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It had started out as a way to hang out at home and then go to the mall

where their other friends had the day off. Their parents were going out

of town that morning the plane left at 8:00 so the twins would be

trusted to get themselves ready for and go to school by themselves which

they had done before. The parents had left and they were not planning on

getting out of bed early except to call in a fake excuse to their

school. They had it planned perfectly, the school secretary bought their

disguised voice as their mothers and they were off and running.

Kelly took a shower first as Deborah waited in bed. As the warm water

splashed over her naked body Kelly thought of what might happen if they

were caught: would her mom ground them or even worse spank them she

shuddered at the thought of a spanking. Her mom and dad were very cool as

parents went but even though the twins were allowed many things both of

the twins had been spanked before. Kelly thought back to her last


It had been 2 yrs. ago when she had just turned 16, she had gotten in

trouble at school and instead of just accepting her detentionshe talked

back and even cursed the teacher. Boy was her mom and dad angry when they

picked her up from school. She was just expecting her mom but to see her

father also was a shock.

When they reached home the parents called her and Deborah into the

living room and her father was sitting in the old straight backed chair.

Kelly gasped she knew what that meant Kelly was about to be spanked and

in front of her sister and mom.

"Kelly I am apalled at you cursing at a teacher that is not going to be

tolerated in this house young lady" Her father scolded her.

"I am going to teach you better manners young lady

right now come over to my side Kelly" Kelly moves slowly to her fathers

side and looks down dejectedly."you know why you are going to be

punished Kelly" her father asks "Yes Daddy I was rude and disrespectful

to my teacher but do you have to spank me daddy please don’t" Kelly

looked helplessy at her mther for some support but all she got from her

mother was "kelly take down your pants your father is going to give you

a spanking" she dreaded to here these words but knows it is useless to

argue.Kelly unsnaps har jeans and pulls them down to her knees after a

stern look from both her mom and dad her fingers reach into her panties

to pull them down too.She is embarrassed to be standing ther naked from

the waist down and hopes to get this over with as she lays across her


the firm hand stung her bare flesh SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK.

"Kelly hurry up" Deborah’s voice brings Kelly back to the present and

she steps out of the shower so her sister can take hers.Deborah hops in

the shower and Kelly runs down the hall naked as she goes to get ready.

Kelly gets dressed and soon her sister joins her in their bedroom they

are so excited about getting away with cutting school. the twins are

busy when all of a sudden BAM they look out it’s their mom. Panic sets

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