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Употребление герундия.doc
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  1. Употребление герундия.

Герундий употребляется :

  1. после ряда глаголов Verb + -ing form

Enjoy, finish, imagine, (don't) mind, avoid, admit, deny, stop, suggest, fancy, regret, consider, involve, practice, miss, postpone, risk и др.

• после некоторых глаголов ( admit consider deny imagine report suggest ) могут

употребляться как ing- form, так и существительное и изъяснительное noun- clause с союзом that (союз может быть опущен)

verb + -ing form/noun/noun clause with that

He admitted lying to the police.

He admitted his crimes.

He admitted that he had lied to the police.

2. после ряда устойчивых выражений:

can't stand (=hate), feel like (=want/desire in/ml), give up(=stop), it’s no use/it’s no good, there is no point in…, it’s (not) worth…, (have) difficulty…, a waste of time/money…, spend/waste time money…, go+ -ing, go on (=continue), put off (=postpone),

carry on(=continue), keep or keep on(do smth continuously or repeatedly), be good at,

look forward to, be/get used to и др.

Why are you so keen on travelling?

They were looking forward to going on holiday.

He thinks this book is worth reading.

Did you have any difficulty getting visa.

It’s a waste of time explaining to him anything.

They can’t stand laughing at us.

3. в ряде конструкций после предлогов:

Preposition + gerund

After reading the book, I’d like to see the film.

You shouldn't do it without telling me.

Adjective/noun + preposition + gerund:

Are you interested in meeting with him?

We all expressed a lot of interest in meeting with him.

Verb + preposition + gerund / Phrasal verb + gerund

Insist on, succeed in, apologies for, think of/about, dream of,

approve/disapprove of, decide against,!! apologize for. !!

She insisted on coming with me to the lawyer.

He succeeded in breaking the world speed record

! I apologize! for letting you down.

Verb + object /person/personal pronoun/ + preposition + gerund

accuse of, suspect of, congratulate on, prevent from, stop ( from),

thank for, forgive for, warn against

I thanked her for being so helpful.

She accused me of reading her dairy.

Verb + preposition + object pronoun or possessive adjective+ gerund:

My boss complained about me/my arriving late last week.

She agreed on us/our sharing the room.

!! также: What about me/my coming to see you tomorrow?

Обратите внимание что:

а. после предлогов чаще используются местоимения в объектом падеже(me, us), а не притяжательные местоимения (my, our),

в. частица to может быть как предлогом, который стоит перед герундием, так и инфинитивной частицей.

We're hoping to see you this weekend. (инфинитивная частица)

We're looking forward to seeing you this weekend. (предлог)

4. Случаи употребления инфинитива и герундия после одних и тех же глаголов.

После ряда глаголов может следовать как -ing-форма, так и инфинитив.

1. В одних случаях значение предложений, как правило, не изменяется. К глаголам такого рода относятся

love, like(# enjoy), hate, prefer, begin, continue, can't bear, hate, can't stand, start, intend, propose, bother

He can't bear smoking.

I can't bear to hear that music - turn it down

2.Но значения предложений с некоторыми другими глаголами существенно меняются в зависимости от того, следует за глаголом -ing-форма или инфинитив:


be+ ing form

My favourite water sport is windsurfing.

(В данном случае герундий выступает в роли существительного, обозначающего занятие.)

be+ to - Inf

Our plan is to close the factory down next year.

to-infinitive указывает на явление в целом и описывает действие, которое совершится в будущем.

!! to-infinitive часто употребляется с такими словами: !!

plan, aim, intention, decision, solution.


remember + to - Inf = not forget (before you do it)

Did you remember to tell Sam about the meeting?

(Я помнил, что нужно сделать и сделал это. Не забыл сделать.)

remember + -ing -form = recall (after you do it)

I remember talking to him before.

(Помню, что сделал)


forget + to - inf = not remember

I have to go out. I forgot to buy a newspaper.

((Забыл и не сделал.)

forget + -ing form = not recall

I'll never forget travelling by plane for the first time.

(Забыл, что сделал)


♦ try + to - inf = attempt, do one's best

We tried to move the heavy branch to the side of the road.

I tried to open the door but it was locked.

(Попытался, приложил усилие)

try + -Ing form = do sth as an experiment

If you can't go to sleep, try drinking some milk.

I couldn't open the door so I tried using a different key.

(ради эксперимента попробовал нечто иное)


regret + to - Inf = be sorry to (этот оборот обычно употребляется

в настоящем времени

и за ним идут глаголы say, tell, inform,

часто используется в официальных сообщениях)

We regret to inform you that you have failed.

regret + -ing form = feel sorry about

He regretted selling his house.

(выражает сожаление о событиях, действиях,

совершившихся в прошлом)


stop + to - inf = stop briefly to do sth else

He stopped to fill the tank with petrol, then continued driving.

(быстро прекратил делать что-либо)

stop + -ing form = finish, give up

He stopped drinking coffee because it upset his stomach.

(прекратить, бросить делать)


go on + to - inf = then

She introduced herself and went on to talk about her new book.

(переключиться на другое дело)

go on + -ing form = continue

He went on writing letters until 10.00.

(продолжать делать начатое дело)


like + to - inf = think that sth is good or right to do

I like to pay my bills as soon as I get them.

(считать, что так поступать правильно и необходимо)

like + -ing form = enjoy (general preference)

Tom likes meeting new people.

(получать удовольствие, нравиться)

would like + to - inf = want (specific preference) (хотеть)

I would like to go to that new restaurant.


/ don't go out much. I prefer to stay at home in the evenings.

I don't go out much. I prefer staying at home in the evenings.

(Значения этих предложений очень схожи.)

Однако - I prefer staying in to going out.

(prefer doing smth to doing smth)

- I'd prefer to stay in tonight.

(Would prefer + infinitive - относится к определенной ситуации)


He began/started/continued shouting.

He began/started/continued to shout.

(Значения этих предложений очень схожи.)


♦ verb + object + to-infinitive.

♦ verb + - ing form

She advised us to come into the house.

She advised coming into the house

(Если после этих глаголов стоит дополнение !! /имя собственное или местоимение/, то следует употреблять инфинитив)

NEED/ require/want

need/require/want + to infinitive (it is necessary to do)

The carpet needs to be hoovered.

(необходимо сделать)

need/require/want + -ing form (a passive meaning, it needs to be done)

The carpet needs hoovering.

(кто-то должен совершить действие)


mean + to - inf = intend to

She means to buy a new car soon.

(намереваться сделать что-либо)

mean +-ing form = involve

She is determined to get a ticket to the concert, even if it means paying a lot of


!! ( представлять,!! что это значит)

be sorry

be sorry + to - inf = !!apologize!! for a present action

I'm sorry to say this, but your work is rather unsatisfactory.

(извинения за ситуацию в настоящем времени)

be sorry for + -ing form = !!apologize !! for an earlier action

We are sorry for keeping you waiting.

(извинения за нечто уже совершенное)

be afraid

be afraid + to - inf = the subject is unwilling to do sth

He is afraid to touch the dog in case it bites him.

!! (не хочу делать, т.к. это может быть опасно или неприятно)!!

действие еще не совершено

be afraid of + -ing form = (the subject is afraid that what is described by

the -ing form may happen)

She doesn't want to drive her father's car. She's afraid of crashing it.

(нечто неприятное вполне вероятно может произойти)