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№1 - Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple.

1. My working day (to begin) at seven o'clock. I  (to get) up, (to switch) on the radio and (to do) my morning exercises. It (to take) me fifteen minutes. At half past seven we (to have) breakfast. My father and I (to leave) home at eight o'clock. He (to take) a bus to his factory. My mother (to be) a doctor, she (to leave) home at nine o'clock. In the evening we (to gather) in the living room. We (to watch) TV and (to talk).

№ 2 - 1. My sister (to get) up at eight o’clock. 2. She (to be) a schoolgirl. She (to go) to school in the afternoon. 3. Jane (to be) fond of sports. She (to do) her morning exercises every day. 4. For breakfast she (to have) two eggs, a sandwich and a cup of tea. 5. After breakfast she (to go) to school. 6. It (to take) him two hours to do his homework. 7. She (to speak) French well

№3 - Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple.

1. What time Andrea usually (to get) up? 2. When she (to catch) the bus? 3. She (to take) a shower in the morning? 4. She (to go) home for lunch? 6. When she (to go) swimming? 7. How she (to get) to the pool? 8. What she (to do) on Saturday evenings?

№4 - Вставьте do или does. 1. ...  you sleep well? – Yes, I ... . 2. ... your sister wash the plates? – Yes, she ... .   3. What ... the teacher ask you to do?  4. ... Kitty read English books? – Yes, she ... .  5. He ... not like porridge.  6. We ... not go to school in summer.

№5 - Переведите на английский язык, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple.

(ОБЫЧНО) 1. Я работаю. 2. Мы работаем. 3. Они не работают. 4. Вы работаете? - Да. 5. Он работает? - Нет. Он учится. 6. Мой брат не учится. Он работает. 7. Ты носишь очки? 9. Он любит читать фантастику? 10. Она любит играть на скрипке? 11. Моя сестра не читает книг. 12. Наша бабушка любит спать на диване. 13. Вы любите отдыхать  в кресле? 14. Мы едим и пьем в кухне. 15. Мой брат не любит читать газеты. 21. Я трачу свои карманные деньги на мороженое. 22. Он читает все время и не любит смотреть телевизор. 

№6 A Rainy day

When Mr Smith (1 - get up) in the morning the weather was very bad. It (2 - be) cold outside and it (3 - rain) heavily. He was about to leave for his office when he (4 - find) that all his umbrellas (5 - be) out of order. So he (6 - take) his umbrellas to the umbrella-maker and (7 - say) that he (8 - come) back and take them in the evening. In the afternoon Mr Smith (9 - go) to have lunch at a restaurant. A lady (10 - come) in, (11 - sit) down at his table and they (12 - have) lunch for about 15 minutes. Mr Smith (13 - leave) earlier. By mistake Mr Smith (14 - take) her umbrella and (15 - go) to the door. However, the lady (16 - ask) him to give her umbrella back. "Oh, I (17 - be) sorry," (18 - say) Mr Smith. In the evening Mr Smith (19 - take) his umbrellas from the umbrella-maker and (20 - get) on the train. The young lady (21 - be) on the same train too. Suddenly Mr Smith heard a voice, "Oh, you have had a very successful day, haven’t you?"? She (22 - look) at his umbrellas and (23 - smile).

№7 Раскройте скобки, употребляя гла­голы в Present или Past Simple

1. I (to go) to bed at 12 o'clock every day. 2. I (to go) to bed at 11 o'clock yesterday. 3. We (not to rest) yesterday. 4. I (not to drink) cof­fee yesterday. 5. She always (to take) a bus to get to work, but yesterday she (not to take) a bus. Yesterday she (to walk) to her office. 6. You (to talk) to your family every day? - Yes, I .... But yesterday I (not to talk) to them: I (to be) very busy yesterday. 7. You (to come) home at six o'clock yesterday? - - No, I .... Yes­terday I (to come) home from work at half past eight. I (to be) very tired. I (to have) dinner with my family. After dinner I (to be) very thirsty. I (to drink) two cups of tea. Then I (to rest). 8. Your sister (to go) to school every day? - - Yes, she .... .9 My friend (to know) Spanish very well. 9. Who (to ring) you up an hour ago? 10. He (to live) on the third floor. 11. It (to take) you long to find his house yesterday? 12. When your lessons (to be) over on Monday? 13. Her friends (to be) ready at five o'clock. 14. They (to make) a tour of Europe last summer. 15. Queen Elizabeth II (to be) born in 1926. She (to become) Queen of England in 1952. 16. You always (to get) up at seven o'clock? — No, sometimes I (to get) up at half past seven.

