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АНГЛИЙСКИЙ__МОЙ - копия.doc
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6. Translate the words/expressions into English:

шкала (уровней) серого цвета; проверяемый (целевой) прибор; расширенный текстовый формат; справочная таблица; основной, базисный, центральный;анализ структуры программного изде- лия; открытый текст; замена «заливки» колонки текстом; не учи- тывать; соединять, объединять; язык гипертекстовой разметки; режим «Что видишь, то и получаешь»; быть слишком трудным для чьего-л. понимания; приближение; формат аудиофайлов; перестановка; подход, метод; таблица поиска; неточность, не- брежность; таблица преобразования; функциональная совмести- мость; таблица соответствия; мнение, усмотрение; с потерями информации; заполнять, набивать; тщательный, доскональный; повышать дискретизацию; переносимая сетевая графика.

7. Interpret the following abbreviations:



C. Reading and Discussion

8. Read the text. Give the title to it. Make an outline of the text and a one-sentence summary of each part.

Different operating systems have different application software, and each application normally has its own internal way of saving data. There are some standards such as CSV files for databases and RTF files for word processing text, however, tiiese are few and far between and often only save the basic information rather than the full structure. Other significant areas of incompatibility come from mainframe type applications that use EBCDIC and packed numbers to keep their data. Conversion problems can arise with any interchange system, and although networks and the Internet can mask many media and format interchange problems, data incompatibility can still remain.

Simple data conversion can be defined as me transferring of files between different operating systems or backup routines without converting the data.


Transferring data from Unix backup tapes to a Windows compat- ible CD. Unix systems use a line feed and no carriage return. In this case the line feed would be changed to a carriage return.

Transferring data between different PC backups (Ex. Sytos Plus to NT Backup).

Complex data conversion involves converting the file structure and in most cases writing the converted data to a different tape and/or operating system.


Conversion of DC600 System 36 files into Word files on a CD.

Conversion of AS400 database in fixed length EBCDIC to an ASCII comma delimited or CSV file for a PC.

Conversion of files from old typesetting system tape backups for use in more modern DTP packages.

Conversion of datasets and libraries from ICL and AS400 systems to ASA files for COM and COLD companies.

Conversion of EBCDIC database wim binary and packed fields to an ASCII comma delimited or CXV file for a PC.

CSV, EBCDIC, NT, comma, delimited, ICL.

9. Read the text and answer the questions: 1) What are the examples of conversion programs? 2) How can analog-to-digital conversion be defined? 3) What types of converters are there? Find the given words in the text and translate the sentences which contain them.

macros scratch encrypt highlight

destination discrete magnitude communication link

There are many data conversion programs on the market that support a wide number of text, database, spreadsheet and graph- ics formats. A conversion program is changing from one file type to another. If a text document, database or spreadsheet format is not supported in a packaged conversion program, the textual data within the file can be converted if the application that created it is available and it can export its contents to ASCII text; however, page format settings as well as macros and other attributes will be lost. If the application or the «export to ASCII» option is not available, the only recourse is to have a custom conversion program written from scratch. If mere is no written documentation available for the format,

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the job will be a tedious one, but it can be done unless the format is inherently encrypted.

Conversion programs such as Conversions Plus from DataViz, Inc. provide conversion between a wide variety of file formats. This example converts a Word Perfect document (.wpd) to a Word docu- ment (.doc) by simply highlighting the source file, clicking Convert and selecting the destination format. Packaged conversion programs carry forward all layout settings as long as the target format supports the same feature.

Analog-to-digital or A/D conversion is the process of changing continuously varying data, such as voltage, current, or shaft rotation, into discrete digital quantities that represent the magnitude of the data compared to a standard or reference at the moment the conversion is made. There are two types of converters: electromechanical — also called shaft- or position-to-digital — and electronic. The most common use is to change analog signals into a form that can be manipulated by a digital computer, device capable of performing a series of arithmetic or logical operations.

Modems were first used with teletype machines to send telegrams and cablegrams.

A modem or data set is a device that converts the digital signals produced by computers and terminals into analog signals that tel- ephone circuits are designed to carry and men back to digital signals at the other end of the communication link. Similarly, in digital sound recording, audio signals are transformed into digital data, which are then recorded on a magnetic or optical disk or tape; the digitized data on the recording medium men must be changed back into the analog sound signals that can be used by a stereophonic sound sys- tem. Digital-to-analog or D/A conversion is the process of changing discrete digital data into a continuously varying signal in relation to a standard or reference.

10. Translate the text into English.