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Туризм 11 класс.doc
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4. Look through the definitions again and find the words that mean:

A not having a large effect or influence B with deeply pessimistic outlook or feeling C the quality of being light enough to be carried D journey on foot, especially through mountainous areas F a health resort near a spring or at the seaside I a fancy dock for small yachts and cabin cruisers M Informal uncommonly large P a journey to a sacred place Q a search for an alternative

5. A) Read the information again and answer the questions below.

Which type(s) of tourism

1. are the most expensive? 2. don’t involve big travel expenses? 3. put the traveller’s life at risk? 4. involve reconnecting with nature? 5. have recently become or are becoming more popular? 6. involve travelling to a remote area? 7. could involve taking part in some kinds of rituals? 8. relate to personal development: intellectual or spiritual? 9. involve visiting the sites, that have become famous after certain events? 10. don’t necessarily include travelling abroad?

b) Discuss the questions below in pairs.

Which type(s) of tourism

1. isn’t suitable for a family with young children? 2. would orderly people enjoy? 3. have you or your family enjoyed? 4. would you like to experience? 5. wouldn’t make you interested? 6. you and your partner would agree on trying together?

6. Write a definition for:

armchair tourism, coastal tourism, winter tourism, hobby tourism, shopping tourism, sports tourism


Active vocabulary: off-road

Receptive grammar: complex gerund constructions

Communicative area: summarizing, giving opinion

1. a) Work in pairs. Try to name as many jobs in tourism as you can. Use a dictionary. Compare your list with the list of your partner.

b) Would you like to have a job in tourism? Why?

c) What is your idea of a "good job"?

2. a) The people in the pictures below work as tour guides. Discuss the questions in pairs. (илл. 7.5.1-7.5.4)

What does a job of a tour guide involve? What are the main responsibilities of a tour guide? What is the most difficult part of the job?

b) Look at the pictures again. Where do you think these tour guides work? What kind of tours do they offer? What are the other places tour guides can work at?

3. a) Listen to the introduction to the interview with one of the tour guides in the pictures. Check your ideas for ex.1 and answer the following questions. Which tour guide is being interviewed? Were you right about his/her job?

b) What do the words below have to do with the tour guide’s job?

off-road, scouting the rout, degree in business, wilderness medicine, one-way flight, handlebars straightened, anecdotes

c) Listen to the interview again and take notes to summarize Andrew’s answers to the following questions.

1. Where do you work?

2. What does your job involve?

3. Why did you choose this job?

4. Did you have the appropriate education?

5. Why did you have to travel so far?

6. What is the best and the worst part in your job?