N8 - Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present или  Past Simple

1. His sister (to study) English every day. 2. She (to study) English two years ago. 3. You (to come) home at six o'clock yesterday? - No, I ... . Yesterday I (to come) home from school at half past eight. I (to be) very tired. I (to have) dinner with my family. After dinner I (to be) very thirsty. I (to drink) two cups of tea. Then I (to rest). 4. I (to go) to bed at ten o'clock every day. 5. I (to go) to bed at ten o'clock yesterday. 6. My brother (to wash) his face every morning. 7. Yesterday he (to wash) his face at a quarter past seven. 8. I (not to have) history lessons every day. 9. We (not to rest) yesterday. 10. My brother (not to drink) coffee yesterday.

№9 - Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Continuous или Present Simple.

1. His father (not to watch) TV at the moment. He (to sleep) because he (to be) tired. 2. Pat (not to cook) dinner at the moment. She (to talk) dinner every Monday. 3. I (not to drink) coffee now. I (to write) an English exercise. 4. I (not to drink) coffee in the evening. I (to drink) coffee in the morning. 5. Your friend (to do) his homework now? 6. Look! The baby (to sleep). 7. The baby always (to sleep) after dinner. 8. They (to want) publish this book in July? 9. She (to think) he (to drive) dangerously. 10. He (to understand) that he (to eat) noisily, but he always (to forget) about it. 11. Who that man (to be) who (to stand) in the doorway? 12. I (to have) no time now, I (to have) dinner. 13. Your family (to leave) St. Petersburg in summer? – Yes, we always (to go) to the seaside. We all (to like) the sea. Mother (to stay) with us to the end of August, but father (to return) much earlier. 14. Where Tom and Nick (to be) now? – They (to have) a smoke in the garden.

№10 Open the brackets, use Past Simple or Past Continuous

1) At this time yesterday I (sit) at the lecture. 2) He (come) back to St. Petersburg on the 15th of January. 3) He (to surf) a net when I (to come) in. 4) When I (look) at them, they (smile) at me. 5) What you (do) at six o'clock yesterday? 6) I (go) to bed at half past eleven. 7) Yesterday the classes (finish) at 5 o'clock. 8)  The cat (take) a piece of fish and (run) away. 9) Yesterday I (get) up at seven o'clock. 10) The train (start) at fifteen minutes to ten. 11) He (put) on his coat and cap, (open) the door and (go) out. 1 (feed) my cat with fish yesterday. 12) What you (do) at four o'clock yesterday? — I (feed) my cat. 13) What your brother (do) yesterday? - He (play) computer games. 14) I (begin) re­pairing my camera at six o'clock yesterday. 15) Nobody (listen) while the teacher (explain) the theme. 16) While Tom (read), Amely (watch) a film on TV. 17) Kate (not go) out yesterday. She (write) a term-paper the whole day yesterday. 18) When your brother (come) home yesterday? He (come) home at seven o'clock. 19)The boys (swim) while the girls (sunbathe). 20) As long as one group (prepare) dinner, the others (collect) wood for their campfire. 21) When Mike and Jane (paint) the walls, their dog (knock) over the paint pot.

№11 Open the brackets for the author and the tenant. Who is the real Sherlock Holmes? Write his remarks

Two days ago, a murder happened in Market Street at about seven pm.

Yesterday Sherlock Holmes (arrive) at the crime scene to investigate.

He (ask) one of the tenants in the house.

- What you (do) yesterday at seven?

- I (watch) a football match on TV.

- You (be) alone?

- Yes, I (be)

- You (hear) anything suspicious (подозрительное)?

- Yes, about seven o'clock, two people (argue) in the hallway. But the football match was so interesting. So I just (turn) up the telly and then (not hear) anything anymore.

