ready to help us. I want to come earlier today. I want to show you the house where I was born.



This is the way to do it. He brought me a book to read.


Adverbial modifier(Обстоятельство)

I have come here to talk to you. He was too old to travel any more.


Objective with the infinitive.

(объектный падеж с инфинитивом)

I want you to come earlier. I saw him cross the street.(без to: to let, to make, to hear, to see, to watch)


For-to-Infinitive construction.

(инфин-й оборот с предлогом For)

It is difficult for me to do this. The text is easy enough for you to understand.


Nominative with theInfinitive.

(именительный падеж с инфи нитивом)

They were asked to come earlier. He is sure to come soon.(когда сказуемое:To think, to know, to suppose, to hear, to see, to say, to report, to describe,to advise, to ask, to order в страд. залоге)