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Exercise 8. Say where the reflexive pronoun is part of the predicate and where it is an object or a predicative.

1. On my estate, we pride ourselves on other things besides hay. (Erskine) 2. She paused, her eyes never leaving my face. "I shall always blame myself for the accident." (Du Maurier) 3. She raised herself suddenly in the tall chair, and looked straight at him. (Erskine) 4. Dick found himself walking in the direction of his friend Mike's place. (Lindsay) 5. It was a Tuesday. My lady wasn't quite herself that afternoon. (Mansfield) 6. He felt himself j unusually on edge, unable to maintain the impersonally smug tone of Stephenson. (Lindsay) 7. Mrs. Danvers showed herself at last. (Du Maurier)

Exercise 9. Point out the predicative and say by what it is expressed.

1. Annette was completely dazed. (Murdoch) 2. Their highest concept of right conduct, in his case, was to get a job. (London) 3. I'm five foot eleven in my socks. (Braine) 4. Sally, herself, was quite content for a while to enjoy becoming acquainted with her son, washing and feeding him, taking him for walks in thej bush, singing him to sleep. (Prichard) 5. Mr. de Morfe was as; generous and hail-fellow-well-met with them as ever.' (Prichard)\ 6. I am cold. And I always was such a one for being warm.» (Mansfield) 7. Your resemblance to your mother is very striking.] (Murdoch) 8. He did not answer. I was aware again of that feeling] of discomfort. (Du Maurier) 9. I hated myself. My question had been degrading, shameful. (Du Maurier) 10. Their interests were' hers as well as the interests of everybody. (Prichard) 11. He's a good chap. He makes you feel it's worth while being alive. I (Lindsay) 12. Arrived here, his first act was to kneel down on a| large stone beside the row of vessels, and to drink a copious draught from one of them. (Lindsay) 13. Either course seemed unthinkable, without any connection with himself. (Lindsay) 14. The nightmare of my life has come true. We are in danger of our lives. We are white people in a Chinese city. (Buck) 15. The best thing is for you to move in with me and let the young lady stay with your mother. (Abrahams) 16. But she was herself again, brushing her tears away. (Lindsay) 17. The rest of the time was yours. (Douglas) 18. How do you feel physically? (Ch. Bronte] 19. Who are you? (Shaw) 20. The Irish are a philosophic as well as a practical race. Their first and strongest impulse is to make the best of a bad situation. (Dreiser)

Exercise 10. Use the adjective or adverb.

1. Catherine smiled at me very __ (happy, happily) (Hemingway) 2. I felt very __ myself, (good, well) (Hemingway) 3. I felt __ when we started, (terrible, terribly) (Hemingway) 4. He sounded __ and __. (brisk, briskly; cheerful, cheerfully) (Priestley) 5. It wil sound __. (strange, strangely)' (Dickens) 6. The hay smelled __ (good, well) (Hemingway) 7. I write English __ (bad, badly); (Ch. Bronte) 8. I looked at her __ (attentive, attentively) (Ch. Bronte) 9. But don't look __, my little girl. It breaks my heart, (sad, sadly) (Ch. Sront'e) 10. He was looking at me __ and __ (grave, gravely; intent, intently) (Ch. Bronte) 11. It [the wine] tasted very __ after the cheese and apple, (good, well) (Hemingway) 12. The brandy did not taste __ (good, well) (Hemingway) 13. The pistol felt __ on the belt, (heavy, heavily) (Hemingway) 14. Silas received the message __. (mute, mutely) (Eliot) 15. I thought he looked __ (suspicious, suspiciously) (Hemingway)

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