№ 12 Несчастный случай

Это была очень уютная и чистая кухня. Солнце сияло (shine) сквозь чистые стекла, пол блестел (glitter), на плите кипел (boil) чайник, и толстый черный любимец миссис Браун сладко спал (sleep sweetly) на подоконнике (sill). Миссис Браун сидела в кресле и читала sat in an armchair reading. Вдруг сильный взрыв потряс (shake) маленький домик. Миссис Браун взглянула (glance) в окно. По улице бежали люди. Кто-то крикнул (shout): "Это на фабрике! Котел взорвался (explodе)!"

Миссис Браун побледнела (get pale), закрыла (cover) лицо руками и опустилась (drop) в кресло. Ее муж работал в котельной.

"Я была was ему плохой женой", - подумала она. - "Только вчера я выбранила (reprove) его за то, что он не вытер* (wipe) ноги, когда вошёл** в кухню. А теперь я его никогда не увижу*".

Хлопнула (bange)дверь, кто-то вошел (enter) в комнату.

"Не плачь, Мэри!" – услышала heard она голос мужа. - "Ничего особенного не случилось*. Никто не пострадал (suffer)."

Миссис Браун подняла голову.

"О, Стивен!" – сказала said она. - "Сколько раз я тебе говорила*: вытирай ноги, когда входишь enter в дом"

№ 13 1) Вчера в это время я обедал.

2) Я шёл домой, когда встретил его.

3) Генри пришёл домой, включил компьютер и получил почту.

4) Вчера в 5 часов Элен варила обед.

5) Он проснулся и взглянул на часы.

6) Когда я вошёл, она читала журнал.

7) Папа вошёл, огляделся и велел (tell) мне убрать (tidy) комнату.

8) Когда учитель ответнулся, он передал ей записку.

9) Вчера я заснул, когда (while) смотрел телевизор.

№ 14 Can apes speak?

People communicate with languages and teach languages to computers. Could animals be taught language? May be they don’t speak because nobody has ever tried to teach them. But if to try, what will they speak us about themselves and about outselves? Since 1970-ies the researchers have startered the experiments.

When people go to the zoo, the animals that often seem the most interesting are the apes - chimpanzees, gorillas, etc. We regard apes as the ‘cleverest’ animals so much of their behaviour seems to be similar to human one. They are among the only four animal species recognozing their reflections. The apes are very social animals. They make friends with each other and bring up their children up to 15. Young apes often look after younger brothers or sisters. Apes can even lie to each other. Jane Goodall 1 observe chimps in the nature for 30 years. She 2 describe the episode when a chimp had seen bananas. The chimp knew, that it couldn’t restrain food shout at the sight of bananas. So it bypassed bananas, trying not to come nearer. She 3 wait. When everyone had left, she 3 approach and 4 start eating. Here is another episode. The leader of the chimp group was frightened and his facial expression changed. His lips formed a grin which is the sign of fear at monkeys. Not to loose his leadership the chimp 5 turn away from his relatives, and to make his expression ordinary he 6 pull his lips with the hands for a while. Only after correcting his features, he turned back to the group. Because just apes in the nature seem in many ways similar to people, the researches chose them for teaching human language.

Unlike parrots, apes haven’t voice means (средства) to simulate the human speech. It was decided to teach them ASL (American sign language), that deaf people use. This language consists of hand and body signs. The results were sucsessful. The apes 7 learn from 400 to 1000 words comparing with 2000 words of human everyday life. They used the simpliest grammar structures. They could communicate with people for half an hour, use words in new ways to describe new situations, understand cause and effect. Moreover they could express with their new language quite complicated feelings.

The most talented pupil was gorilla Koko. One day Koko’s trainer 8 come into the bathroom, when Koko 9 tear a sponge. This was something Koko was not allowed to do and she knew it. Koko’s trainer looked at the sponge and said, “What’s this?” Koko used the sign for “Trouble”. She did not reply, “A torn sponge”. Instead, she described the result of her action. This shows that Koko 10 understand cause and effect. More amazing is this story: Koko was asked which of two people she liked best. Both people were in the room. Koko looked from one to the other and replied, “Bad question”, showing sensitivity (неравнодушие) to their feelings. These discoveries caused some unexpected problems. The San Francisco zoo 11 try to take Koko back for a whole year. But Koko’s trainer 12 refuse to give her back. She said that Koko had become an individual, whose individual rights were more important than the zoo’s property (собственность) rights.

