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I sighed and shook my head slowly.

"This is no time for attitude, young lady. I've already decided to give you a harder spanking than I was going to. I would think you'd really want to just get over my knee and take your medicine before I decide to give you a really good, old-fashioned, can't sit down for a week walloping."

Cindy remained rooted to her spot, about three feet out of reach. I could probably have had her in a flash, but I was not going to chase her. I wanted her to submit to this spanking, that being a big part of the punishment for a head strong girl her age.

"Well, what's it going to be, young lady- Your fooling around has already cranked your spanking up one notch, so I guarantee you your poor little bottom is going to be really sorry as it is. Now, do you want to try for more, or do you want to get that naughty, little bottom of yours over my knee- And I mean right now!"

"Okay, okay, Mom, I will," she whined. "But wait a minute, okay- You asked me a question, right-"

I sighed.

"Yes, I did. But make it snappy, kiddo. If I think you're stalling again...well, I think you know what two spankings in one day feels like, comprende-"

"Okay, okay" Cindy said, fidgeting with her long, blond hair as her face reddened again. "You asked if I remember my last spa...spanking. Well, yeah I do, I guess. It was over two years ago when I was only a little girl...twelve, I think. But I also remember that after it -- or, really, after the second one that same day -- you said I was maybe getting too old and was about to be a teenager and that you weren't going to spank me anymore. Do you remember that- Because you said it, so I don't think you should be doing this now. So, who's the liar now-"

I had been expecting something like that. A mother knows her daughter, and one of Cindy's real talents is her selective memory. I scowled, looking her dead in the eye.

"You'd better watch your mouth, young lady. You know very well I said a bit more than that I wasn't ever going to spank you again. What I said was, I didn't want to have to spank you again because you were growing up, and that if you would do your part and act your age -- oh, and you were thirteen, by the way -- that I probably -- probably, got that- -- wouldn't have to spank you again. Do you remember that part-"

Cindy shuffled her feet, staring at the carpet.

"Uhm...no...or, yeah...I guess so."

"Good! Now, since you're so curious about what your poor, old mother can and can't remember, let me tell you a thing or two. First, I wish I had never said anything at all. I don't know how many times in the last two years I've let you off the hook without the good, hard spanking you deserved. You should consider yourself a very lucky little girl, because there are probably two dozen times I should have paddled that naughty little bottom of yours. But I gave you the benefit of the doubt. I wish I hadn't, because if I had spanked you like you deserved maybe you would have matured a little bit more by now and we wouldn't be having to do this now, with you fifteen years old and a junior in high school."

"But, Mother..." Cindy began.

"Quiet! I'm not done," I said. "Second, let's talk about today. What in the world got into you, anyway- I get a call at work, from the vice principle, asking if I can come down a get my daughter. I thought you were sick. But, no, he says you're being suspended -- suspended! -- for participating in a food fight at lunch. When I tell him I think that's a bit harsh and ask how many others are being suspended, he says 'none.' He goes on to explain that you started the whole thing, egged several other students on, calling them chicken and worse things -- oh, remind me to have a talk with you about your mouth...I think we need to do something about that too, a nice, big mouthful of Ivory maybe -- and then, when Mrs. Benson, the guidance counselor, tried to calm things down, you squished a piece of lemon meringue pie in her face. And then, when he finally had you in his office and asked why you did it, what did you say- You were bored. Bored! Well, young lady, let's just see if I can't alleviate a little bit of your boredom right now. And I do mean now. Come here this instant!"

I had worked myself up into a darn good, self-righteous, corporal tizzy. Cindy, apparently realizing the folly of further antagonizing the mad woman holding the hairbrush, slowly shuffled over to stand just to my right.

"Well, what are you waiting for-" I asked, knowing full well, from personal experience, how difficult it is to willingly submit to one's own spanking.

My mother was always a stickler for what she deemed "the proper formalities," of spanking, and I have borrowed her strict approach for my sessions with my daughter. It is one thing to be dragged kicking and screaming into spanking position, and then held there forcibly while the corporal sentence is imposed; this allows the culprit to later maintain she was victimized, and that if Mom or Dad wasn't so big and strong, well, the whole thing would have turned out differently, confusing just whose "fault" the spanking was. Mother much preferred that the culprit willfully submit, accepting her own blame for the dire predicament in which she found herself. A spanking is caused by the naughtiness of the spankee, with the spanker merely fulfilling a duty. I had raised Cindy that way, and was not about to change now.

