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Verbickij d.A. Primenenie gelja karboksimetilcelljulozy dlja profilaktiki spajkoobrazovanija V brjushnoj polosti: dis. … k.M.N. Sankt-Peterburg 2004; 32-40.

Mashfort M.L., Kuper M.G., Kohen M.L. i dr. Bol' i analgezija: Sprav. praktikujuwego vracha. M: Litterra 2004; 488.

Plechev V.V., Kornilaev P.G., Shavaleev P.P. Hirurgicheskoe lechenie bol'nyh posleoperacionnymi ventral'nymi gryzhami. Ufa: Izd-vo «Bashkortostan» 2000; 152.

Shalaleev R.R. Kompleksnyj metod diagnostiki, lechenija i profilaktiki posleoperacionnyh ventral'nyh gryzh, sochetannyh so spaechnoj bolezn'ju brjushiny. Avtoref. dis. … d-ra. med. nauk. M 2006; 280.

Experience in managing patients with hemangiomas and extensive

angiodysplasias of the head and neck.


Voronezhskaja gosudarstvennaja medicinskaja akademija im. N.N.Burdenko

The authors have represented the experience of endovascular treatment of large hemangiomas and angiodysplasias of face and neck, existing approaches to the treatment of this pathology have been reviewed. Using the method of selective endovascular microembolization of afferent vessels in the complex treatment of hemangiomas and angiodysplasias of face and neck with their complicated anatomical location and disease recurrence after previous treatment has been evaluated.

Keywords: hemangioma, diagnosing, treatment

List of references:

Bernadskij Ju.I. Gemangiomy lica i polosti rta. Zdorovja 1970; 5: 302-310.

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Doguzhieva R.M. Diagnostika i lechenie angiodisplazij golovy i shei: Avtoref. dis. … kand. med. nauk. M 1994; 37.

Krakovskij N.I., Taranovich V.A. Gemangiomy: diagnostika i lechenie. M: Medicina 1974; 176.

Sitnikov A.V. Kombinirovannoe hirurgicheskoe lechenie arteriovenoznoj angiodisplazii golovy i shei. Vrach 2002; 5: 25-26.

Ciklin I.L. Primenenie maloinvazivnyh jendovaskuljarnyh metodov v kombinirovannom lechenii vrozhdennyh arteriovenoznyh angiodisplazij golovy i shei: avtoref. dis. … kand. med. nauk. M 2006; 28.

Jargiello T. i dr. Angiodisplazii verhnih konechnostej. Diagnostika i sravnenie dupleksnogo skanirovanija s angiografiej. Angiologija i sosudistaja hirurgija 2000; 6: 1: 34-41.

Jain V. et al. Congenital vascular anomalies: Case report and biological classification system. Indian J Radiol Imaging 2002; 12: 4: 527-529.

Study of safety of using high-pressure hydro-pulse sanitization of the abdomen in an experiment.


Voronezhskaja gosudarstvennaja medicinskaja akademija im. N.N.Burdenko

The article considers the influence of high pressure Hydro-Pulse treatment of the abdominal cavity on the intensity of lipid peroxidation, the severity of endotoxemia, the state system of regulation of the state of blood aggregation from healthy animals. Experiments were carried out on 90 white rats in the 5 study groups: 3 control and 2 experimental.

Key words: high-pressure hydro-pulse flow, sanitization of the abdominal cavity

List of references:

Briskin B.S., Hachatrjan N.N., Savchenko Z.I. i dr. Lechenie tjazhjolyh form rasprostranjonnogo peritonita. Hirurgija 2003; 8: 56-59.

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Gostiwev V.K., Afanas'ev A.N. Peritonit – kompleksnoe lechenie i profilaktika posleoperacionnyh oslozhnenij. Mat. II Vseros. konf. obwih hirurgov. Rostov-na-Donu 2003; 10-12.

Malkov I.S., Shajmandarov R.Sh., Zajnutdinov A.M. Metodologicheskie aspekty laparoskopicheskoj sanacii pri rasprostranjonnom peritonite. Vest hirurgii 2003; 162: 2: 28-31.

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