The same facts caused different opinions. Some reseachers consider that apes can speak, the other researchers disagree. These are their arguments. None of the apes ever taught another ape to sign. Although some female chimps 13 have babies during the experiment, the baby chimps never 14 learn sign language from their mothers. Humans, however, always pass on language to their children. The most striking difference between human and chimpanzee language is the fact that the chimps needed long and repeated training. When parents speak to children they do not repeat the same word for months, or reward the child with a chocolate bar or a banana each time the child responds correctly. Young children need no special training for learning to speak.

There were different kinds of experiments with the apes, taught ASL. In one of the experiments the photos of people and apes were spread before the chimp, including the portraits of her relatives. The chimp was suggested to sort the photos in two piles. She put all the people in one pile and all the apes in another, including her relatives. The chimp put her own photo to people. While she 15 sort, she 16 comment her actions. Putting any human portrait to the people it signed: “Man”. Putting any ape portrait to the apes it signed “ape”. Putting its own portrait to the people it signed “I speak”.

№15 - Раскройте скобки, употребляя Past Simple или Past Continuous

1. I (to go) to the cinema yesterday. 2. I (to go) to the cinema at four o’clock yesterday. 3. I (to go) to the cinema when you met me. 4. I (to do) my homework the whole evening yesterday. 5. I (to do) my homework when mother came home. 6. I (to do) my homework yesterday. 7. I (to do) my homework from five till eight yesterday. 8. I (to do) my homework at six o’clock yesterday. 9. I (not to play) the piano yesterday. 10. I (not to play) the piano at four o’clock yesterday. I (to read) a book.


A (an) – Indefinite Article, неопределённый артикль

Восходит к числительному «one», поэтому используется только с существительным в единственном числе

1 – Относит предмет или явление к разряду подобных, может быть заменён на «один из», «какой-нибудь»

He is a student Give me a pen


2 –при первом упоминании предмета или лица

They live in a new house

3 – с глаголами для выражения кратковременного действия

to have a talk to give a smile

4 – для обозначения временного промежутка в значении «один»

in a minute for a while

TheDefinite Article, определённый артикль

Восходит к местоимению «this», правильность постановки может проверяться заменой на «this»


1 – Если существительное ранее упоминалось

For lunch I had a sandwich and an apple. The sandwich wasnt very good

2 – Eсли из ситуации или контекста ясно, о ком или о чём речь

I cleaned the car yesterday (= my car) Is the coffee hot? (this coffee)

3 – если существительное имеет ограничительное определение

Did Ann get the job she applied for?

4 – если перед существительным стоит прилагательное в превосходной степени

It’s the funniest book I’ve ever read

5 – с единственными в своём роде существительными

the earth, the sun, the moon, the universe

6 – для обозначения специалистов, музыкальных инструментов и некоторых учреждений

the doctor, the guitar, the bank

Артикль не употребляется

1 – с существительными во множественном числе для отнесения к разряду (там где с единственным числом употреблялся бы “a”)

We are students

2 – с существительными в обобщённом смысле (можно заменить на

«любой», «любые»)

Hares like carrots Libraries are available now in the Net

3 – в устойчивых выражениях

at school, at home, go home, come home, to have breakfast, for dinner

№ 16 While the auto waits (after O’Henry)

  1 __ girl in grey came again to that quite corner of 2 __ park. She sat down on 3 __ bench and began to read 4 __ book. She had come here at 5 __ same hour on 6 __ previous day, and on 7 __ day before that, and there was 8 __ young man who new it. 9 __ young man came nearer. At that moment her book fell on 10__ ground. 11__ young man picked up 12 __ book and returned it to 13 __ girl, saying 14 __ few words about 15 __ weather and stood waiting. 16 __ girl looked at his simple coat and his common face.

“You may sit down, if you like,” she said. “17 __ light is too bad for reading. I should like to talk”.

“Do you know,” he said, “that you are 18 __ finest girl I have seen.”

“Whoever you are,” said 19 __ girl in 20 __ icy tone, “you must remember that I am 21 __ lady.”

“I beg you pardon,” said 22 __ young man, but – “

“Let's change 23 __ subject. I come here to seat because it is here that I can be near the masses of people. I speak to you because I want to speak to 24 __natural man. Oh! You don’t know how tired I am of all these – 25 __dinners, 26__ trips, 27__ parties. I am tied of 28 __pleasure, of 29 __travel.”