"Okay, okay," muttered Cindy, as she bent forward, across my lap and began to settle herself down into the classic position. "I'm sorry, Mother," she said, her tone dripping with phony contrition, "Don't spank me too hard...okay-" She was all the way settled, her jeans clad rear end posed enticingly. But there was one, little problem.

"Hmmph!" I snorted. "Let's see now...what's wrong with this picture-"


"Cynthia Jane," I said, "I asked you a question...what's wrong with this picture-"

She looked back up at me, all wide-eyed innocence.

"What-" she asked. "What do you mean- I'm here. I'm ready. Come on, I want to get this over with."

She emphasized her demand with a little shake of her butt.

It was more than I could resist.

Whack! Crack! Whack! Smack!........

About a dozen times, hard and fast, I spanked, alternating cheeks, aiming dead center.

"Whooooooooa! Waaaaiiiit!" Cindy squealed. "Owwww! Stop that! Not so hard! Stop it right now!"

She looked back up at me, her brow furrowed and her face flushed.

"Wait a minute!" She demanded. "What are you doing- You never used to spank me that hard. Geez! That hurt! What's wrong with you, anyway-"

I pressed the back of the hairbrush firmly against her quivering right bottom cheek. I paused for effect. When I spoke, it was calmly and coolly.

"You know very well what's wrong, young lady. But if you want to play games, well and good. Fine. Those spanks did not count. Neither will any of these..."

I duplicated my earlier corporal effort, just as fast and just as hard.

Cindy squalled her displeasure and went stiff as a board, her legs extended straight out to her rear and her upper torso likewise. She looked at me, her fists clenched.

"That hurt!" She complained. "I told you, not so hard! And why don't they count- Of course they count! They were spanks, weren't they- And hard ones too! Owwwww!" She keened, wriggling her backside as if in severe discomfort. I knew better.

"You think you're pretty smart, huh-" I asked, the brush again pressed to her behind. "Or do you just think I'm stupid- You know very well this is not how we do it. Now, are you going to get up and do this right, or do I have to spank a hole right through these jeans of yours...at which time, by the way, and only at which time, your actual spanking will commence- What'll it be, Kiddo-"

I raised the hairbrush, poised to strike.

"Wait! Wait! Don't!" demanded Cindy, her nether quarters flattened against my thighs and her right hand back, protecting her right bottom cheek.

I hesitated, waiting as instructed. Cindy held her breath, then exhaled long and slow. She relaxed, her body draped limply over my lap. Knowing how hard it is to override one's pride, I gave her the moment or two she needed.

"Okay, I'll do it," she said as she pushed up and off my lap, to stand again to my right, pouting, with both hands busy soothing her behind.

"Uh-uh, young lady! No rubbing! We haven't even started yet," I reminded her. "Now, let's try it again, shall we-"

Cindy's hands went to the snaps at the front of her jeans.

"Please, Mom, do I have to- Just this once, can't I keep them on- Please-"

I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"Well, now I've heard everything," I said. "Who ever heard of a naughty, little girl getting to keep her pants on for a spanking, especially as good a spanking as this one is going to be- Hmmm- I certainly haven't. Every spanking I've ever been involved in was bare bottomed. Why should this one be any different-"

"Well, because..." Cindy stared at the floor, her fingers fiddling with the front of her jeans, "because...oh, I don't know...because, oh, because I'm older now. I'm fifteen, and anyway, that damn...oops! I mean that darn brush hurts enough on my jeans. Please, Mother, just this once, okay- Then, if you ever want to spank me again, we can do it on my ba...bare bot...bottom, okay- I promise. Okay-"

She gave me her best, "I'm a little girl who loves her mommy so very, very much," pout.

"And you didn't get the lead in the class play..." I mused, shaking my head slowly. "Very impressive. Oscar caliber performance, I would say. Too bad it was wasted. And it was, you know, because the simple fact, young lady, is that I am in charge here. Not you. You are getting spanked. I'm your mother and you will do as I say. I don't have to give you a single reason why your bottom will be bare for this spanking. But I will give you one anyway, okay- And that one reason is this...I like it that way. Pure and simple. I want to spank your bare bottom. Your -- bare -- bottom. Got that- I hope so, because if you waste any more of my time, you will pay the price, and that will be another spanking tonight, and then more spankings every night for a week. Oh, and in case you have any doubt at all, every single one of those spankings will also be with this very hairbrush, on your sassy, bare behind. There, I hope I've made myself perfectly clear."

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