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4.Преобразуйте предложения, воспользовавшись инфинитивом или инфинитивным оборотом и словами в скобках, если они даны. Письменно переведите полученные предложения на русский язык.

1. He said: “Avoid turning off the main power while the computer is running”.

He told us to avoid turning off the main power while the computer is running

Он сказал нам, чтобы мы избегали выключения главного источника питания во время работы компьютера

2. Some molecules are large. They could be seen on the electron microscope (enough).

Some molecules are large enough to be seen on the electron microscope

Некоторые молекулы достаточно велики, чтобы их можно было увидеть в электронный микроскоп

3. It was important that the researchers fulfilled their work in time (for).

It was important for the researchers to fulfill their work in time

Исследователям было важно выполнить работу вовремя.

4. The system is the first one that tells us if someone tries to get into the system.

The system is the first one to tell us if someone tries to get into the system

Система первой сообщает нам, если кто-то пытается войти в систему.

5. It appears that my monitor screen flickers.

My monitor screen appears to flicker

Оказывается, что моего монитора мерцает изображение

5.Перепишите предложения, употребив нужную форму прилагательного (much – many, (a)little – (a) few). Письменно переведите предложения на русский язык.

    1. Few days later I again tried to reset the parameters.

Через несколько дней, я вновь попытался переустановить параметры.

    1. A few free ISPs also offer Web-based mail.

Немногие свободные поставщики интернет-услуг также предлагаютоснованную на интернет-технологиипочту

    1. It takes little time for the ISP’s modem to answer the call.

На то чтобы принять вызов у модема поставщика интернет-услуг уходит мало времени

    1. How can one network offer so much information to so many people.

Как может одна сеть предоставлять так много информации стольким многим людям

    1. If the hard disk crashes many of your data is lost permanently.

Если жёсткий диск выходит из строя, то вы навсегда потеряете многие данные

6. Прочтите и письменно переведите текст. Dsl and isdn

Although the standard equipment provided by telephone company limits the amount of data you can transmit and receive over a voiceband modem, the copper wire that runs from your wall jacks to the switching station actually has a fair amount of capacity. DSL and ISDN take advantage of this capacity to offer high-speed digital communication links for voice and data.

DSL (Digital Subscriber Line) is a high-speed, digital, always-on Internet access technology that runs over standard phone lines. It is one of the fastest Internet connections that are affordable to individual consumers. Several variations of this technology exist, including ADSL (asymmetric DSL, with downstream speed faster than upstream speed). DSL is digital, so data doesn’t need to be changed into analog form and then back to digital as it does when you use a dial-up connection.

A DSL connection can simultaneously carry voice and data, if permitted by your DSL provider. The digital data and analog voice signals travel over DSL line to the local switching station. There the voice signals are transferred to the telephone company’s regular lines.

The speed of a DSL connection varies according to the characteristics of your telephone line, the equipment at your local switch and your distance from the switching station.

ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) connections move data at speed that is not as fast as DSL or cable Internet service. As with DSL, ISDN is an all-digital service with the potential to simultaneously carry voice and data. A device called ISDN terminal adapter connects a computer to a telephone wall jack and translates the computer’s digital signals into signals that can travel over the ISDN connection. ISDN service is typically regarded as a high-speed Internet connection option for businesses that maintain small LANs.