“I always had 30__ idea,” said 31__ young man, “that money can be 32 __ very good thing.”

“When you have so many millions! 33 __theatres, 34__ balls, 35__ suppers! I am tired of it,” said 36 __ young girl.

37 __ young man looked at her with 38 __interest. “Sometimes, continued 39 __ girl, I think if I ever loved 40 __ man I would love 41 __ simple man. What are you?”

“I am 42 __ very simple man. But I hope to rise in 43 __ world. I work at 44 __ restaurant.”

45The girl drew back. “I’m 46 __ cashier at 47 __ restaurant you see there with that brilliant electric sign.”

The girl looked at her watch and rose. “Why are you not at 48 __work?” she asked.

“I am on night shift,” said 49 __ young man, “may I hope to see you again?”

  “I don’t know. I must go now. Oh, there’s 50 __dinner and 51 __ concert to-night. Perhaps you noticed 52 __ white auto at 53 __ corner of 54 __ park when you came?”

  “Yes, I did,” said the young man.

“I always come in it,” 55 __ girl said,” 56 __ driver is waiting for me there. Good night.”

“But it is dark now,” said young man. “May I accompany you to 57 __ car?”

“You will remain on 58 __ bench for ten minutes after I have left.”

  And she went away. 59 __ young man looked at her elegant figure while she was going to 60 __ entrance of 61 __ park. Then he rose and followed her. When she reached 62 __ park gate, she turned her head to look at 63 __ car, then passed it, crossed 64 __ street and entered 65 __ restaurant. A red-haired girl left 66 __ cashier’s desk and 67 __ girl in grey took her place.

  68 The young man walked slowly down 69 __ street. He got into 70 __ white car and said to 71 __ driver: “Club, Henry.”



How would you describe a person who

1- likes to talk with other people?

2- looks on the bright sight of things?

3- gives his or her property free to other people?

4- looks on the black sight of things?

5 - avoids communicating?

6 - never lends money?

7 - has a high opinion of himself and low of others?

8 - easily flies into a rage?

9 - tells the truth to others

10 - is practical in approach to life?

11 - never praises himself?

12 - is dreamy in approach to life?

What would you think of the person who says

1 - Ladies first!

2 – I can’t control myself when I should keep quiet

3 – I’m not easily put off if I have made up my mind

4 – Darling! I am never crossed with you, be it clothes, money, a car

5 – I always feel sorry with people who are in trouble

6 – I just love cucumbers with milk, Picasso’s paintings and faces with freckles

7 – I have got used to twelve hours work every day

8 – Whatever you may ask me to do for you, I will do it

Guess the animal bee, cat, cricket (сверчок), dog, dog, donkey, fox, owl (сова)

As cunning as a ___, as busy as a ___, as obstinate as a ____, as wise as an ____, lazy _____, jolly____, as merry as a______, as melancholy as a____

Describe with three traits your ideal friend, chief, neighbor, wife, husband, tell which trait you can’t put up with

“This person should be ___, ____, ____” “This person shouldn’t be ___, ____, ____”

сheerful, merry - весёлый

bore - скучный

calm - тихий

composed уравновешенный

hot/quick/short-tempered вспыльчивый

(dis)obidient (не)послушный

еasy-going – легкомысленный

touchy обидчивый

arrogant надменный

boastful хвастливый

modest скромный

self-assured – самоуверенный

proud – гордый

quick-minded, bright – сообразительный

smart – толковый

witty – остроумный

wise – мудрый

deep – увлечённый

gifted – одарённый

ordinary –заурядный

awkward – неуклюжий, неловкий

timid – застенчевый

оbstinaate –упрямый

stubborn – упорный

persistent – настойчивый

amiable – дружелюбный

faithful - верный

frank – откровенный

honest – честный

sincere – искренний

sympathetic – сочувствующий

(un)reliable – (не)надёжный

sociable – общительный

cunning – хитрый

gentle – мягкий, учтивый

rude – грубый

kind – добрый

wicked – злой

generous – щeдрый, великодушный

greedy – жадный

Industrious – трудолюбивый

lazy – ленивый

Idle – бездельник

Worldly практичный